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PC市場8年來首次出現出貨量下滑 (2009.07.15)
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宜鼎國際(InnoDisk)20日發表體積最小的超微型nanoSSD i160,體積大約只有一般2.5”SSD的15%,但最大容量卻可達64GB,速度更高達每秒100MB,是傳統硬碟的2倍傳輸速度,並計劃於第四季推出256GB且速度達160MB的超級產品
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從OLPC到EeePC,您對低價電腦的看法是否改變? (2007.11.19)
-Java Image Viewer / Explorer jiexplorer 1.15 (2007.08.09)
JIExplorer is a java image viewer / explorer desk top application modeled after ACDSee image viewer. Features include: thumbnails, preview panel, key word, category, and date image management, image zooming, full screen, slide shows
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Single Click Tools for Remote Desk Top Systems like UltraVNC
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JIExplorer is a java image viewer / explorer desk top application modeled after ACDSee image viewer. Features include: thumbnails, preview panel, key word, category, and date image management, image zooming, full screen, slide shows
-Java Image Viewer / Explorer jiexplorer 1.11 (2006.12.23)
JIExplorer is a java image viewer / explorer desk top application modeled after ACDSee image viewer. Features include: thumbnails, preview panel, key word, category, and date image management, image zooming, full screen, slide shows
-Java Image Viewer / Explorer jiexplorer 1.07 (2006.10.12)
JIExplorer is a java image viewer / explorer desk top application modeled after ACDSee image viewer. Features include: thumbnails, preview panel, key word and category image management, image zooming, full screen, slide shows
-Java Image Viewer / Explorer jiexplorer 1.01 (2006.08.09)
JIExplorer is a java image viewer / explorer desk top application modeled after ACDSee image viewer. Features include: thumbnails, preview panel, key word and category image management, image zooming, full screen, slide shows
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JIExplorer is a java image viewer / explorer desk top application modeled after ACDSee image viewer. Features include: thumbnails, preview panel, key word and category image management, image zooming, full screen, slide shows
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英特爾推出的迅馳(Centrino)處理器成功在筆記型電腦市場大賣,2006年更將推出桌上型電腦(Desk Top)專用的「迅馳」平台。不過台灣矽統科技搶先從本季開始出貨系統晶片組加802.11b/g的整體解決方案,預期第四季將貢獻顯著營運績效
產晶推出高整合度、低成本鋰電池充電器晶片 (2000.07.16)
產晶積體電路股份有限公司(INNO TECH)近期推出配合鋰電池定電流-定電壓充電特性的單片充電IC-IN202。新設計手機為減少體積與重量,外加考慮待機時間,已完全採用鋰電池供電,手機用鋰電池包裝(Battery Pack)電壓亦規格化為4
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聯陽(ITE)於國際積體電路研討會暨展覽會中展出GSM SIM Card Editor Program及IA相關產品。為符合Intel推出的新一代支援LPC介面的晶片組,聯陽展出的I/O控制器IT8712及IT8702都支援智慧卡讀取機(Smart Card Reader)介面;由於Smart Card的應用非常廣泛,未來的PC配備有Smart Card Reader將成為必然的趨勢

1 意法半導體三相馬達驅動器整合評估板加速強化性能
2 Pilz開放式模組化工業電腦適用於自動化及傳動技術
4 宜鼎E1.S固態硬碟因應邊緣伺服器應用 補足邊緣AI市場斷層
5 Microchip支援NIDIA Holoscan感測器處理平台加速即時邊緣AI部署
6 Flex Power Modules為AI資料中心提供高功率密度 IBC 系列
7 瑞薩全新RA8 MCU系列將Arm Cortex-M85處理器高效引入成本敏感應用
8 Power Integrations推1700V氮化鎵切換開關IC
9 ROHM第4代1200V IGBT實現頂級低損耗和高短路耐受能力
10 英飛凌首款20 Gbps通用USB周邊控制器提供高速連接效力


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