-senderid-milter 1.0.0.Beta0 (2008.05.28) This package contains an Open Source plug-in, for use with Open Source or commercial sendmail MTAs, which implements and enforces the merged Caller-ID/SPF specification from the IETF MARID working group, currently dubbed "Sender-ID" |
-senderid-milter 0.2.14 (2006.07.30) This package contains an Open Source plug-in, for use with Open Source or commercial sendmail MTAs, which implements and enforces the merged Caller-ID/SPF specification from the IETF MARID working group, currently dubbed "Sender-ID" |
-senderid-milter 0.2.11 (2006.04.21) This package contains an Open Source plug-in, for use with Open Source or commercial sendmail MTAs, which implements and enforces the merged Caller-ID/SPF specification from the IETF MARID working group, currently dubbed "Sender-ID" |
Ironport支持DomainKey邮件认证技术 (2005.12.16) 邮件安全网关设备供货商Ironport旗下产品,近日纳入支持DomainKey邮件认证技术功能,此项由雅虎支持的技术,目的在反垃圾邮件、防钓鱼攻击的发信者认证。
DomainKeys技术会在每封电子邮件上增加加密的数字标志 |
-senderid-milter 0.2.10 (2005.12.11) This package contains an Open Source plug-in, for use with Open Source or commercial sendmail MTAs, which implements and enforces the merged Caller-ID/SPF specification from the IETF MARID working group, currently dubbed "Sender-ID" |
-senderid-milter 0.2.9 (2005.07.22) This package contains an Open Source plug-in, for use with Open Source or commercial sendmail MTAs, which implements and enforces the merged Caller-ID/SPF specification from the IETF MARID working group, currently dubbed "Sender-ID" |
-senderid-milter 0.2.8 (2005.04.29) This package contains an Open Source plug-in, for use with Open Source or commercial sendmail MTAs, which implements and enforces the merged Caller-ID/SPF specification from the IETF MARID working group, currently dubbed "Sender-ID" |
-senderid-milter 0.2.6 (2005.02.25) This package contains an Open Source plug-in, for use with Open Source or commercial sendmail MTAs, which implements and enforces the merged Caller-ID/SPF specification from the IETF MARID working group, currently dubbed "Sender-ID" |
向垃圾邮件说“不” (2004.12.01) E-mail已经成为日常生活中主要沟通工具之一,伴随而来的垃圾邮件也与日俱增。如今,邮件过滤不是唯一的解决之道,唯有寻求全面性的解决方案才能达成零垃圾邮件污染的最佳境界 |
Yahoo启用数字签名、再度扩大容量 (2004.11.16) Yahoo公司15日表示,已经开始在所有外发信件加入反垃圾邮件技术,并盼望其他供货商跟进。免费邮件服务发出的讯息,将包括一个「Domain Key」,一种在外寄信件中创造数字签名,以供收件人确认信件来源的系统 |
微软修改Sender ID期望该规格得以起死回生 (2004.10.28) 微软公司25日表示,表示已针对各方的批评重新编写Sender ID(寄件人身份),即一种根据因特网通讯协议记录查核电子邮件来源的技术。修改的部分包括删除Sender ID专利声明中,可能触及SPF(Sender Permitted From,寄件人来源确定)的字句 |
Google Gmail 采用雅虎反垃圾邮件技术 (2004.10.19) 本周一(18日),Google公司的免费电子邮件服务Gmail寄出的电子邮件显示其中使用了由雅虎公司支持Domain Keys反垃圾邮件加密技术,它会交互检查电子邮件以验证其来源。打开Gmail电子邮件的表头即可看到DomainKey-Signature的程序代码 |
IETF否绝微软反垃圾邮件规格 Sender ID (2004.09.20) 电子邮件技术行业团体Internet Mail Consortium于日前(11日)透露, 因特网标准化机构IETF下 研究电子邮件发信人认证技术的工作小组MTA Authorization Records in DNS Working Group(MARID WG)决定,微软提出的反垃圾邮件规格“Sender ID”将不被采用爲标准规格 |
微软推「Sender ID」反垃圾邮件及网络诈欺 (2004.08.15) 根据CNET网站报导指出,微软于12日召集电子邮件服务商(ESPC)联盟的会员,举行反垃圾邮件高峰会,微软在本会中大力鼓吹寄件人身份(Sender ID)技术,希望它能够成为反垃圾邮件与钓鱼诈骗邮件的标准 |
微软向IETF提出电子邮件认证建议标准 (2004.06.30) 微软日前(6/24)宣布已对网络标准化制定组织IETF提出反垃圾邮件作法 - Sender ID规范,透过此规范可确认电子邮件发信人,以防止僞装欺骗行为,并能打击网页仿冒。微软期待电子邮件认证最终能制定出标准规格 |