是一款 C / C + +管理Wii設備。它支援Wiimote,雙節棍,古典,吉他英雄3,運動 Plus和平衡板-WiiC (2011.04.18) 是一款 C / C + +管理Wii設備。它支援Wiimote,雙節棍,古典,吉他英雄3,運動 Plus和平衡板 |
-FoFClone (2010.05.15) A game based on "Frets on Fire" ( itself based on Guitar Hero) and its numerous mods, with the aim of providing a good set of features and decent performance. Should work with just about any OS.
Good compatability with existing songs
Advance background loading |
Guitar Hero將與iTunes一較高下 (2008.07.14) 根據外電報導,Activision與法國Vivendi旗下遊戲部門已於10日完成合併,並且更名為Activision Blizzard(ATVID-US)。
該公司表示,其所推出的音樂系列遊戲「Guitar Hero(吉他英雄)」計畫將發展為線上音樂平台,與Apple的iTunes力拼高下 |
-Pw0nage Hero Release1 (2008.03.11) A clone of Guitar Hero for computer that allows simple creation of songs, editing of graphics and easy overall modification. |
-wiiuse v0.10 (2008.02.12) Wiiuse is a library written in C that connects with several Nintendo Wii remotes. Supports motion sensing, IR tracking, nunchuk, classic controller, and the Guitar Hero 3 controller. Single threaded and nonblocking makes a light weight and clean API |
-Wiitar wiitar-1.2 (2008.02.07) OS X graphical interface for the Guitar Hero for Wii guitar controller. Uses the WiiRemoteFramework from the darwiin-remote project. (For OS X 10.4 and up) |
-OpenGH 20080113 (2008.01.27) OpenGH is a open source attempt to create a game akin to the hugely popular "Guitar Hero" game on the PC. OpenGH will attempt, in any way possible, to bring the Guiter Hero experience to the PC. |
-Pw0nage Hero Release 1 (2008.01.05) A clone of Guitar Hero for computer that allows simple creation of songs, editing of graphics and easy overall modification. |
-Wiitar wiitar-1.0 (2007.11.19) OS X graphical interface for the Guitar Hero for Wii guitar controller. Uses the WiiRemoteFramework from the darwiin-remote project. |
-Piano Hero 0.5.1 (2007.02.21) Piano Hero teaches you to play piano using "Guitar Hero"-style falling notes with any MIDI file. |
-Piano Hero 0.4.0 (2006.10.29) Piano Hero teaches you to play piano using "Guitar Hero"-style falling notes with any MIDI file. |