视讯传输与高压缩率的视讯编码,一直是高科技之先进需求,技术发展也日新月异,H.26x与MPEG标准也不断地推陈出新。最新的H.264(也就是MPEG4-10)之压缩效率与表现是目前表现最好的技术。因为它是最新的技术,不但让学术研究竞相投入,也吸引工业界的注意。 本课程针对H.264之发展与其技术细节作解说,并且也介绍一些先进之压缩技术,适合想了解最新视频压缩技术之研发主管、工程师、产品企划人员、市场分析人员参与。 课程大纲:1.Introduction What’s image, video, Importance of image and video, video terminology video processing and technology, Revolution of video technology 2.Human Vision System and color Human vision system, Model of human oral system, digitalization 3.Image and Video Standard Trend History of ITU-T and ISO standard, How the standard developed, The impact of standard, How to use standard 4.Image Coding Coding Concept, Waveform coding, Transform coding, DCT, JPEG 5.Video Coding Motion Compensation, Motion Estimation, MPEG1, MPEG2, MPEG4, H.261, H.263, 6.H.264 History H.26x development history, H.264 history,... 7.H.264 H.264 new coding skill, H.264 Intra coding, H.264 inter coding, New transform in H.264,H.264 Syntax, ... 8.Advanced Video Technology Future video compression techniques, MPEG7, MPEG21, ....