相關物件共 15
一款時間軸為基礎的編輯器,用於創建光碟子碼圖形的工具。-CD+Graphics Magic (2011.05.15)
ACDR(音訊光碟閱讀器)使您可以從 AudioCDs 提取 rip 歌曲,並自動將其轉換為種類繁多的格式。-ACDR 4.3 (2010.11.12)
ACDR(音訊光碟閱讀器)使您可以從 AudioCDs 提取 rip 歌曲,並自動將其轉換為種類繁多的格式。
讓聲音充盈您的生活 (2008.03.05)
三波長堆疊雷射二極體設計 (2008.02.08)
-Audio Converter 8.05 (2007.10.02)
Audio Converter quickly and easily converts your audio files and CD audio tracks directly to Windows Media Audio (.wma) format, which offers MP3 quality at half the size. In addition, it also converts to MP3, AIFF, and Wave format
CD問世25週年 (2007.08.20)
飛利浦與Sony在1982年8/17日共同推出了CD光碟(Compact Disc),此一革命性的進展是以雷射掃瞄來讀取光碟上數百萬個數位編碼過的反射點(pit)。也因為如此,CD的音質內容就不會有所偏差,很快就取代卡帶、唱片或磁碟而席捲整個市場
剖析藍光應用產品市場發展趨勢 (2007.04.17)
-Audio Converter 7.01 (2007.04.08)
Audio Converter quickly and easily converts your audio files and CD audio tracks directly to Windows Media Audio (.wma) format, which offers MP3 quality at half the size. In addition, it also converts to MP3, AIFF, and Wave format
-Rooter: Web-Based Compact Disc Cataloger rooter-1.0.1 (2006.05.01)
A PHP/MySQL project that helps those interested in organizing their CD/LP/DVD collection. Users store and edit the data in an online database through HTML forms and PHP function calls. Rooter's design layout is minimal and uses CSS
Sony將推出高儲存容量藍光格式光碟片 (2006.03.09)
根據外電消息,Sony宣佈在美國市場上推出首款藍光格式光碟機之前,將會在歐洲市場推出首張藍光格式的光碟片產品。 可以重複燒錄的單層藍光格式光碟片,將在3月中旬於歐洲上市,一次燒錄的單層藍光格式光碟片,將在4月份上市
-Audio Converter 5.53 (2006.03.02)
Audio Converter quickly and easily converts your audio files and CD audio tracks directly to Windows Media Audio (.wma) format, which offers MP3 quality at half the size. In addition, it also converts to MP3, AIFF, and Wave format
-Audio Converter 5.51 (2005.12.17)
Audio Converter quickly and easily converts your audio files and CD audio tracks directly to Windows Media Audio (.wma) format, which offers MP3 quality at half the size. In addition, it also converts to MP3, AIFF, and Wave format
-Audio Converter 5.1 (2005.05.12)
Audio Converter quickly and easily converts your audio files and CD audio tracks directly to Windows Media Audio (.wma) format, which offers MP3 quality at half the size. In addition, it also converts to MP3, AIFF, and Wave format
-mcube Music Manager 0.2RC (2005.04.08)
mcube is a digital music manager. It's target is to let user manage and choose music to listen with the comfort and feeling of browsing physical compact disc with the power of computer aided search. Home page at http://m-cube
淺談DVD放影機後端技術 (2002.12.05)

1 Basler全新小型高速線掃描相機適合主流應用
2 意法半導體三相馬達驅動器整合評估板加速強化性能
3 Pilz開放式模組化工業電腦適用於自動化及傳動技術
5 宜鼎E1.S固態硬碟因應邊緣伺服器應用 補足邊緣AI市場斷層
6 SCIVAX與Shin-Etsu Chemical聯合開發全球最小的3D感測光源裝置
7 Microchip支援NIDIA Holoscan感測器處理平台加速即時邊緣AI部署
8 瑞薩全新RA8 MCU系列將Arm Cortex-M85處理器高效引入成本敏感應用
9 Flex Power Modules為AI資料中心提供高功率密度 IBC 系列
10 Power Integrations推1700V氮化鎵切換開關IC


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