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-Object-oriented Simple DirectMedia Layer YAG-OSDL-0.5 (2008.03.03)
OSDL: Object-oriented Simple DirectMedia Layer OSDL is a high level open source (LGPL/GPL) portable multimedia library, built upon Sam Lantinga's SDL (http://www.libsdl.org). Its goal is to provide a high level C++ framework
-Object-oriented Simple DirectMedia Layer LOANI-0.5 (2007.06.17)
OSDL : Object-oriented Simple DirectMedia Layer OSDL is a high level open source portable multimedia library, built upon Sam Lantinga's SDL (http://www.libsdl.org). Its goal is to provide a high level C++ framework to
-Object-oriented Simple DirectMedia Layer OSDL-0.4 (2007.04.02)
OSDL : Object-oriented Simple DirectMedia Layer OSDL is a high level open source portable multimedia library, built upon Sam Lantinga's SDL (http://www.libsdl.org). Its goal is to provide a high level C++ framework to
-OSDL Database Test Suite 0.40 (2007.02.12)
The OSDL Database Test Suite aims to create database workload test kits used to simulate heavy user loads for OLTP, Decision Support, and e-commerce database transactions. These test kits can also be used to gather performanc
-OSDL Database Test Suite 0.39 (2006.10.04)
The OSDL Database Test Suite aims to create database workload test kits used to simulate heavy user loads for OLTP, Decision Support, and e-commerce database transactions. These test kits can also be used to gather performanc
OSDL預言微軟將推出開源碼版Office (2006.08.21)
開放原始碼開發實驗室(OSDL)的CEO Stuart Cohen表示,Microsoft將在數年內推出支援Linux作業系統的Office電腦套裝軟體。 在舊金山所舉辦的Linux World Conference & Expo會上,Stuart Cohen認為,Microsoft曾在Apple電腦上推出適用於Mac的Office軟體,因此Linux版Office並非空穴來風的臆測
Wind River 推出多款商務用Linux平台 (2006.08.03)
Wind River 近日推出針對消費性電子裝置和網路設備製造協力商所設計的商用級Linux解決方案最新版,該系列產品是以Linux kernel 2.6.14版本為基礎,包括Linux版本的通用型平台(General Purpose Platform)、消費性電子設備平台(Platform for Consumer Devices)、以及網路設備平台(Platform for Network Equipment)
TI與中興通訊加入Linux手機標準論壇 (2006.07.25)
2005年11月由PalmSource、Orange、MontaVista以及內嵌式作業系統開發商FSM 實驗室以及手機晶片製造商ARM Holdings等所共組的Linux 手機標準論壇(Linux Phone Standard,簡稱LiPS),在2006年Q1將軟體草案制訂出爐後,已經吸引國際大廠注目
Linux在行動OS穩定成長 極待建立標準化規範 (2006.07.23)
在作業系統的世界,Linux有著相當獨特的地位,特別是在smartphone與手機功能部份的應用方面。如果與其他原本就定位為手機作業系統的Symbian、Windows Mobile與Palm等比較起來更有明顯的不同,而目前Linux手機在整體手機市場中仍佔一小部份而已
-OSDL Database Test Suite 0.5 (2006.05.04)
The OSDL Database Test Suite aims to create database workload test kits used to simulate heavy user loads for OLTP, Decision Support, and e-commerce database transactions. These test kits can also be used to gather performanc
當前智慧型手機作業系統大廠營運趨勢 (2006.03.10)
Linux 手機標準聯盟成立,致力發展Linux介面標準 (2005.11.15)
手機軟體市場繼「開放原始碼開發實驗室」(OSDL)及「消費電子Linux 論壇」(CELF)之後,由PalmSource、法國電信的Orange,以及MontaVista軟體公司,內嵌式作業系統開發商FSM 實驗室、手機晶片製造商ARM Holdings等公司共組的「Linux 手機標準聯盟」,將成為第三家Linux 手機標準組織
-Object-oriented Simple DirectMedia Layer LOANI-0.2 (2005.11.12)
OSDL : Object-oriented Simple DirectMedia Layer OSDL is a high level open source portable multimedia library, built upon Sam Lantinga's SDL (http://www.libsdl.org). Its goal is to provide a high level C++ framewo
-OSDL Database Test Suite 0.34 (2005.09.28)
The OSDL Database Test Suite aims to create database workload test kits used to simulate heavy user loads for OLTP, Decision Support, and e-commerce database transactions. These test kits can also be used to gather performanc
-Object-oriented Simple DirectMedia Layer OSDL-0.3 (2005.08.22)
OSDL : Object-oriented Simple DirectMedia Layer OSDL is a high level open source portable multimedia library, built upon Sam Lantinga's SDL (http://www.libsdl.org). Its goal is to provide a high level C++ framework to
-OSDL Database Test Suite 1.8 (2005.07.26)
The OSDL Database Test Suite aims to create database workload test kits used to simulate heavy user loads for OLTP, Decision Support, and e-commerce database transactions. These test kits can also be used to gather performance results for Linux
-OSDL Database Test Suite 0.1 (2005.05.03)
The OSDL Database Test Suite aims to create database workload test kits used to simulate heavy user loads for OLTP, Decision Support, and e-commerce database transactions. These test kits can also be used to gather performance results for Linux
Wind River強化Linux方案 (2005.03.04)
溫瑞爾(Wind River Systems)發表支援Linux的網路設備平台。此網路設備平台(Platform for Network Equipment)是第一套內含完整Linux參考檔案系統的方案,並搭配許多網路中介軟體與應用程式
-OSDL Database Test Suite v0.25 (2005.03.02)
The OSDL Database Test Suite aims to create database workload test kits used to simulate heavy user loads for OLTP, Decision Support, and e-commerce database transactions. These test kits can also be used to gather performance results for Linux
2004年綻放光芒 (2005.03.01)

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1 意法半導體三相馬達驅動器整合評估板加速強化性能
2 Pilz開放式模組化工業電腦適用於自動化及傳動技術
4 宜鼎E1.S固態硬碟因應邊緣伺服器應用 補足邊緣AI市場斷層
5 Microchip支援NIDIA Holoscan感測器處理平台加速即時邊緣AI部署
6 Flex Power Modules為AI資料中心提供高功率密度 IBC 系列
7 瑞薩全新RA8 MCU系列將Arm Cortex-M85處理器高效引入成本敏感應用
8 Power Integrations推1700V氮化鎵切換開關IC
9 ROHM第4代1200V IGBT實現頂級低損耗和高短路耐受能力
10 英飛凌首款20 Gbps通用USB周邊控制器提供高速連接效力


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