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Quick3270 是一款針對 Windows 3270/5250 的終端仿真模擬器工具。-Quick3270 4.16 (2010.11.23) Quick3270 是一款針對 Windows 3270/5250 的終端仿真模擬器工具。 |
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Windows終端模擬器,連接到IBM大型機和AS400(通過TCP/IP或Microsoft SNA伺服器)-Quick3270 4.12 (2010.07.29) Windows終端模擬器,連接到IBM大型機和AS400(通過TCP/IP或Microsoft SNA伺服器) |
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-Guanxi SNA pre_alpha (2008.07.08) Guanxi is a robust analysis and simulation application for Social Network Analysts. Guanxi allows researchers in the field to create, import, and export an endless array of networks, analyze their structure, and run custom dynamics over them |
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-Social Networks Visualiser 0.44 (2008.05.02) Social Networks Visualiser (SocNetV) is an SNA tool for Linux. With it you can draw a network or load an existing one (Pajek, Sociomatrix or dot-formatted). It computes social network properties, centralities and implements some layout algorithms |
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在KDE環境下的ㄧ個先進數位影像管理應用軟體。以相簿的方式來做各種組織排序與管理。-digiKam digiKam 0.9.4-beta1 (2008.03.10) 在KDE環境下的ㄧ個先進數位影像管理應用軟體。以相簿的方式來做各種組織排序與管理。 |
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報告:60%英手機用戶僅用語音及簡訊功能 (2008.01.30) 根據外電報導,英國行動互動管理廠商SNA PinSoftware進行一項調查顯示,大多數英國手機消費者僅使用手機語音和簡訊功能,同時很少閱讀說明書、僅使用手機的一小部分功能 |
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-Quiz! quizbang-1.0.0.SNAPSHOT-20071205 (2007.12.06) Quiz! A hypercard-ish app for multiple choice quizzes. Users generate unique self-tests or use in networked environment, i.e. - classroom setting. Allows branching along different paths based on question navigation rules. Eclipse RCP based |
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-Warlock Front End 2.0.321.snapshot (2007.07.22) The Warlock Front End is written to allow Simutronics games to be played in linux. The primary focus at this time is on Dragonrealms, but other games should (theoretically) work with it. |
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-PowerTerm InterConnect 9.1 (2007.06.09) PowerTerm InterConnect is a terminal emulation and telnet software. It supports a full line of emulation types including IBM TN3270, TN5250 Digital, Wyse, Data General and SCO. It enables terminal emulation via various communication modes including: TN3270, TN5250, Microsoft SNA Server and Telnet |
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-Social Networks Visualiser 0.43 (2006.12.22) Social Networks Visualiser (SocNetV) is an SNA tool for Linux. With it you can draw a network or load an existing one (Pajek, Sociomatrix or dot-formatted). It computes social network properties, centralities and implements some layout algorithms |
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-DTP's EMulator FIles Runner d0.7a (2006.11.06) This program can use some of ZX Spectum emulator files (.sna, .z80, .tap, .tzx) on real ZX Spectrum with IDE interface. It reads these files from ISO9660 filesystem. Snapshots are directly loaded and runned, tap/tzx files are emulated like standard tape |
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強調整合聯繫及時反應的IT技術將改變企業風貌 (2006.08.11) 市場調查研究機構Gartner預測,未來10年,Ajax、Mashup、位置感知軟體、感測器網狀際網路等技術將會對企業形成重大影響。
在Gartner的「2006新興技術發展評估報告」中列舉30多個技術的成熟性、影響力和應用程度,各類技術按照Web 2.0、即時網際網路(Real World Web)和應用架構(AA)3種主題分類 |
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-PowerTerm InterConnect 8.1 (2006.01.14) PowerTerm InterConnect is a terminal emulation and telnet software. It supports a full line of emulation types including IBM TN3270, TN5250 Digital, Wyse, Data General and SCO. It enables terminal emulation via various communication modes including: TN3270, TN5250, Microsoft SNA Server and Telnet |
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-DTP's EMulator FIles Runner d0.6a (2005.11.06) This program can use some of ZX Spectum emulator files (.sna, .z80, .tap) on real ZX Spectrum with IDE interface. It reads these files from ISO9660 filesystem. Snapshots are directly loaded and runned, tap files are emulated like standard tape |
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VanguardMS推出新型IP VPN存取路由器 (2005.09.09) Vanguard Managed Solutions(VanguardMS)六日推出新型多協定IP VPN存取路由器Model 242D,該產品是一種整合式,低成本解決方案,適用於那些為它們的串列和IP應用尋求具有高可靠性和成本效益的寬帶存取的小型分支機搆,零售商和使用自動取款機(ATM)的銀行 |
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-Piggy 0.3.1-3 dev.snapshot (2005.05.15) Application and scripting support for building webpages which contain thumbnail image tables. User Interface written in FXRuby. Gallery generation written in Ruby. Image processing itself is done by FXRuby or external program |
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-Tradelist Explorer 0.2.snapshot (2005.05.11) Tradelist management for traders of bootlegs and rare live recordings. Provides an easy to use user-interface to maintain your tradelist, export to html pages for your website, print cd / dvd sheets (text based).
Requirements : java 1 |
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-DTP's EMulator FIles Runner d0.5a (2005.02.21) This program can use some of ZX Spectum emulator files (.sna, .z80, .tap) on real ZX Spectrum with IDE interface. It reads these files from ISO9660 filesystem. Snapshots are directly loaded and runned, tap files are emulated like standard tape |
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趨勢科技發表ATM網路防毒牆 (2005.01.17) 網路防毒廠商趨勢科技,17日協同三商電腦發表一款為銀行ATM防制網路蠕蟲,所打造的ATM網路防毒解決方案,Network VirusWall 300。
ATM從傳統的吐鈔功能,到現今的繳費平台和多媒體訊息等資訊串流中心,加上金融卡晶片化,與從OS/2與SNA轉換成Windows的作業系統 |
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從IEEE 802.16a看無線通訊之展望 (2003.07.05) IEEE802.16a廣頻無線擷取系統標準是針對微波(microwave)和毫米波(millimeter-wave)頻段提出的一種新的空中擷取標準,該標準不僅在新一代3G無線通信技術中具有舉足輕重的地位,而且對於4G甚至5G蜂窩行動通信的發展也具有重要意義 |