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NVIDIA發表功能安全性AI自駕平台 (2018.01.12)
NVIDIA(輝達)宣布針對其 AI 自駕車平台NVIDIA DRIVE 所發表之功能安全性架構的細節,該平台採用冗餘配置與多元功能的設計,讓車輛即使在行駛、環境或系統層面出現差錯時,依然能安全行駛
德國研究計劃讓電磁爐價格更經濟、更節能 (2014.03.31)
電磁爐的價格將更經濟,且更具節能效益,這是為時三年的「InduKOCH」研究計劃的成果。此研究團隊的成員包括 E.G.O. 集團、德國不萊梅大學「電機驅動及電力電子與裝置學會」(IALB),以及該計劃領導者,半導體製造商英飛凌科技股份有限公司
佈局2020,搶佔科技藍海新商機 (2012.01.06)
全球景氣正陷入不見底的低迷衰退, 電子科技產業也彷彿洩了氣的皮球, 台灣正需要一盞能指引方向的明燈 帶領我們走過這場宛如災難般的黑暗期…
網路控制機器人移動通訊---Ego Secundus-網路控制機器人移動通訊---Ego Secundus (2011.01.21)
網路控制機器人移動通訊---Ego Secundus
細分為文件管理器 (ego) 和虛擬文件系統(libferris/ferrisui)-witme (2010.10.28)
細分為文件管理器 (ego) 和虛擬文件系統(libferris/ferrisui)
節能烹調研究專案 省下高達25%電力 (2010.10.13)
-witme bonnie-to-chart (2008.06.17)
Broken down into the file manager (ego) and the virtual filesystem (libferris/ferrisui). the VFS libferris is the core of the project, ego uses GTK+2 and gevas to present info from libferris and allow management using gfmv, gfcp
-witme fedora8miq (2008.04.07)
Broken down into the file manager (ego) and the virtual filesystem (libferris/ferrisui). the VFS libferris is the core of the project, ego uses GTK+2 and gevas to present info from libferris and allow management using gfmv, gfcp
-witme 0.3.0 (2008.02.01)
Broken down into the file manager (ego) and the virtual filesystem (libferris/ferrisui). the VFS libferris is the core of the project, ego uses GTK+2 and gevas to present info from libferris and allow management using gfmv, gfcp
-Egotistics 0.9.0 (2007.12.28)
Egotistics is a social network analysis program that allows users to simultaneously explore multiple personal networks (called 'ego networks').
-Dzienniczek 3 dzienniczek-svn-20071220 (2007.12.24)
Dzienniczek Ucznia 3 jest kontynuacj? moich aplikacji ze szczeni?cych lat. Docelowo ma on pe?ni? rol? ma?ego centrum sterowania nauk? - zarz?dza terminarzem, i ocenami uczni籀w.
-witme rsync (2007.11.19)
Broken down into the file manager (ego) and the virtual filesystem (libferris/ferrisui). the VFS libferris is the core of the project, ego uses GTK+2 and gevas to present info from libferris and allow management using gfmv, gfcp
-Dzienniczek 3 Dzienniczek3-win32-installer (2007.09.05)
Dzienniczek Ucznia 3 jest kontynuacj? moich aplikacji ze szczeni?cych lat. Docelowo ma on pe?ni? rol? ma?ego centrum sterowania nauk? - zarz?dza terminarzem, i ocenami uczni籀w.
-ReViSy test (2007.09.02)
ReViSy is a filesystem(+other resources) visualisation tool that gives you the possibility to navigate through your system in a 3d environment in ego perspective
-witme 1.1.108 (2007.08.23)
Broken down into the file manager (ego) and the virtual filesystem (libferris/ferrisui). the VFS libferris is the core of the project, ego uses GTK+2 and gevas to present info from libferris and allow management using gfmv, gfcp
-witme 0.1.0 (2007.06.13)
Broken down into the file manager (ego) and the virtual filesystem (libferris/ferrisui). the VFS libferris is the core of the project, ego uses GTK+2 and gevas to present info from libferris and allow management using gfmv, gfcp
-witme 0.0.1 (2007.03.15)
Broken down into the file manager (ego) and the virtual filesystem (libferris/ferrisui). the VFS libferris is the core of the project, ego uses GTK+2 and gevas to present info from libferris and allow management using gfmv, gfcp
-Maze3D-net 1.0 (2007.02.20)
Maze3D is an application which provides the creation of random mazes with different algorithms. In OpenGL fullscreen mode the player runs in ego perspective through the maze. All walls can be displayed as mirrors. NOW Multiplayer is possible
商用網格運算的導入困難與挑戰 (2007.01.26)
「網格運算(Grid Computing)」的發明,號稱是第三次的資訊革命。然而,時至今日,網格運算卻依然停留在學術殿堂,僅僅需要龐大計算資源的大型研究計畫採用外,甚少企業願意部署這「俗閣大碗」的技術
-witme 1.1.103 (2006.12.20)
Broken down into the file manager (ego) and the virtual filesystem (libferris/ferrisui). the VFS libferris is the core of the project, ego uses GTK+2 and gevas to present info from libferris and allow management using gfmv, gfcp

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1 Microchip推出全新Switchtec PCIe 4.0 16通道交換器系列產品,為汽車和嵌入式計算應用提供多功能性
2 意法半導體推出 STM32WL33 低功耗長距離無線微控制器及專屬生態系擴充方案
3 意法半導體推出網頁工具,加速搭載智慧感測器的AIoT專案開發
4 Bourns推出全新高效能 超緊湊型氣體放電管 (GDT) 浪湧保護解決方案
5 貿澤電子即日起供貨能為工業應用提供精準感測的 Analog Devices MAX32675C微控制器
6 Bourns 全新推出 500 安培系列數位分流傳感器
7 Bourns 推出符合 AEC-Q200 標準 車規級高隔離馳返式變壓器系列
8 桓達FSE集塵節能粒子濃度偵測器可即時監測粉塵狀態
9 凌華科技攜手銳能智慧科技 打造電動車社區充電最佳EMS能源管理系統
10 施耐德電機TeSys馬達控制與保護產品系列不斷創新 見證台灣工業自動化邁向智慧製造與永續發展


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