鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 37
-C# Othello (2011.05.26)
Just messing around, attempt to create an Othello(Reversi) game in C#, learn about Artificial Intelligence, Model-View-Controller, Network Communications in C#, as well as learning Git for Source Control.
-GeneThello: Genetic Othello (2011.03.16)
GeneThello (read j?-?ne-?the-l?), is an acronym for genetic othello, an othello (reversi) playing program which based on Genetic Algorithm (GA). In principle GeneThello consist of an othello program and a genetic algorithm system
资策会展示交互式媒体系统,提升消费者体验 (2009.02.13)
资策会于今日(2/13)在台北市Living Lab圆形鸟瞰剧场,举办「2009欧洲魔围棋挑战台湾职业棋士邀请赛」,利用人工智能技术,仿真棋王与计算机对弈的棋路,并透过投影方式,将9×9的棋盘,投射在200吋的大屏幕上,把体验者当作黑白棋,直接听指令,走到相对应的位置,让民众能够实际体验下围棋的乐趣
-Othello Game 0.2.2 (2008.07.28)
Othello is a classic strategy game, also known as Reversi. Its objective is to finish the game with the greater amount of pieces (circles) of the same color.
-ReversiFlex ReversiFlex 1.1.1 (2008.02.18)
A Reversi or Othello variation allowing customized boards. You can adjust the board size, place walls and set starting positions.
联发科完成并购ADI手机芯片部门作业 (2008.01.14)
联发科(MediaTek)近日宣布正式完成并购ADI旗下Othello和SoftFone手机芯片产品线及相关资产人员,亦即联发科正式取得ADI手机部门,将在3G手机芯片迈出一大步。 联发科第4季在线投资者说明会中将在30日召开,董事长蔡明介会亲自主持
-Chaos Lizard Creations v1.0.0 (2007 Dec. 16) (2007.12.17)
Games and resources for game developers. Currently: a stable cross-platform Asteroids clone, Nickel (a .ini file library), glbmp (a portable glaux replacement bitmap loader), some board games (including Othello) with AI, and other misc
联发科宣布并购ADI手机芯片部门  攻上3G制高点 (2007.09.11)
台湾手机芯片设计大厂联发科(MediaTek)已经正式宣布以3.5亿美元并购取得ADI旗下手机芯片部门,此举将进一步强化联发科在无线通信射频与模拟芯片技术的研发能力,同时藉此将进一步扩展在中国TD-SCDMA 3G芯片技术的影响力
挤进主流手机平台 (2007.09.11)
-Perversi - The Reversi for MobileDevices Perversi-Documentation-1.0 (2007.08.29)
Perversi is the classical Reversi (Othello) Board Game for Mobile Devices. If your Mobile Device has a Java Virtual Machine, then you can download and run this game!
ADI公司推出第二代Othello射频收发器 (2007.07.19)
台湾亚德诺半导体(Analog Devices, Inc., ADI),今天发布为其获奖的Othello直接变频射频收发器系列及其TD-SCDMA产品大家族又增加新成员——Othello-3T AD6552。Othello-3T AD6552是ADI公司为支持3G TD-SCDMA标准专门设计的第二代射频收发器,并且是对ADI公司TD-SCDMA基带芯片组(包括SoftFone-LCR和SoftFone-LCR+)全部产品的补充
-Atilo (Reversi) 1.2 (2007.07.07)
'Atilo' is a reversi (Othello) game under Gnome. There are several level of game, from beginners to confirmed (up to 10 levels of analyse ahead). There are also several strategies (program try to maximise his number of pawns, try to minimize, etc
-Othello Game 0.2.0 (2007.06.24)
Othello is a classic strategy game, also known as Reversi. Its objective is to finish the game with the greater amount of pieces (circles) of the same color.
-ReversiFlex ReversiFlex 1.1.0 (2007.05.12)
A Reversi or Othello variation allowing customized boards. You can adjust the board size, place walls and set starting positions.
用在Strong AI上的Othello游戏程式-Rhino 0.16.0 (2006.11.28)
用在Strong AI上的Othello游戏程式
-lothello 1.0 (2006.09.13)
Lothello is a little othello (reversi) game, using SDL.
WCDMA无线电传输架构(III) (2006.08.07)
用在Strong AI上的Othello游戏程式-Rhino 0.15.1 (2006.08.06)
用在Strong AI上的Othello游戏程式
(下期预告:本期介绍W-CDMA无线电传输技术架构中速率匹配、交错、讯框等化及分割、展频及扰乱、展频和扰乱码的功能等物理层相关的功能,下期将进行W-CDMA无线电传输技术架构最后一期,敬请持续锁定。) (2006.06.02)
-JOthi 0.9.2 (2005.12.14)
JOthi is the java-based game of "Othello". This project is son of the greater parent SourceForge project "JGames", that realizes the real game environment: JOthi only defines the "Othello" game rules and its specific AI players

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