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Ansys攜手NVIDIA 推動生成式AI輔助工程新世代 (2024.03.26) Ansys日前宣佈,與NVIDIA合作 ,共同開發由加速運算和生成式AI驅動的下一代模擬解決方案。擴大的合作將融合頂尖技術以推進6G技術,透過NVIDIA GPU增強Ansys求解器,將NVIDIA AI整合到Ansys軟體產品中 |
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一款音訊處理應用程式為基礎合成的工具包---C + +(STK)開源專案。-AudioBoard (2011.06.08) 一款音訊處理應用程式為基礎合成的工具包---C + +(STK)開源專案。 |
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為一款震波訊號處理的圖形界面工具-STK - Seismic ToolKit (2011.02.04) 為一款震波訊號處理的圖形界面工具 |
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Stykz 是 stickfigure動畫程式,靈感來自於流行的透視 Stickfigure 動畫軟體。-Stykz 1.0.2 (2011.02.01) Stykz 是 stickfigure動畫程式,靈感來自於流行的透視 Stickfigure 動畫軟體。 |
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元太劉思誠:iPad擴大市場 E-reader仍是主流 (2010.04.22) 元太劉思誠:iPad擴大市場 E-reader仍是主流 |
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Atmel與PGC合力推出JPEG圖像觀察器參考設計 (2009.03.23) 愛特梅爾公司 (Atmel)與巨有科技(PGC) 宣佈推出一款JPEG圖像觀察器參考設計,它可移植 (port) 到AT91CAP9S客製化微控制器的低成本AT91CAP9A-STK入門工具組。當經由其USB設備埠連接主PC時,CAP-STK成為JPEG圖像的大容量記憶體 |
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Atmel為ARM7客製化MCU推出開發工具 (2008.09.14) Atmel(愛特梅爾)推出 AT91CAP7A-STK入門級開發工具組,這是一款專為評估其以ARM7處理器為基礎的CAP客製化(customizable)微控制器系列而設計之入門級工具。CAP7客製化MCU可以讓設計人員從ARM7加FPGA設計轉移到一次性研發費用(NRE)較低的單晶片解決方案,單位元件的成本約降30%,而且性能提高8倍,靜態功耗和工作功耗分別減少98%和70% |
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-STK - Seismic ToolKit stk_0.62 (2008.07.03) STK (Seismic Tool Kit) is a tool for seismic signal processing in graphical interface: various filters, spectral analysis, polarisation, time-frequency, Hilbert transform, instrumental response...etc. Signals processed in STK must be in SAC format |
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愛特梅爾獲《今日電子》2007年度產品獎 (2008.04.23) 愛特梅爾(Atmel Corporation)宣佈其CAP可訂製式微控制器獲《今日電子》雜誌評選為2007年的年度產品之一。此一評審小組是由編輯和業界專家所組成,評審的標準則包括顯著的應用技術進步、開創性的設計和大幅提升的價格性能比 |
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-STK - Seismic ToolKit stk_0.60 (2008.03.25) STK (Seismic Tool Kit) is a tool for seismic signal processing in graphical interface: various filters, spectral analysis, polarisation, time-frequency, Hilbert transform, instrumental response...etc. Signals processed in STK must be in SAC format |
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Atmel推ARM7微控制器系列適合功耗限制應用 (2008.03.14) Atmel Corporation(愛特梅爾)推出ARM7TDMI核心的全新微控制器系列AT91SAM7L。此一系列產品嵌入了控制多個power island的功率開關,以及可編程的電壓調節器,以便降低工作和待機模式下的功耗 |
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Atmel和Trango合作客製化微控制器虛擬IP (2008.03.10) 愛特梅爾(Atmel Corporation)和嵌入式虛擬IP供應商Trango Virtual Processors宣佈,為愛特梅爾AT91CAP9可客製化微控制器的使用者推出Trango的虛擬IP產品Hypervisor。因為開發出多個與硬體無關的基礎性CAP架構之虛擬實例,Trango的Hypervisor能顯著縮短CAP應用軟體的開發時間,而且只要對現有軟體進行最少的修改即可重新使用 |
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實現完整的近距離無線通訊體系 (2008.01.30) 近年來,相關產業的重要技術廠商已針對行動付費以及其它NFC新應用,共同發展出許多標準和解決方案。到目前為止,這些業者針對行動付費的發展重點在於手機內部功能和新出現的NFC標準 |
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-STK - Seismic ToolKit STK_0.57 (2008.01.08) STK (Seismic ToolKit) is a tool for seismic signal processing in graphical interface: filtering, spectral analysis, polarisation, time-frequency, Hilbert transform, and singular value decomposition.. Signals must be in SAC format |
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-Mobile STK MobileSTK 0.2 (2007.11.23) Mobile STK is a port of the Synthesis Toolkit originally developed by Perry Cook and Gary Scavone to mobile devices (Symbian OS and Windows CE). STK is a set of audio signal processing and algorithmic synthesis classes. |
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-STK - Seismic ToolKit stk_0.54 (2007.11.02) STK (Seismic ToolKit) is a tool for seismic signal processing in graphical interface: filtering, spectral analysis, polarisation, time-frequency, Hilbert transform, and singular value decomposition.. Signals must be in SAC format |
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-STK - Seismic ToolKit stk_0.51.tar.bz2 (2007.08.31) STK (Seismic ToolKit) is a tool for seismic signal processing in graphical interface: filtering, spectral analysis, polarisation, time-frequency, Hilbert transform, and singular value decomposition.. Signals must be in SAC format |
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-STK - Seismic ToolKit stk_0.48.tgz (2007.05.12) STK (Seismic ToolKit) is a tool for seismic signal processing in graphical interface: filtering, spectral analysis, polarisation, time-frequency, Hilbert transform, and singular value decomposition.. Signals must be in SAC format |
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-Simple ToolKit STK 3.2 (2007.04.24) SimpleTK is an open source Simple ToolKit (set of graphical user interface components or widgets) for the X Window System. It's aims is to be Light, Simple, Ergonomic and Fast. It is writen in C/C++ language. |
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-Simple ToolKit STK 3.0 (2007.02.17) SimpleTK is an open source Simple ToolKit (set of graphical user interface components or widgets) for the X Window System. It's aims is to be Light, Simple, Ergonomic and Fast. It is writen in C/C++ language. |