鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 20
USB-IF公布MIDI装置2.0版的USB规格 提升音效的传输效能 (2020.07.20)
USB应用者论坛(USB Implementers Forum, USB-IF)日前公布更新的MIDI装置2.0版USB装置类定义,用於支援MIDI 2.0装置。该标准是USB-IF、MIDI制造商协会(MMA)和音乐电子事业协会(AMEI)的业界努力成果,旨在为MIDI用户提供由USB连接而扩大的MIDI环境
InMobi和Mindshare荣获创新和应用内广告最高奖 (2013.10.18)
愤怒鸟经济学:芬兰行动游戏业者剖析(中) (2011.05.10)
第二家被该杂志报导的业者是Digital Chocolate,也同样创立于二○○三年,知名的代表产品有:《Millionaire City》、《MMA Pro Fighter》、《Tower Bloxx》等。该公司去年五月在脸书(Facebook)上推出了社群游戏《Millionaire City》(百万城市),这款以地产大亨川普(Donald Trump)为模仿主角的大富翁游戏,甚至还出了中文版本
-VocalEasel VocalEasel 1.1 (2008.07.14)
VocalEasel is a simple lead sheet editor and music rehearsal tool designed for the needs of Jazz vocalists, using LilyPond to produce printable lead sheets and MMA (Musical Midi Accompaniment) to produce MIDI accompaniments.
-VocalEasel VocalEasel 1.0b3 (2008.05.11)
VocalEasel is a simple lead sheet editor and music rehearsal tool designed for the needs of Jazz vocalists, using LilyPond to produce printable lead sheets and MMA (Musical Midi Accompaniment) to produce MIDI accompaniments.
-WinMMA Upgrade to MMA 1.3 and LeMMA 0.6 (2008.02.19)
WinMMA is a package for Windows users that includes the (required) Python interpreter, an editor for MMA files (Scite) and MMA itself (program, documentation and example songs). Installing WinMMA you don't need any software, all is included
-VocalEasel VocalEasel 1.0b1 (2008.01.28)
VocalEasel is a simple lead sheet editor and music rehearsal tool designed for the needs of Jazz vocalists, using LilyPond to produce printable lead sheets and MMA (Musical Midi Accompaniment) to produce MIDI accompaniments.
-VocalEasel VocalEasel 1.0a4 (2007.10.29)
VocalEasel is a simple lead sheet editor and music rehearsal tool designed for the needs of Jazz vocalists, using LilyPond to produce printable lead sheets and MMA (Musical Midi Accompaniment) to produce MIDI accompaniments.
-WinMMA 1.2 (2007.06.11)
WinMMA is a package for Windows users that includes the (required) Python interpreter, an editor for MMA files (Scite) and MMA itself (program, documentation and example songs). Installing WinMMA you don't need any software, all is included
-VocalEasel VocalEasel 1.0a2 (2007.05.02)
VocalEasel is a simple lead sheet editor and music rehearsal tool designed for the needs of Jazz vocalists, using LilyPond to produce printable lead sheets and MMA (Musical Midi Accompaniment) to produce MIDI accompaniments.
半导体景气的燕子来了吗? (2007.04.04)
Joseph旋风 四月十一日,所罗门美邦证券公司半导体分析师Jonathon Joseph自去年七月四日成功判断股市高点之后,再次领先各研究机构,发表半导体类股已经触底的看法,并且调整多只股票的评价;市场上充斥着多空各种不同的声音
-WinMMA 1.1 (2007.03.09)
WinMMA is a package for Windows users that includes the (required) Python interpreter, an editor for MMA files (Scite) and MMA itself (program, documentation and example songs). Installing WinMMA you don't need any software, all is included
-WinMMA 1.0-rc2 (2006.10.16)
WinMMA is a package for Windows users that includes the (required) Python interpreter, an editor for MMA files (Scite) and MMA itself (program, documentation and example songs). Installing WinMMA you don't need any software, all is included
波音采用Wind River Linux版网络设备平台 (2006.08.14)
Wind River宣布波音(Boeing)选择采用Wind River网络设备平台 (Platform for Network Equipment) Linux版本,以开发其P-8A多任务海上侦察机 (Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft; MMA)的任务系统。该平台具有电信级Linux(CGL)执行环境,并包含了以Eclipse为基础的Wind River Workbench开发工具包
-SquareMUD mma (2006.05.13)
Squaremud is a graphical mud built from the Quake 2 sources. It includes all the common features found in CircleMud plus alot more.
主机迁移联盟社群网站正式成立 (2004.12.07)
主机迁移联盟(Mainframe Migration Alliance,MMA)7日,在Gartner举办的应用程序开发高峰会,宣布联盟会员人数增加一倍,同时推出协助客户将主机迁移至Microsoft Windows Server平台的社群网站 (http://www.mainframemigration.org),提供会员分享主机迁移的最佳实务和技术资源
我国项目整合市场的发展现况 (2001.06.01)
英特连行动理财记账软件正式上市 (2001.02.19)
英特连于2001年初正式上市NetMoney网钱通智能理财系列软件—包括「NetMoney网钱通2.0」、「PDA网钱通」及「行动网钱通」,为国内第一套具备跨帐户MMA概念、跨平台的数字理财软件系列,也是国内首套在PDA、Smart Phone自行研发的理财软件
英特连推数字理财新生活之系列软件 (2001.01.12)
宏道 华信银携手采取买断方式导入B2C (2000.10.09)
宏道资讯(BroadVision)于日前正式与华信银行签约,将提供其B2C个人化One-To-One金融解决方案,为华信银行架构完整的电子商务软体,并进一步将投资管理帐号(Money Management Account ;MMA)从实体服务升级至网路交易

1 意法半导体整合化高压功率级评估板 让马达驱动器更小且性能更强
3 宜鼎E1.S固态硬碟因应边缘伺服器应用 补足边缘AI市场断层
4 Microchip支援NIDIA Holoscan感测器处理平台加速即时边缘AI部署
5 ROHM第4代1200V IGBT实现顶级低损耗和高短路耐受能力
6 英飞凌首款20 Gbps通用USB周边控制器提供高速连接效力
7 ROHM新款SiC萧特基二极体支援xEV系统高电压需求
8 西门子下一代AI增强型电子系统设计软体直观且安全
9 欧洲首款Multibeam Mask Writer新机型强化半导体生态系
10 igus全程移动式岸电系统可安全快速为货柜船提供岸电


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