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-C# Othello (2011.05.26)
Just messing around, attempt to create an Othello(Reversi) game in C#, learn about Artificial Intelligence, Model-View-Controller, Network Communications in C#, as well as learning Git for Source Control.
-GeneThello: Genetic Othello (2011.03.16)
GeneThello (read j?-?ne-?the-l?), is an acronym for genetic othello, an othello (reversi) playing program which based on Genetic Algorithm (GA). In principle GeneThello consist of an othello program and a genetic algorithm system
資策會展示互動式媒體系統,提升消費者體驗 (2009.02.13)
資策會於今日(2/13)在台北市Living Lab圓形鳥瞰劇場,舉辦「2009歐洲魔圍棋挑戰台灣職業棋士邀請賽」,利用人工智慧技術,模擬棋王與電腦對弈的棋路,並透過投影方式,將9×9的棋盤,投射在200吋的大螢幕上,把體驗者當作黑白棋,直接聽指令,走到相對應的位置,讓民眾能夠實際體驗下圍棋的樂趣
-Othello Game 0.2.2 (2008.07.28)
Othello is a classic strategy game, also known as Reversi. Its objective is to finish the game with the greater amount of pieces (circles) of the same color.
-ReversiFlex ReversiFlex 1.1.1 (2008.02.18)
A Reversi or Othello variation allowing customized boards. You can adjust the board size, place walls and set starting positions.
聯發科完成併購ADI手機晶片部門作業 (2008.01.14)
聯發科(MediaTek)近日宣佈正式完成併購ADI旗下Othello和SoftFone手機晶片產品線及相關資產人員,亦即聯發科正式取得ADI手機部門,將在3G手機晶片邁出一大步。 聯發科第4季線上投資者說明會中將在30日召開,董事長蔡明介會親自主持
-Chaos Lizard Creations v1.0.0 (2007 Dec. 16) (2007.12.17)
Games and resources for game developers. Currently: a stable cross-platform Asteroids clone, Nickel (a .ini file library), glbmp (a portable glaux replacement bitmap loader), some board games (including Othello) with AI, and other misc
聯發科宣布併購ADI手機晶片部門  攻上3G制高點 (2007.09.11)
台灣手機晶片設計大廠聯發科(MediaTek)已經正式宣佈以3.5億美元併購取得ADI旗下手機晶片部門,此舉將進一步強化聯發科在無線通訊射頻與類比晶片技術的研發能力,同時藉此將進一步擴展在中國TD-SCDMA 3G晶片技術的影響力
擠進主流手機平台 (2007.09.11)
-Perversi - The Reversi for MobileDevices Perversi-Documentation-1.0 (2007.08.29)
Perversi is the classical Reversi (Othello) Board Game for Mobile Devices. If your Mobile Device has a Java Virtual Machine, then you can download and run this game!
ADI公司推出第二代Othello射頻收發器 (2007.07.19)
台灣亞德諾半導體(Analog Devices, Inc., ADI),今天發佈為其獲獎的Othello直接變頻射頻收發器系列及其TD-SCDMA產品大家族又增加新成員——Othello-3T AD6552。Othello-3T AD6552是ADI公司為支持3G TD-SCDMA標準專門設計的第二代射頻收發器,並且是對ADI公司TD-SCDMA基帶晶片組(包括SoftFone-LCR和SoftFone-LCR+)全部產品的補充
-Atilo (Reversi) 1.2 (2007.07.07)
'Atilo' is a reversi (Othello) game under Gnome. There are several level of game, from beginners to confirmed (up to 10 levels of analyse ahead). There are also several strategies (program try to maximise his number of pawns, try to minimize, etc
-Othello Game 0.2.0 (2007.06.24)
Othello is a classic strategy game, also known as Reversi. Its objective is to finish the game with the greater amount of pieces (circles) of the same color.
-ReversiFlex ReversiFlex 1.1.0 (2007.05.12)
A Reversi or Othello variation allowing customized boards. You can adjust the board size, place walls and set starting positions.
用在Strong AI上的Othello遊戲程式-Rhino 0.16.0 (2006.11.28)
用在Strong AI上的Othello遊戲程式
-lothello 1.0 (2006.09.13)
Lothello is a little othello (reversi) game, using SDL.
W-CDMA無線電傳輸架構(III) (2006.08.07)
用在Strong AI上的Othello遊戲程式-Rhino 0.15.1 (2006.08.06)
用在Strong AI上的Othello遊戲程式
W-CDMA無線電傳輸架構(I) (2006.06.02)
-JOthi 0.9.2 (2005.12.14)
JOthi is the java-based game of "Othello". This project is son of the greater parent SourceForge project "JGames", that realizes the real game environment: JOthi only defines the "Othello" game rules and its specific AI players

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1 Microchip推出全新Switchtec PCIe 4.0 16通道交換器系列產品,為汽車和嵌入式計算應用提供多功能性
2 意法半導體推出 STM32WL33 低功耗長距離無線微控制器及專屬生態系擴充方案
3 貿澤電子即日起供貨能為工業應用提供精準感測的 Analog Devices MAX32675C微控制器
4 桓達FSE集塵節能粒子濃度偵測器可即時監測粉塵狀態
5 凌華科技攜手銳能智慧科技 打造電動車社區充電最佳EMS能源管理系統
6 意法半導體推出的安全防護比較器具備穩定啟動時間設計 提升系統可靠性並降低電力消耗
7 施耐德電機TeSys馬達控制與保護產品系列不斷創新 見證台灣工業自動化邁向智慧製造與永續發展
8 意法半導體推出 IO-Link 致動器電路板 提供工業監控與家電應用的一站式參考設計
9 意法半導體推出靈活、因應未來的智慧電表通訊解決方案,協助能源轉型
10 首款新型TPSMB非對稱TVS二極體為汽車SiC MOSFET 提供卓越的柵極驅動器保護


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