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從時下流行的多種即時通訊程式中恢復你的密碼工具軟體-MessenPass 1.41 (2011.02.11)
一款提供即時通訊軟體密碼查詢功能的小工具,而且免費使用-MessenPass 1.35 (2010.08.18)
在電腦上控制線上聊天軟體使用的工具,可給父母用來限制子女的使用,或制定規則。-Chat Controller 2.0 (2009.11.08)
-Plug and Browse 6 (2009.05.12)
Plug and Browse allows you to store multiple network configurations and switch between them as needed. The program can store network connection settings, computer name and domain, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and Windows Messenger connection settings
-Plug and Browse 5.2 (2008.05.25)
Plug and Browse allows you to store multiple network configurations and switch between them as needed. The program can store network connection settings, computer name and domain, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and Windows Messenger connection settings
-Plug and Browse 5.1 (2008.03.04)
Plug and Browse allows you to store multiple network configurations and switch between them as needed. The program can store network connection settings, computer name and domain, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and Windows Messenger connection settings
-Plug and Browse 5.0 (2007.11.25)
Plug and Browse allows you to store multiple network configurations and switch between them as needed. The program can store network connection settings, computer name and domain, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and Windows Messenger connection settings
-Plug and Browse 4.4 (2006.10.10)
Plug and Browse allows you to store multiple network configurations and switch between them as needed. The program can store network connection settings, computer name and domain, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and Windows Messenger connection settings
-Plug and Browse 4.0 (2005.09.13)
Plug and Browse allows you to store multiple network configurations and switch between them as needed. The program can store network connection settings, computer name and domain, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and Windows Messenger connection settings
-RealPopup 2.6 (2005.06.28)
RealPopup is a replacement for WinPopup and is fully compatible with Windows Messenger Service, NetSend across versions of Windows. It is very similar to the original Winpopup application, however comes with several enhancements, including features to browse received messages, delete, reply or compose new one, hyperlink support, message saving, customizable fonts, integrated network browser and more
-STOPzilla! 4.0.45 (2005.05.24)
STOPzilla guards you against annoying unwanted pop-up windows and some common spyware installations. Optional alert sounds can notify you each time a popup window has been closed. Additional features include integrated Cookie and History cleaning, as well as homepage protection, HOSTS file protection and blocking of Windows Messenger popups
-Plug and Browse 3.4 (2005.05.02)
Plug and Browse allows you to store multiple network configurations and switch between them as needed. The program can store network connection settings, computer name and domain, Internet Explorer, Outlook Express and Windows Messenger connection settings
一個 p2p 的線上即時交談軟體-NetSend P2P IM 1.5 (2004.05.13)
一個 p2p 的線上即時交談軟體
微軟Messenger服務成為廣告訊息濫發工具 (2003.11.07)
美國聯邦貿易委員會(FTC)周四舉行記者會表示,對於微軟Windows作業系統內建Windows Messenger服務提出質疑,認為此服務可能造成安全顧慮,成為廣告訊息濫發的工具。 FTC指出,微軟Messenger服務顯然遭到不當濫用,圾垃郵件發送者可利用此服務把廣告訊息傳至與網際網路連線的個人電腦
IBM力推企業用即時傳訊軟體 (2003.07.11)
在一般個人使用的即時傳訊市場,已有MSN Messenger、ICQ、AOL即時通訊及Yahoo!Messenger等軟體盤踞,因此藍色巨人IBM雖也看好此市場,但主打企業用戶,日前推出企業版「Sametime」軟體,即強調128bit加密、文件分享與遠端遙控等企業應用功能
遠傳加增MSN Mobile服務 (2003.03.07)
MSN與遠傳電信6日宣佈將推出MSN Mobile服務,遠傳電信行動電話用戶可透過任何一款支援簡訊的手機收到MSN Hotmail郵件與MSN Messenger訊息,也可從手機回覆信件以及發送訊息給Messenger的線上連絡人
MSN 與中華電信合作推出MSN Mobile Messenger服務 (2002.12.11)
MSN與中華電信今 (11) 日宣佈推出全新的MSN Mobile Messenger服務,中華電信的700萬行動電話用戶可透過任何一種支援簡訊的手機來接收MSN Messenger或Windows Messenger的訊息,亦可發送訊息給Messenger的線上連絡人
MSN網站推出 最新Messenger Service 4.5版 (2001.10.24)
MSN網站昨日宣佈,推出最新的MSN Messenger Service 4.5版,提供國內的網際網路用戶更先進的即時傳訊服務,除了保有原有的傳輸檔案與語音交談的功能,4.5版並提供群組的功能,也提供全新的立體造型表情符號
數位生活.自由體驗 媒體營 (2001.09.05)
親愛的媒體朋友您好: 帶給電腦使用者全新體驗的MicrosoftR WindowsR XP中文版將於10月30日在台灣正式登場,以Windows 2000核心技術設計的Windows XP,將讓你擁有自由工作與自在生活的全新體驗,智慧型的操作介面讓您覺得它很聰明, Windows Media Player 8的視訊與影音壓縮播放技術,讓你幾乎分辨不出是電腦還是DVD播放的效果
Windows XP銷售成長靠Windows Messenger (2001.06.12)
微軟上周發表Windows Messenger,將原本簡易的即時傳訊功能,擴充成集視訊會議、網路電話和線上功能於一身,可能是迫使消費者升級至Windows XP的利器,分析師看好XP內建的Windows Messenger,認為有可能帶動新一波電腦零售銷售熱潮

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1 Microchip推出全新Switchtec PCIe 4.0 16通道交換器系列產品,為汽車和嵌入式計算應用提供多功能性
2 意法半導體推出 STM32WL33 低功耗長距離無線微控制器及專屬生態系擴充方案
3 貿澤電子即日起供貨能為工業應用提供精準感測的 Analog Devices MAX32675C微控制器
4 桓達FSE集塵節能粒子濃度偵測器可即時監測粉塵狀態
5 凌華科技攜手銳能智慧科技 打造電動車社區充電最佳EMS能源管理系統
6 意法半導體推出的安全防護比較器具備穩定啟動時間設計 提升系統可靠性並降低電力消耗
7 施耐德電機TeSys馬達控制與保護產品系列不斷創新 見證台灣工業自動化邁向智慧製造與永續發展
8 意法半導體推出靈活、因應未來的智慧電表通訊解決方案,協助能源轉型
9 意法半導體推出 IO-Link 致動器電路板 提供工業監控與家電應用的一站式參考設計
10 雅特力AT32F421遙控攀爬車電子調速新方案,助力征服極端地形


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