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GE獲UCED航改型燃氣輪機訂單 協助穩定電網支援捷克能源轉型 (2023.04.13) 通用電氣(GE)宣布已獲得 UCED 集團的合同。UCED 集團是捷克投資集團CREDITAS Group能源部門,GE將提供一台LM6000 PC Sprint航改燃氣輪機,以擴建UCED Prost?jov備用電廠,以幫助穩定電網並支持捷克的可再生能源增長 |
-Use Case Editor 1.6.0 (2006.08.04) UCEd a toolset for use cases edition, verification and simulation. UCEd accepts use cases expressed in a form of natural language. UCEd integrates the use cases in state machines using domain knowledge, and provides an interface for system simulation |
-Use Case Editor 1.5.1 (2005.10.01) UCEd a toolset for use cases edition, verification and simulation. UCEd accepts use cases expressed in a form of natural language. UCEd integrates the use cases in state machines using domain knowledge, and provides an interface for system simulation |