鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 9
一款Microsoft Outlook附加功能的工具程序(垃圾邮件筛选器)-Spam Reader 3.0 (2010.09.23)
一款Microsoft Outlook附加功能的工具程序(垃圾邮件筛选器)
Openfind新版MailBase进化搜寻,提升企业资安 (2008.05.16)
国内软件厂商网擎信息(Openfind)推出新版MailBase 2.8版,将大幅提升索引效能与搜寻能力。除了加强信件索引与数据库的自动修复与还原(Self-Adaptive Failure Recovery)能力,更支持模糊比对(Fuzzy match)与精准查询(Exact match),为企业高阶主管、信息部门与稽核人员的管理需求,提供更具效能的邮件调阅与归档管理
-SpamBrave Lite for Outlook Express 5.6 (2008.01.30)
SpamBrave Lite for Outlook Express is a Bayesian spam filtering plug-in that will stop a large percentage of spam without the need for manual filters or adjustments. It can automatically learn from a mail folder that contains "good" mail and you can easily mark messages as Spam or Good by using newly added buttons in the toolbar
-SpamBrave Lite for Outlook Express 5.5 (2007.11.22)
SpamBrave Lite for Outlook Express is a Bayesian spam filtering plug-in that will stop a large percentage of spam without the need for manual filters or adjustments. It can automatically learn from a mail folder that contains "good" mail and you can easily mark messages as Spam or Good by using newly added buttons in the toolbar
-SpamBrave Lite for Outlook Express 5.1 (2007.07.20)
SpamBrave Lite for Outlook Express is a Bayesian spam filtering plug-in that will stop a large percentage of spam without the need for manual filters or adjustments. It can automatically learn from a mail folder that contains "good" mail and you can easily mark messages as Spam or Good by using newly added buttons in the toolbar
-SpamBrave Lite for Outlook Express 5.0 (2007.05.11)
SpamBrave Lite for Outlook Express (and Windows Mail) is a Bayesian spam filtering plug-in that will stop a large percentage of spam without the need for manual filters or adjustments. It can automatically learn from a mail folder that contains "good" mail and you can easily mark messages as Spam or Good by using newly added buttons in the toolbar
-Aggressive Spam Defense 2.3 (2005.03.27)
Aggressive Spam Defense can keep your inbox clean by deleting unsolicited emails before they reach your inbox. It comes pre-configured to detect most common spam, and can further learn from your usage, and also easily be customized
打击垃圾邮件 电子邮件邮政体系酝酿中 (2004.03.02)
上个月比尔.盖茨曾预测说,如果实行邮件付费制度,那么,两年之内,垃圾邮件的问题就将由根本获得解决。 目前雅虎正在评估由硅谷新成立公司Good mail公司开发的电子邮件邮政体系,让大量邮件的发送者为每封邮件买一张1便士的“邮票”,并借此向收件人确认邮件的发送者是否真有其人
SPAM防治技术剖析 (2004.01.15)

1 意法半导体整合化高压功率级评估板 让马达驱动器更小且性能更强
3 宜鼎E1.S固态硬碟因应边缘伺服器应用 补足边缘AI市场断层
4 Microchip支援NIDIA Holoscan感测器处理平台加速即时边缘AI部署
5 ROHM第4代1200V IGBT实现顶级低损耗和高短路耐受能力
6 英飞凌首款20 Gbps通用USB周边控制器提供高速连接效力
7 ROHM新款SiC萧特基二极体支援xEV系统高电压需求
8 西门子下一代AI增强型电子系统设计软体直观且安全
9 欧洲首款Multibeam Mask Writer新机型强化半导体生态系
10 igus全程移动式岸电系统可安全快速为货柜船提供岸电


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