鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 42
红帽JBoss EAP 7为混合云应用环境提供更稳定的基础 (2016.07.05)
世界开放原始码软体解决方案供应商红帽公司发布与Java EE 7相容的企业级应用程式平台7(Enterprise Application Platform 7, EAP 7)开放原始码应用伺服器,并导入JBoss Core Services Collection,为客户提供通用的基础应用元件
甲骨文Java平台未来展望 展示Java技术最新成果 (2013.09.27)
于旧金山举办的2013年JavaOne大会主题演说中,甲骨文Java开发团队主管勾勒Java平台的未来展望,同时展示最新的Java技术创新成果,并推出开放原始码的Project Avatar。 Java技术展示的重点方向 ‧ Java SE (Java Platform Standard Edition, Java平台标准版)的重要发布
一款 Java 开发工具,包含JDK、JavaFX、NetBeans、Java EE、说明文件...等。-Java SE 工具 (2012.05.24)
一款 Java 开发工具,包含JDK、JavaFX、NetBeans、Java EE、说明文件...等。
-StarMX (2010.11.18)
A framework to support dynamic adaptation behavior in Java EE enterprise systems and to develop self-managing applications. StarMX utilizes JMX features and can be integrated with different policy/rule engines to enable self-management capabilities
-HPC Portal Development Platform (2010.10.27)
HPC Portal Development Platform provides the well-designed portal development platform for Java/Java EE developers in the fields of high performance computing and E-Business. It can also be the education or other kind of portal development platform
-CincoSecurity Module (2010.08.09)
CincoSecurity module offers big flexibility to protect EJB3 methods, and JSF page elements.It associates a role to each EJB method (fine role) defining a security profile as a set of roles; its use cases manage security profiles and users
-Perf4j integration for CDI (JSR-299) (2010.07.30)
An add-on package for implementations of Contexts and Dependency Injection for the Java EE platform (CDI - JSR-299) providing convenient integration with Perf4j - performance monitoring library for Java applications.
-Broadleaf Commerce (2010.06.23)
Broadleaf Commerce is an open source Java EE eCommerce platform based on the Spring Framework. Broadleaf Commerce uses a robust, extensible architecture that enables deep customization and rapid development.
-jGenUI (2010.05.26)
Agile development with Java. JAVA EE Rich Internet Application Generator for jBoss Seam Framework. jGenUI produces java code integrated with Seam, Richfaces and Hibernate. More information at http://www.jgenui.org Fastest development cycle ever seen Java code generator
升阳新Java EE 6导入了可增加平台弹性的新功能 (2009.12.31)
太阳计算机(Sun Microsystems)于日前宣布,推出Java Platform Enterprise Edition 6 (Java EE 6),并表示目前Java技术授权也获得Caucho、IBM、Oracle与Red Hat等知名大型企业支持。 Java EE 6导入了可增加平台弹性的新功能,并且可让企业使用于完整企业平台之外的特定应用环境,以满足企业不同应用案例的需求
[fleXive]是提供企业水平安全引擎和versioning的Java EE 5 SQL(查询语言)的框架-[fleXive] [fleXive] 3.0.3 (2009.06.26)
[fleXive]是提供企业水平安全引擎和versioning的Java EE 5 SQL(查询语言)的框架
太阳计算机发布GlassFish Portfolio加强版 (2009.06.23)
太阳计算机(Sun Microsystems)日前发布了Sun GlassFish Portfolio几项技术更新。GlassFish Portfolio是最完整、开放原始码、高效能的网页应用程序平台,由OpenESB、OpenMQ、Liferay Portal、Sun GlassFish Web Stack与业界最常被下载的应用程序服务器GlassFish等开放原始码技术所构成
-Holy J(2)EE Utils 1.0.0 (2009.06.15)
The purpose of this project is to provide to the public a set of tools and utilities that I've developed or will create to ease Java Enterprise Edition (J2EE, JEE) development, testing, prototyping, troubleshooting etc. So it deals with JSP,AS etc
-[fleXive] Release Candidate 2 (2008.07.19)
[fleXive] is a Java EE 5 framework that provides an enterprise-level persistence engine with security and versioning, a SQL-like query language, a JSF-based web administration and reusable JSF components for integration into existing applications
-jVantage jvantage-ce-1.rc2.2 (2008.05.06)
jVantage is a visual web development tool that provides rapid application development (RAD) capabilities, based on a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and the Java EE (J2EE) platform
-[fleXive] Release Candidate 1 (2008.04.23)
[fleXive] is a Java EE 5 framework that provides an enterprise-level persistence engine with security and versioning, a SQL-like query language, a JSF-based web administration and reusable JSF components for integration into existing applications
-jcompany jCompany-Community-0.9 (2008.04.20)
jCompany Full-Stack Framework - Community Version. Hyper-produtive Full Stack Solution for Java EE Open Source Development.
-bugtime bugtime v0.1 (2008.04.08)
BugTime is an open source bug tracking system written in Java EE 5 that can be deployed to JBoss and other Java EE 5 application servers.
-Pebble 2.3 (2008.03.08)
Pebble is a lightweight, open source, Java EE blogging tool. It's small, fast and feature-rich with unrivalled ease of installation and use. Blog content is stored as XML files on disk and served up dynamically, so there's no
-ASGMemProf 1.0 (2008.02.27)
ASGMemProf is an exact, bytecode instrumenting memory profiler for Java EE, relying on a novel scheme - memory accounts.

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1 Microchip推出全新Switchtec PCIe 4.0 16通道交换器系列产品,?汽车和嵌入式计算应用提供多功能性
2 意法半导体推出 STM32WL33 低功耗长距离无线微控制器及专属生态系扩充方案
3 贸泽电子即日起供货能为工业应用提供精准感测的 Analog Devices MAX32675C微控制器
4 Bourns 全新推出 500 安培系列数位分流传感器
5 桓达FSE集尘节能粒子浓度侦测器可即时监测粉尘状态
6 凌华科技携手锐能智慧科技 打造电动车社区充电最隹EMS能源管理系统
7 意法半导体推出的安全防护比较器具备稳定启动时间设计 提升系统可靠性并降低电力消耗
8 施耐德电机TeSys马达控制与保护产品系列不断创新 见证台湾工业自动化迈向智慧制造与永续发展
9 意法半导体推出 IO-Link 致动器电路板 提供工业监控与家电应用的一站式叁考设计
10 意法半导体推出灵活、因应未来的智慧电表通讯解决方案,协助能源转型


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