鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 26
CSR连手UEI采用Bluetooth Smart遥控家庭娱乐设备 (2014.10.01)
CSR公司和Universal Electronics合作将红外线设定与控制功能增加到以CSR μEnergy Bluetooth Smart平台为基础的遥控器。透过UEI公司QuickSet功能建立的这项能力,让采用CSR1011芯片组的制造商能够开发长效电池寿命的遥控器,并且兼容于既有的娱乐产品,例如:DVD和蓝光播放器、有线电视盒、立体音响系统及其他影音装置,免除使用多支遥控器的需要
华为全面推动合作伙伴策略 发展台湾企业业务 (2012.03.27)
华为(Huawei)日前于台湾与讯崴技术首度举行年度合作伙伴高峰会,宣布全面启动台湾ICT产业服务策略和合作伙伴计划。华为企业业务集团 (「华为企业」) 将藉由其深厚的ICT解决方案及创新研发能力,以开放、双赢的合作策略,引领台湾 ICT 产业全面向上发展的动能
小米风潮解析(6) 小米手机的一些启示(中) (2012.03.14)
-ControlRemote (2010.05.24)
This project\'s goal is to replace and extend Excel spreadsheets used in creating remote control upgrades for UEI remotes with a Java equivelent. More information on the UEI remote upgrade interface can be found at http://www
大玩人骨拼图 市场拼凑苹果平板计算机轮廓 (2010.01.12)
虽然微软在CES 2010展会上刻意抢先苹果一步公布三款HP、Archos、Pegatron平板计算机,另外包括Dell、enTourage、Lenovo和Freescale等也在CES 2010期间公布平板计算机或相关平板设计的电子书,不过各界仍是高度关注苹果的平板计算机
苹果平板计算机2010元月登场?台厂拚接单! (2009.12.28)
显示器将成为MEMS全新应用领域 (2009.12.08)
显示器将成为MEMS全新应用领域 (2009.11.10)
高通与正崴合作mirasol显示屏厂正式营运 (2009.06.10)
高通(Qualcomm)子公司高通光电科技(Qualcomm MEMS Technologies)宣布,位于台湾桃园龙潭科学园区的mirasol显示屏制造厂已开始营运。这座厂房是高通与通讯装置、计算机与消费性电子产品研发与制造厂商-正崴精密工业股份有限公司的策略合作成果
劲量AAAA碱性电池带来新一代突破 (2008.07.15)
-ControlRemote v1.85 (2008.04.24)
This project's goal is to replace and extend Excel spreadsheets used in creating remote control upgrades for UEI remotes with a Java equivelent. More information on the UEI remote upgrade interface can be found at http://www
-ControlRemote v1.83 (2008.02.02)
This project's goal is to replace and extend Excel spreadsheets used in creating remote control upgrades for UEI remotes with a Java equivelent. More information on the UEI remote upgrade interface can be found at http://www
-ControlRemote v1.80 (2007.08.24)
This project's goal is to replace and extend Excel spreadsheets used in creating remote control upgrades for UEI remotes with a Java equivelent. More information on the UEI remote upgrade interface can be found at http://www
-ControlRemote v1.76 (2007.03.01)
This project's goal is to replace and extend Excel spreadsheets used in creating remote control upgrades for UEI remotes with a Java equivelent. More information on the UEI remote upgrade interface can be found at http://www
-ControlRemote v1.70 (2006.11.30)
This project's goal is to replace and extend Excel spreadsheets used in creating remote control upgrades for UEI remotes with a Java equivelent. More information on the UEI remote upgrade interface can be found at http://www
ST、UEI和AIRGO在无线家庭娱乐网络上展示成果 (2006.09.22)
意法半导体(ST)、Universal Electronics Inc(UEI)和Airgo Networks联合宣布,三家公司在德国柏林举行的IFA国际消费电子产品展览会上展出一个由三方共同合作开发的SimpleWare Home参考设计
-ControlRemote v1.68 (2006.09.13)
This project's goal is to replace and extend Excel spreadsheets used in creating remote control upgrades for UEI remotes with a Java equivelent. More information on the UEI remote upgrade interface can be found at http://www
-ControlRemote v1.59 (2006.06.22)
This project's goal is to replace and extend Excel spreadsheets used in creating remote control upgrades for UEI remotes with a Java equivelent. More information on the UEI remote upgrade interface can be found at http://www
-ControlRemote v1.50 (2006.04.17)
This project's goal is to replace and extend Excel spreadsheets used in creating remote control upgrades for UEI remotes with a Java equivelent. More information on the UEI remote upgrade interface can be found at http://www
-ControlRemote v1.44 (2006.01.19)
This project's goal is to replace and extend Excel spreadsheets used in creating remote control upgrades for UEI remotes with a Java equivelent. More information on the UEI remote upgrade interface can be found at http://www

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1 贸泽开售适用於消费性和医疗穿戴式装置的 全新STMicroelectronics含vAFE的ST1VAFE3BX生物感测器
2 凌华科技推出「OSM-MTK510」 高效能、超低功耗、坚固耐用的精巧型工业电脑模组
3 Nordic Semiconductor的nPM2100电源管理IC延长一次电池供电蓝牙低功耗产品的电池寿命
4 意法半导体 VIPower 全桥驱动器搭载即时诊断功能 简化汽车驱动系统的设计与成本
5 贸泽电子即日起供货ADI边缘运算平台,可支援自主机器人和自动驾驶车中的机器视觉
6 Microchip推出具先进图形与连接功能SAMA7D65系列微处理器SiP/SoC解决方案
7 Rohde & Schwarz推出 R&S ScopeStudio 助力开发团队的基於个人电脑的示波器解决方案
8 泓格iSN-811C-MTCP红外线感测模组 从温度掌握工业制造的安全与先机
9 意法半导体推出适用於车用微控制器的可配置电源管理 IC
10 群闳携手R&S共创WiFi 7与5G检测新标杆,助力企业拓展全球版图


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