鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 31
PCIe与HT间胜负未定 (2007.11.12)
PCIe与HT间胜负未定 (2007.10.18)
-x86mph 3.2 beta (2006.10.22)
x86mph is an optimized library with vector, matrix, and vertex helpers (including an own TnL) It also contains memory helpers, and other stuff such as image processing (color inverting, changing bpp) taking advantage of x86's 3DNow!
-SIMDx86 libSIMDx86-devel-src-0.4.0pre (2006.09.13)
This library is meant for high performance calculations for science or 3D games/rasterizers using SIMD instructions of x86 processors to allow an unparalleled level of optimization. This takes advantage of MMX, 3DNow!, 3DNow!+/MMX+, SSE, SSE2, and SSE3
-:[diStorm64}: diStorm64 V1.5.13 (2006.06.10)
diStorm is a binary stream disassembler for AMD64 and 80x86-16,32 bits. It disassembles FPU,MMX,SSE,SSE2,SSE3,SSE4,VMX and 3DNow!(w/exts) and new x86-64 instruction sets. diStorm was written to decode quickly every instruction as accurately as possible
-SIMDx86 libSIMDx86-devel-0.3.1a (2006.06.07)
This library is meant for high performance calculations for science or 3D games/rasterizers using SIMD instructions of x86 processors to allow an unparalleled level of optimization. This takes advantage of MMX, 3DNow!, 3DNow!+/MMX+, SSE, SSE2, and SSE3
-FFFF - Fast Floating Fractal Fun FFFF 3.2.3 (2006.03.18)
FFFF is the fastest Win32/OSX/Linux/IRIX Mandelbrot generator. Features OpenGL, realtime zoom, SSE/AltiVec QuadPixel, SSE2/3DNow! DualPixel calc, FPU per pixel calc, GPU asm (Fragment/Vertex) calc, multiprocessor support, and benchmarking
-x86mph 3.1 (2006.02.27)
x86mph is an optimized library with vector, matrix, and vertex helpers (including an own TnL) It also contains memory helpers, and other stuff such as image processing (color inverting, changing bpp) taking advantage of x86's 3DNow!
-SIMDx86 libSIMDx86-devel-src-0.3.0a (2006.02.04)
This library is meant for high performance calculations for science or 3D games/rasterizers using SIMD instructions of x86 processors to allow an unparalleled level of optimization. This takes advantage of MMX, 3DNow!, 3DNow!+/MMX+, SSE, SSE2, and SSE3
-:[diStorm64}: diStorm Package (2006.01.15)
diStorm is a binary stream disassembler for AMD64 and 80x86 - 16,32 bits. It disassembles FPU,MMX,SSE,SSE2,SSE3 and 3DNow! (w/ extensions) and new x86-64 instruction sets. diStorm was written to decode quickly every instruction as accurately as possible
-x86mph 3.0 (2005.12.25)
x86mph is an optimized library with vector, matrix, and vertex helpers (including an own TnL) It also contains memory helpers, and other stuff such as image processing (color inverting, changing bpp) taking advantage of x86's 3DNow!
-SIMDx86 libSIMDx86-devel-src-0.1 (2005.11.01)
This library is meant for high performance calculations for science or games using SIMD instructions of x86 processors to allow an unparalleled level of optimization. This takes advantage of MMX, 3DNow!, 3DNow!+, MMX+, SSE, SSE2, SSE3 (PNI)
-Hubble in a Bottle! virgo model for 1.000 and above (2005.06.05)
A 3D tool for stars and particles able to run on Beowulf clusters with MPI. Rendering step is implemented separately and optimized for SSE and 3dnow, compatible with OpenGL. Navigation mechanism with quaternions. Ten color maps, sobel contour detection
-SIMDx86 SIMDx86-sdk-0.0.1 (2005.02.22)
This library is meant for high performance calculations for science or games using SIMD instructions of x86 processors to allow an unparalleled level of optimization. This takes advantage of MMX, 3DNow!, 3DNow!+, MMX+, SSE, SSE2, SSE3 (PNI)
多功影像媒体播放器 – Xine (2004.02.25)
AMD新款微处理器问世 (2003.05.15)
美商超微半导体(AMD)于日前发表AMD Athlon XP 3200+处理器,该处理器增添了前端汇流排等种种功能。 AMD Athlon XP处理器采用QuantiSpeed​​架构,可以支援AMD 3DNow!指令,确保多媒体应用程式可以发挥更高的效能
AMD推出AMD Athlon MP2800处理器 (2003.05.08)
AMD日前推出全新AMD Athlon MP2800处理器,适用于企业内需以最佳状态运行32位元应用程式的一路或二路伺服器及工作站。 AMD Athlon MP 2800处理器以新型核心为基础,较原有AMD Athlon MP处理器具备更多L2高速缓冲记忆体,使更多资讯可以储存在更接近处理器的位置,提升运作效能
VIA C3处理器注入新血 (2002.06.06)
威盛电子6日表示,本周一正式推出1 GHz VIA C3处理器后,已经带动各主要主板业者后续对于Socket 370平台的支持。指出,由于市场对于Socket370的系统,仍然有着稳定的需求,因此威盛将持续为这个高度成熟且具备高应用弹性的平台
AMD推出行动型1.2GHz 及1.1GHz DuronO处理器 (2002.02.08)
台湾美商超威半导体(AMD),8日推出1.2GHz及1.1GHz的行动型AMD DuronO处理器,进一步巩固AMD在主流笔记本电脑市场上的领导地位。这两款全新的行动型AMD DuronO处理器采用个人计算机业界的AMD PowerNow!O电源管理技术,可在丝毫不影响系统效能的情况下而大幅延长电池寿命
AMD推出1.3GHz AMD DuronO处理器 (2002.01.31)
美商超威半导体公司(AMD)31日宣布推出一款专为桌上型个人计算机而设计的全新1.3GHz AMD DuronO处理器。这款处理器可支持数字图片剪辑、声频处理及因特网应用等程序,而且效能非其他竞争产品所能及

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1 Microchip发布适用於医学影像和智慧机器人的PolarFire® FPGA和SoC解决方案协议堆叠
2 u-blox 推出适用於穿戴应用的新型 GNSS 晶片UBX-M10150-CC, 能以最小外形尺寸提供超低功耗和高定位精准度
3 Microchip 推出新款统包式电容式触控控制器产品 MTCH2120
4 贸泽电子即日起供应适用於全球LTE、智慧和IoT应用的Nordic Semiconductor nRF9151-DK开发套件
5 凌华科技透过 NVIDIA JetPack 6.1 增强边缘 AI 解决方案
6 意法半导体推出网页工具,加速搭载智慧感测器的AIoT专案开发
7 意法半导体推出首款与高通合作之支援STM32的无线 IoT 模组
8 Bourns推出全新高效能 超紧凑型气体放电管 (GDT) 浪涌保护解决方案
9 直角照明轻触开关为复杂电子应用提供客制化和多功能性
10 意法半导体推出 STM32WL33 低功耗长距离无线微控制器及专属生态系扩充方案


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