鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 6
-GridSQL GridSQL 1.0 (2008.06.17)
GridSQL is an open source shared-nothing clustered database system for data warehousing designed for EnterpriseDB Postgres Plus and PostgreSQL. GridSQL includes intelligence to parallelize over multiple servers for achieving faster query response times
EnterpriseDB在港设总部扩展亚太业务 (2007.01.02)
EnterpriseDB宣布于香港建立地区总部,藉以扩充其亚太业务;并表示已礼聘业内前辈Roger Durn出任地区总经理。 Durn刚上任便马上扩充本地销售,又加强地区技术人员支持,以提升该公司在亚太区的业务水平
EnterpriseDB公司网站 (2006.08.28)
EnterpriseDB produces the award-winning EnterpriseDB relational database management system (RDBMS). An enterprise-class RDBMS that is based on PostgreSQL, the world's most advanced open source database, EnterpriseDB runs many Oracle applications unchanged, performs better than native PostgreSQL and is priced to reflect its open source heritage
新开放源码业者提供与Oracle兼容的数据库系统 (2006.08.28)
在数据库系统专业使用领域里,Oracle一直拥有相当高的客户群,而且也是数据库方面的技术标准。但是有开放源码业者瞄准了Oracle的客户基础,提供一套名为”EnterpriseDB Advanced Server” 的类似数据库系统,这并非普遍大家所熟知的MySQL数据库系统,而是全新以PostgreSQL项目为基础开发的系统
Novell扩大支持Linux操作系统与营销网络 (2006.03.21)
根据外电媒体报导,Novell CEO Jack Messman在美国盐湖城开幕的Brainshare年度大会上,公布Novell未来发展蓝图,同时推出包括Suse Linux Enterprise 10在内的多款产品。 3月初在德国汉诺威举行的CeBIT电子产品展上,Novell推出新一代Linux操作系统Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop 10
-BenchmarkSQL BenchmarkSQL-2.3 (2006.01.03)
An easy to use RDBMS benchmark, written in Java/JDBC, that closely resembles the TPC-C standard. This robust set of tests can be used to validate the OLTP performance of all major DB's including EnterpriseDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle

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