双轴转型推动ESG发展 为企业永续提出解方 (2023.05.30) 为提升企业永续发展的实质效益,中国生产力中心(CPC)「生产力再造」及「学习成长」两大经营服务团,与机械公会联合主办,将於6月15日假南港展览馆一馆举办「迈向脱碳.永续经营」企业实践分享会 |
Advantech Technologies Japan 提出物联网eDMS服务策略 (2019.04.08) ATJ董事长石田隆裕针对今後方针发表新的事业策略表示,ATJ前身成立於1966年,主要配合客户需求实现少量多样生产模式,提供嵌入式「Design-in(与客户共同开发)」系统服务,总公司位於福冈县直方市,服务范围多以日本的工业设备制造商为主 |
康佳特推出搭载Intel Xeon/Core处理器的伺服器模组 (2015.11.13) 德国康佳特科技(Congatec)提供嵌入式电脑模组、单板电脑和EDMS定制化服务等技术,推出全新伺服器等级的COM Express Basic模组。此模组基于第六代Intel Xeon和Intel Core i3 / i5 / i7处理器(代号: Skylake) |
德国康佳特于台湾增设研发中心 (2015.06.26) 德国康佳特科技持续全球研发中心的投资布局,于台北成立亚洲的研发总部,以支援亚太区客户并推动区域的成长。台北研发总部为康佳特亚太区第一个且全球第五个研发中心 |
德国康佳特于台湾增设研发中心 (2015.06.25) 具备嵌入式电脑模组,单板电脑与EDMS定制化服务厂商─德国康佳特科技,持续全球研发中心的投资布局,于台北成立亚洲的研发总部,以支援亚太区客户并推动区域的成长 |
IEDMS2011研讨会暨国科会微电子学门年会 (2011.11.17) IEDMS2011研讨会暨国科会微电子学门年会
The International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium (IEDMS) held its inaugural conference on electronics and semiconductors in 1972. Initially it was known as the Electron Devices and Materials Symposium (EDMS) and took place on different Taiwan campuses annually, serving for domestic academic and scientific exchange |
-The NO-SOD Project DMS_2.0.3 (2005.12.11) This Document Management System or DMS is made for regulated industries. Efficient Documents Management System is a web based eDMS with Version control, documents life cycle, approval workflows, audit trail, and employee training records facilities |
-The NO-SOD Project eDMS_2.0_fix_a (2005.04.29) This DMS provides a full featured environment for regulated industries. Efficient Documents Management System is a web based eDMS with Version control, documents life cycle, approval workflows, audit trail, and employee training records facilities |