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Digicel利用風力與太陽能為電信基地台供電 (2009.02.18) GSM協會(GSMA )週二(2/17)宣佈,在GSM協會發展基金 (GSMA Development Fund) 的支持下,Digicel已經完成其綠色能源網路的第二階段工程,且正在利用風力和太陽能解決方案為瓦努阿圖(Vanuatu)的太平洋群島的25個基地台提供動力 |
-DigiCel FlipBook 5 (2008.07.06) DigiCel FlipBook allows you to draw 2D animations with your mouse or tablet pen, or capture rough animation drawings under a camera and scan your final drawings into a traditional timing sheet where you can add a soundtrack and cut, copy, paste and drag and drop thumbnail images to adjust the timing and repeat cycles |
-DigiCel FlipBook 4.55 (2007.07.11) DigiCel FlipBook allows you to draw 2D animations with your mouse or tablet pen, or capture rough animation drawings under a camera and scan your final drawings into a traditional timing sheet where you can add a soundtrack and cut, copy, paste and drag and drop thumbnail images to adjust the timing and repeat cycles |