相關物件共 6
-uClinux for vdsp linux-2.6 (2008.02.27)
this project aims at migrating uClinux for bf561 to Visual DSP IDE enviroment, it needs Linux version which can be found at http://blackfin.uclinux.org/.
-User Mode Hardware Access Toolkit linux-2.6-umi-20080104-2231.tar.gz (2008.01.05)
A collection of device drivers and system level code to enable user-space to directly interact with hardware and system features, bypassing the kernel, to effectively enable user-space device drivers.
-FTDI FT245BM USB driver for Linux 2.0.3-linux-2.6 (2007.08.10)
A high speed Linux kernel driver for the FTDI FT245BM USB chipset.
-CatraLibraries: Thread Socket Tracer ... catralibraries-1.5-pc-i386-linux-2.6 (2006.03.14)
CatraLibraries is a general-purpose C++ framework. It is platform independent (Unix, Windows, ...) and provides classes to manage POSIX threads, Sockets, Tracer, Scheduler, EventsSet, Configuration files, Database access (Oracle
-Linux on the Microsoft Xbox linux-2.6.x (2005.10.30)
The Xbox Linux Project aims to privide a version of GNU/Linux for the Xbox, so that it can be used as an ordinary computer. Linux should make use of all Xbox hardware and allow to install and run software from standard i386 Linux distributions
-Linux on the Nintendo GameCube linux-2.6 (2005.06.24)
The GameCube Linux Project aims to provide a version of GNU/Linux for the Nintendo GameCube, so that it can be used as an ordinary computer. In addition, Linux can be used as a sophisticated runtime environment for games and multimedia applications

1 貿澤開售適用於消費性和醫療穿戴式裝置的 全新STMicroelectronics含vAFE的ST1VAFE3BX生物感測器
2 Nordic Semiconductor的nPM2100電源管理IC延長一次電池供電藍牙低功耗產品的電池壽命
3 凌華科技推出「OSM-MTK510」 高效能、超低功耗、堅固耐用的精巧型工業電腦模組
4 貿澤電子即日起供貨ADI邊緣運算平台,可支援自主機器人和自動駕駛車中的機器視覺
5 Rohde & Schwarz推出 R&S ScopeStudio 助力開發團隊的基於個人電腦的示波器解決方案
6 意法半導體推出適用於車用微控制器的可配置電源管理 IC
7 泓格iSN-811C-MTCP紅外線感測模組 從溫度掌握工業製造的安全與先機
8 群閎攜手R&S共創WiFi 7與5G檢測新標杆,助力企業拓展全球版圖
9 業界領先的低鉗位元電壓TPSMB-L 系列汽車 TVS 二極體
10 Silicon Labs BG22L及BG24L精巧版SoC提供應用優化的 超低功耗藍牙連接


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