相關物件共 49
(您查閱第 頁資料, 超過您的權限, 請免費註冊成為會員後, 才能使用!)
一款多功能的影像檔案刪除回復工具-RecoverPlus Pro 2.7.8 (2010.10.29)
一款數據恢復軟體工具:使您可以恢復意外刪除的文件或刪除的磁區-Handy Recovery 5.0 (2010.10.01)
一款數據恢復軟體:可以恢復丟失,刪除和格式化的數據,以及驅動器,CF卡,SM卡...-Active@ UNDELETE 7.3 (2009.07.15)
一款免費照片恢復軟體:將圖像恢復(從已刪除儲存卡,或已被格式化儲存卡內)-MjM Free Photo Recovery Software 1.06 (2009.06.28)
-lockngo 2.8 (2009.02.17)
lockngo enables you to protect the information stored on USB keys, removable hard drives and SmartMedia cards etc. The program is not installed on your PC, but directly copied onto the removable media - once you run it, it allows you to set a password for the media and then encrypts and locks the content, so that it can only be accessed with the proper password
積極擴展USB2.0快閃多媒體傳輸及可攜式高速收發多重應用版圖 (2008.06.12)
USB 2.0快閃多媒體應用趨勢 USB 2.0在消費電子領域的應用已經越來越普及,其也成為各類多媒體消費電子裝置、PC平台、智慧型手機和可攜式裝置之間重要的行動儲存媒體介面
專訪:SMSC 行銷總監Mark Fu和Eric Kawamoto (2008.06.12)
USB 2.0快閃多媒體應用趨勢 USB 2.0在消費電子領域的應用已經越來越普及,其也成為各類多媒體消費電子裝置、PC平台、智慧型手機和可攜式裝置之間重要的行動儲存媒體介面
-SoftAmbulance Photo Undelete 2.04 (2008.02.27)
SoftAmbulance Photo Undelete enables you to recover accidentally deleted photos from your digital camera storage media including Compact Flash, Secure Digital, SmartMedia and other storage cards. It scans the content of the media and provides you with a real-time preview of the files that can be recovered
利用高效率靜態平均抹除機制以提昇快閃記憶體之使用壽命 (2007.11.03)
選擇最適合應用的USB(2) (2007.07.24)
記憶卡資料回復器-MediaRECOVER 4.0 (2006.11.15)
外接硬碟盒多元化應用發展趨勢 (2006.11.09)
-SoftAmbulance Photo Undelete 1.13 (2006.08.30)
SoftAmbulance Photo Undelete enables you to recover accidentally deleted photos from your digital camera storage media including Compact Flash, Secure Digital, SmartMedia and other storage cards. It scans the content of the media and provides you with a real-time preview of the files that can be recovered
遺失, 毀損或被刪除檔案的搶救工具程式-Search and Recover 4.1 (2006.08.13)
遺失, 毀損或被刪除檔案的搶救工具程式
-lockngo 2.7 (2006.05.06)
lockngo enables you to protect the information stored on USB keys, removable hard drives and SmartMedia cards etc. The program is not installed on your PC, but directly copied onto the removable media - once you run it, it allows you to set a password for the media and then encrypts and locks the content, so that it can only be accessed with the proper password
快閃記憶體應用的控制晶片技術 (2006.05.02)
遺失, 毀損或被刪除檔案的搶救工具程式-Search and Recover 3.0c (2006.02.03)
遺失, 毀損或被刪除檔案的搶救工具程式
-lockngo 2.6 (2006.02.01)
lockngo enables you to protect the information stored on USB keys, removable hard drives and SmartMedia cards etc. The program is not installed on your PC, but directly copied onto the removable media - once you run it, it allows you to set a password for the media and then encrypts and locks the content, so that it can only be accessed with the proper password
ISSI與工研院合作研發網路DVD播放器 (2006.01.05)
ISSI宣佈與工研院合作開發案,研發網路DVD刻錄/播放器應用;新的網路 DVD刻錄/播放器增加了快閃記憶體讀卡功能,並且直接通過 DVD系統而不必使用電腦,從快閃記憶體卡播放到存儲圖片、電影或音樂
遺失, 毀損或被刪除檔案的搶救工具程式-Search and Recover 3.0a (2005.11.02)
遺失, 毀損或被刪除檔案的搶救工具程式

     [1]  2  3   [下一頁]

1 Microchip推出全新Switchtec PCIe 4.0 16通道交換器系列產品,為汽車和嵌入式計算應用提供多功能性
2 凌華科技攜手銳能智慧科技 打造電動車社區充電最佳EMS能源管理系統
3 桓達FSE集塵節能粒子濃度偵測器可即時監測粉塵狀態
4 意法半導體推出的安全防護比較器具備穩定啟動時間設計 提升系統可靠性並降低電力消耗
5 雅特力AT32F421遙控攀爬車電子調速新方案,助力征服極端地形
6 意法半導體推出靈活、因應未來的智慧電表通訊解決方案,協助能源轉型
7 泓格PET-2255U:靈活接線與簡易控制,工業自動化的全能利器
8 安勤全新高效節能伺服器HPS-SIEU4A/HPS-SIEUTA解碼綠色運算


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