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提供專業錄音工具軟體,支援MP3檔案功能,以近乎完善的音訊品質。-Audio Record Wizard 5.2.0 (2010.12.27)
-BleachBit (2010.09.27)
BleachBit frees disk space and maintains privacy. Cleans cache, Internet history, temporary files, cookies, and broken shortcuts. Cleans Bash, Firefox, Flash, Google Earth, Internet Explorer, Java, KDE, OpenOffice.org, Opera, RealPlayer, Safari, and more BleachBit frees disk space and maintains privacy
一款效果不錯的錄音工具軟體-Audio Record Wizard 5.1.0 (2010.07.20)
一款能刪除無用的檔案及瀏覽器Cache的工具程式-Easy Spaceguard 1.5.7 (2010.06.05)
用以刪除瀏覽器與暫存區無用的歷史資料的工具程式-Tracks Eraser Pro 8.1 (2010.05.13)
一款能刪除無用的檔案及瀏覽器Cache的工具程式-Easy Spaceguard Personal Edition 1.5.6 (2010.01.18)
一款不用RealPlayer也可播放 RealMedia 檔案的軟體工具-Real Alternative 2.0.1 (2009.10.11)
一款不用RealPlayer也可播放 RealMedia 檔案的軟體工具
一款能刪除無用的檔案及瀏覽器Cache的工具程式-Easy Spaceguard Personal Edition 1.5.4 (2009.10.02)
一款能刪除無用的檔案及瀏覽器Cache的工具程式-Easy Spaceguard Personal Edition 1.5.3 (2009.03.10)
所有軌道系統和網路資料清理工具,以保護您的隱私。-System & Internet Washer Pro 4.20 (2009.02.17)
-System & Internet Washer Pro 4.17 (2008.06.24)
System & Internet Washer (formerly Windows & Internet Washer)protects your privacy by cleaning up all the tracks of your Internet activities. The Quick Erase feature enables you to erase the IE browser cache, history, cookies, typed URLs, auto-complete list and many other items with a single click
-Tracks Eraser 6.0 (2008.06.19)
Tracks Eraser enables you to quickly clean up all the unwanted cache and history data generated by browser,windows and applications. You can remove the broswer' s typed URLs,cache, cookies, history data, auto-complete memory and plug-Ins
-PluginObject v 0.1.0 alpha (2008.04.02)
PluginObject is a javascript based solution for embedding multiple plugin types. Currently has plugins for embedding and detecting Flash, Quicktime, Realplayer, Windows Media Player, Divx, Shockwave and even Flash Media (flvs and mp3s)
新款TANDBERG Content Server應用功能大幅提昇 (2008.01.24)
台灣威訊得科技,身為TANDBERG挪威原廠指定合作伙伴,日前推出新版TANDBERG Content Server,擴增高解析度影片錄製與多媒體展示產品陣容。使用者可建立、儲存、下載、撥打視訊電話與傳送多媒體簡報內容,讓使用者能透過各種裝置隨時存取這些內容
-Tracks Eraser 5.2 (2007.11.23)
Tracks Eraser enables you to quickly clean up all the unwanted cache and history data generated by browser,windows and applications. You can remove the broswer' s typed URLs,cache, cookies, history data, auto-complete memory and plug-Ins
CSR讓藍牙耳機實現家庭無線通訊生活 (2007.10.31)
CSR推出一項USB藍牙傳輸器設計,可以讓立體或單音藍牙耳機搭配個人電腦撥打網路電話(Voice over IP;VoIP)及聆聽無線音樂串流。CSR這款低成本的音樂暨語音藍牙傳輸器(Music 'n' Voice Dongle)設計,強調讓使用者隨心所欲切換音樂聆聽和VoIP通話功能
-LyricsJoy Plugin 1.0 (2007.09.06)
LyricsJoy Plugin displays lyrics for the song that you are listening to. It works with WinAmp, Foobar 2000, Xmplay, Realplayer, Yahoo Jukebox and iTunes. In addition to the lyrics display, you can also choose to view a music video (if found on YouTube) and display lyrics on your Yahoo and/or gTalk status
-MiniLyrics 5.4.3016 (2007.08.21)
MiniLyrics is an add-on for your media player that automatically retrieves and displays synchronized lyrics for the currently playing. The program works with most popular media players, including iTunes, Windows Media Player, WinAmp, RealPlayer, JetAudio, MusicMatch Jukebox, J
-MiniLyrics 5.2.2755 (2007.05.27)
MiniLyrics is an add-on for your media player that automatically retrieves and displays synchronized lyrics for the currently playing. The program works with most popular media players, including iTunes, Windows Media Player, WinAmp, RealPlayer, JetAudio, MusicMatch Jukebox, J
-System & Internet Washer Pro 4.16 (2007.05.22)
System & Internet Washer (formerly Windows & Internet Washer)protects your privacy by cleaning up all the tracks of your Internet activities. The Quick Erase feature enables you to erase the IE browser cache, history, cookies, typed URLs, auto-complete list and many other items with a single click

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1 Microchip推出全新Switchtec PCIe 4.0 16通道交換器系列產品,為汽車和嵌入式計算應用提供多功能性
2 意法半導體推出 STM32WL33 低功耗長距離無線微控制器及專屬生態系擴充方案
3 貿澤電子即日起供貨能為工業應用提供精準感測的 Analog Devices MAX32675C微控制器
4 凌華科技攜手銳能智慧科技 打造電動車社區充電最佳EMS能源管理系統
5 桓達FSE集塵節能粒子濃度偵測器可即時監測粉塵狀態
6 意法半導體推出的安全防護比較器具備穩定啟動時間設計 提升系統可靠性並降低電力消耗
7 雅特力AT32F421遙控攀爬車電子調速新方案,助力征服極端地形
8 意法半導體推出靈活、因應未來的智慧電表通訊解決方案,協助能源轉型
9 泓格PET-2255U:靈活接線與簡易控制,工業自動化的全能利器
10 安勤全新高效節能伺服器HPS-SIEU4A/HPS-SIEUTA解碼綠色運算


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