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3M MicroTouch SCT Surface Impact (2011.06.14) This video shows the surface durability and shatter-resistance of the laminated and reinforced 3M MicroTouch Sensor SCT7650 (formerly known as MicroTouch ToughTouch II), an important characteristic for interactive technology used in public access applications ranging from 6 |
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世平新代理MicroTouch觸控屏關鍵零組件 (2000.05.04) 世平致力引進高科技專業零組件,以專業服務3C產業製造客戶;此次新代理之Micro Touch Systems(美商微觸系統)為全球觸控技術的廠商,提供泛業界獨步技術的防抗式觸控屏,其廣泛的產品家族,從簡單的薄膜開關,以至於高階的顯示器整合,皆符合光學與耐用度的設計需求 |