-ib wireless broadband driver ibdriver-1.3.3-beta (2008.06.28) Linux driver for the ArrayComm* "iBurst*" wireless broadband devices. Based on an existing GPLed driver "ibut" written in C and distributed by ArrayComm, the project supports porting to new kernel and hardware versions, as well as development |
Freescale和ArrayComm合作WiMAX晶片解決方案 (2007.09.17) 飛思卡爾半導體(Freescale)和ArrayComm共同宣布聯手推出WiMAX解決方案,可提供網路營運商改善基地台通訊設備在覆蓋範圍和傳輸效率的品質。Freescale以及ArrayComm還共同開發出一套參考設計,可加快並簡化高性能WiMAX基地台設備的佈建作業 |
-ib wireless broadband driver 1.3.2 (2007.02.20) Linux driver for the ArrayComm* "iBurst*" wireless broadband devices. Based on an existing GPLed driver "ibut" written in C and distributed by ArrayComm, the project supports porting to new kernel and hardware versions, as well as development |
-ib wireless broadband driver ibdriver-1.2.9 (2006.08.18) Linux driver for the ArrayComm* "iBurst*" wireless broadband devices. Based on an existing GPLed driver "ibut" written in C and distributed by ArrayComm, the project supports porting to new kernel and hardware versions, as well as development |
-ib wireless broadband driver ibdriver-2.0.0 (2005.11.01) Linux driver for the ArrayComm* "iBurst*" wireless broadband devices. Based on an existing GPLed driver "ibut" written in C and distributed by ArrayComm, the project supports porting to new kernel and hardware versions, as well as development |
-ib wireless broadband driver 1.2.1 (2005.06.16) Linux driver for the ArrayComm* "iBurst*" wireless broadband devices. Based on an existing GPLed driver "ibut" written in C and distributed by ArrayComm, the project supports porting to new kernel and hardware versions, as well as development |
從IEEE 802.20看4G前途 (2004.01.15) 在眾多媒體反覆報導討論3G發展現況的同時,「4G」也正逐漸成熟,最新的標準IEEE 802.20整合了覆蓋範圍與連線速度的優點,成為最被看好新4G標準,本文即帶領讀者深入了解802.20的技術優勢 |
Craig Barratt出任Atheros總裁兼執行長 (2003.03.28) Atheros Communications公司近日宣佈委任Craig Barratt博士為該公司之總裁兼執行長。Barratt博士於二○○二年四月加入Atheros擔任技術副總裁,而該公司之前任執行長Rich Redelfs將擔任董事會副董事長 |
7家電信公司競標澳洲3G電信執照 (2001.02.20) 澳洲3G電信執照的競標拍賣,吸引7家電信公司加入這場3月中展開的爭奪戰,而澳洲政府也已經向這7家電信公司收取近8.30億澳元的競拍資格金,根據外電指出,得標者能取得自2002年10月起,為期15年的頻譜執照 |