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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.06.15 11:25:54 AM
文章主題: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

微軟發布詳細的超高動力學,人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect,可搭配其產品Microsoft Xbox 360。Kinect將在2010年12月於北美發售。


Photo From Reuters and Microsoft Web-Page

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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.06.15 12:20:36 PM
文章主題: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect


美國洛杉磯電子娛樂展(E3 Expo)於2010年15日揭幕,微軟、Sony、任天堂等全球電玩遊戲三雄莫不趁機飆創意玩行銷,推出期待已久的3D體感遙控系統和遊戲,以吸引玩家注意,期能提高銷售量。

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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.06.15 02:52:27 PM
文章主題: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect
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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.06.17 09:39:18 AM
文章主題: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect
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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.06.17 12:13:16 PM
文章主題: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect
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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.06.17 12:20:41 PM
文章主題: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect
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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.06.21 11:23:21 AM
文章主題: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect


(Image : CNN Tech. News)

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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.06.25 11:28:38 AM
文章主題: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect




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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.06.30 10:01:38 AM
文章主題: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Windows 8細節揭露

• Microsoft is in a full-on love-affair with Apple, and for good reason. Complexity is out, simplicity is in. Can Microsoft really follow through with making Windows 8 “just work” a la Apple? It certainly wants to, and thinks “this is something people will pay for!”
• Webcams will be a big focus for Windows 8, with the potential goal of letting Windows 8 log you in automatically via camera image. Some vendors have built this separately already for earlier versions of Windows, and users seem to like it.
•  Windows 8 will embrace “the cloud” by letting you take your workspace from one PC to another via a single login that’s connected to the web. So now you can borrow my computer and I don’t have to worry about my precious documents getting disorganized.
• You’ll also be able to more easily combine your personal computing environment with your business workspace. It’s unclear exactly how, but presumably Microsoft’s cloud focus will play a part here. Yay, more time to work!
• Microsoft is focusing on three computing-form factors when Windows 8 is released: Slates (tablets), laptops, and all-in-one PCs. Traditional desktops may still be around, but this isn’t a major focus of the OS, and for good reason, since sales are falling off a cliff.
• Windows 8 will hopefully start up faster than ever before, thanks to a new and as-yet-undeveloped operating mode.
• More advanced help and support systems were meant to be part of Windows 7, but anyone who’s used the Windows 7 troubleshooters knows this didn’t happen. They’re back with Windows 8.
• One-button “Reset Windows” option will take your computer back to its original state while leaving your personal documents and settings intact. System Restore gets a big upgrade.
• There’s a Windows 8 App Store in the works, which will offer apps for any Microsoft/Windows device, from PC to phone to Zune. It even already has a URL: windowsstore.com.

(Yahoo! News)

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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.07.01 10:49:44 AM
文章主題: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect


The Microsoft Surface may have been the inspiration for the iPad and other tablet computers but we still can’t see it everywhere. We have just been teased by the software giant but it’s all good since other companies took advantage of the idea.
Microsoft won’t be last to utilize their big idea again as the company’s Applied Science group is working on a a touchless telepresence display. This comes with a sub 2-inch camera and a Samsung prototype transparent OLED panel for a 3D gesture-control interface.

This could be the next Surface but we’re really hoping Microsoft releases such in the near future.(techfever.Net)

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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.07.02 11:48:26 AM
文章主題: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect


A research project from Intel can turn any surface into a touchscreen. Instead of propping up a tablet or putting a touchscreen computer in your kitchen, picture yourself tapping on the counter top to pull menus, look up recipes and add items to a shopping list.

"There's nothing absolutely special about the surface, and it doesn't matter if your hands are dirty," says Beverly Harrison, a senior research scientist at Intel. "Our algorithm and a camera set-up can create virtual islands everywhere"

Intel demoed the project during the company's annual research-day fest Wednesday to show touchscreens can go beyond computing and become a part of everyday life.

The project uses real-time 3-D object recognition to build a model of almost anything that's placed on the counter and offer a a virtual, touchscreen-based menu. For instance, when you put a slab of meat on the counter or a green pepper, they are identified, and a virtual menu that includes recipes for both are shown.

"The computer in real time builds a model of the color, shape, texture of the objects and runs it against a database to identify it," says Harrison. "And it requires nothing special to be attached on the steak or the pepper."

Smartphones have turned touch into a popular user interface. Many consumers are happy to give the BlackBerry thumb a pass and instead swipe and flick their finger to scroll. New tablets are also likely to make users want to move beyond a physical keyboard and mouse.

But so far, touchscreens have been limited to carefully calibrated pieces of glass encased in the shell of a phone or computer.

Intel researchers say that won't be the case in the future. An ordinary coffee table in the living room could morph into a touchscreen when you put a finger on it, and show a menu of music, video to choose from. Or a vanity table in the bathroom could recognize a bottle of pills placed on it and let you manage your medications from there.

Some companies are trying to expand the use of touchscreens. For instance, Displax, based in Portugal, can turn any surface - flat or curved - into a touch-sensitive display by sticking a thinner-than-paper polymer film on that surface to make it interactive.

Intel research labs try to do away with the extra layer. Instead, researchers there have created a rig with two cameras, one to capture the image of the objects and the other to capture depth. The depth cameras help recognize the objects and the difference between the hand touching the table or hovering over it. A pico-projector helps beam the virtual menus. The cameras and the pico-projector can be combined into devices just a little bigger than your cellphone, says Harrison. Sprinkle a few of these in different rooms and point them on tables, and the system is ready to go.

At that point, the software program that Harrison and her team have written kicks in. The program, which can run on any computer anywhere in the house, helps identify objects accurately and create the virtual menus. Just make a wide sweeping gesture to push the menu off the counter and it disappears. There's even a virtual drawer that users can pull up to store images and notes.

Harrison says all this will work on almost any surface, including glass, granite and wood.

"The key here is the idea requires no special instrumentation," she says.

Still it may be too early to make plans to remodel the kitchen to include this new system. The idea is still in the research phase, says Harrison, and it may be years before it makes it to the real world.

Photo: A counter top acts as a touchscreen display.
Priya Ganapati/Wired.com

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