鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 21
Bourns新型浪涌保护器为高风险电气服务入囗和分支面板设计 (2023.12.21)
美商柏恩(Bourns)推出新型1260系列浪涌保护器(SPD)。这些AC混合SPD采用先进的MG(MOV + GDT技术)结构设计,由於此结构无泄漏或後续电流的特性,可提供增强的可靠性和安全保护
英特尔新晶片促进量子运算的矽自旋量子位元研究 (2023.06.20)
英特尔宣布推出最新的量子研究晶片Tunnel Falls,这是一款拥有12个量子位元的矽晶片,并将该晶片提供给量子研究社群使用。此外,英特尔与国家级量子资讯科学(QIS)研究中心、位於美国马里兰大学量子位元合作实验室(LQC)的物理科学实验室(LPS)进行合作,促进量子运算研究
ST天线配对IC搭配BLE SoC和STM32无线MCU 简化射频设计 (2023.02.20)
意法半导体(STMicroelectronics,ST)针对BlueNRG-LPS系统晶片(SoC),以及STM32WB1x和STM32WB5x*无线MCU,为单晶片天线配对IC系列新增两款优化的新产品。单晶片天线配对 IC有助於简化射频电路设计
ST推出新一代Bluetooth系统晶片 新增位置追踪和即时定位功能 (2022.08.10)
意法半导体(STMicroelectronics,简称ST)推出第三代Bluetooth系统晶片(SoC),新增了用於位置追踪和即时定位的蓝牙方向找寻技术。 从透过得知蓝牙低功耗(BLE)讯号的方向,蓝牙5.3认证系统晶片BlueNRG-LPS能精确估算出物体运动的方向和位置,精准度在公分等级
大联大诠鼎推出RICHTEK 65W Type-C适配器方案 (2022.05.18)
大联大控股宣布,其旗下诠鼎推出基於立?科技(RICHTEK)RT7790+RT7208E晶片的65W Type-C适配器方案。 在高效的智能时代,电子产品在人们的日常生活中所占有的比重越来越大
安森美推出USB PD应用方案 确保负载范围内最隹能效 (2022.05.13)
安森美(onsemi),推出用於USB供电(PD)设计的全新三件套组产品。新的控制器和驱动器提供创新的功能,能显着减少高能效AC-DC电源的物料清单(BOM)含量,尤其是在100 W以上的负载范围
锂离子电池保护方案的比较 (2014.10.28)
锂离子电池简介 从锂离子电池诞生的那一刻起,安全问题就一直如影随地伴随着它,而随着手机、平板计算机等可?式电子设备的普及,在对电池容量要求越来越高的同时,也要求电池的体积要越来越小,从而使得电池芯也要具备可提供高能量密度的特性,使得相关的危险性也就随之增大
安森美推出高效率GreenPoint参考设计 (2007.03.02)
高效率电源管理解决方案厂商安森美半导体(ON Semiconductor),宣布推出最新的GreenPoint参考设计,主要针对桌上型打印机所使用的40 W电源,这个新设计带来了协助工程师快速推出能够提供低工作与待机耗电的电源转换器蓝图
-Audiotools 5.37 (2006.01.28)
Audiotools is a direct to disk recorder used to record from LPs and cassettes whilst breaking into separate files by song either automatically , into fixed-length chunks or under user control. It also supports audio processing (such as equalisation) with support for plugins (including DirectX plugins) to add further processes
-IM Collector Music Edition 1.29 (2006.01.20)
IM Collector Music Edition is is a music organizer that allows you to manage your audio collection, search for tracks by keyword, find and review details about artists and more. You can scan your computer for media files, manage your music in multiple collections and organize the by media type (e
-Language Prototyping System LPS-0.1 (2005.12.31)
Language Prototyping System
-Audiotools 5.35 (2005.11.24)
Audiotools is a direct to disk recorder used to record from LPs and cassettes whilst breaking into separate files by song either automatically , into fixed-length chunks or under user control. It also supports audio processing (such as equalisation) with support for plugins (including DirectX plugins) to add further processes
-IM Collector Music Edition 1.15 (2005.11.19)
IM Collector Music Edition is is a music organizer that allows you to manage your audio collection, search for tracks by keyword, find and review details about artists and more. You can scan your computer for media files, manage your music in multiple collections and organize the by media type (e
-Audiophiler 1.5.1 (2005.09.24)
Audiophiler is a music cataloger that lets you organize your collection of CDs, LPs, Cassettes, DVDs, Mini discs, and any other media format. It allows you to view and print reports, sort and group your collection by artist, title, genre, media format and many other fields
-Audiotools 5.33 (2005.09.24)
Audiotools is a direct to disk recorder used to record from LPs and cassettes whilst breaking into separate files by song either automatically , into fixed-length chunks or under user control. It also supports audio processing (such as equalisation) with support for plugins (including DirectX plugins) to add further processes
-Audiophiler 1.5 (2005.07.09)
Audiophiler is a music cataloger that lets you organize your collection of CDs, LPs, Cassettes, DVDs, Mini discs, and any other media format. It allows you to view and print reports, sort and group your collection by artist, title, genre, media format and many other fields
-Audiotools 5.25 (2005.06.25)
Audiotools is a direct to disk recorder used to record from LPs and cassettes whilst breaking into separate files by song either automatically , into fixed-length chunks or under user control. It also supports audio processing (such as equalisation) with support for plugins (including DirectX plugins) to add further processes
-Audiotools 5.23 (2005.04.16)
Audiotools is a direct to disk recorder used to record from LPs and cassettes whilst breaking into separate files by song either automatically , into fixed-length chunks or under user control. It also supports audio processing (such as equalisation) with support for plugins (including DirectX plugins) to add further processes
一个个人音乐归档与分类管理软体-Audiophiler 1.4.2 (2005.03.20)
以XML标签为基础,在显示Flash 5(或以上)的浏览器同时执行Java(JRE)1.3-Laszlo Presentation Server 2.1 (2004.04.30)
以XML标签为基础,在显示Flash 5(或以上)的浏览器同时执行Java(JRE)1.3

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1 Microchip推出全新Switchtec PCIe 4.0 16通道交换器系列产品,?汽车和嵌入式计算应用提供多功能性
2 意法半导体推出 STM32WL33 低功耗长距离无线微控制器及专属生态系扩充方案
3 意法半导体推出网页工具,加速搭载智慧感测器的AIoT专案开发
4 贸泽电子即日起供货能为工业应用提供精准感测的 Analog Devices MAX32675C微控制器
5 Bourns 全新推出 500 安培系列数位分流传感器
6 Bourns 推出符合 AEC-Q200 标准 车规级高隔离驰返式变压器系列
7 桓达FSE集尘节能粒子浓度侦测器可即时监测粉尘状态
8 凌华科技携手锐能智慧科技 打造电动车社区充电最隹EMS能源管理系统
9 施耐德电机TeSys马达控制与保护产品系列不断创新 见证台湾工业自动化迈向智慧制造与永续发展
10 意法半导体推出的安全防护比较器具备稳定启动时间设计 提升系统可靠性并降低电力消耗


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