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[COMPUTEX]Synology於信義誠品展出全新產品、軟體與系統升級 (2018.06.05)
群暉科技(Synology)在 2018 年台北國際電腦展期間 (6/5 - 6/9) 於台北信義誠品 6 樓舉辦獨立展覽。 展示包含 Synology 首款 Mesh Wi-Fi 路由器 MR2200ac 與全新升級的 Synology Router Manager (SRM) 1
為 eComic 文件管理收藏和閱讀漫畫(不同的觀看模式)之工具,提供自定義的頁面顯示,自動滾動,動態縮放等等。-ComicRack 0.9.139 (2011.04.20)
為 eComic 文件管理收藏和閱讀漫畫(不同的觀看模式)之工具,提供自定義的頁面顯示,自動滾動,動態縮放等等。
-TCExam - Computer-Based Assessment (2011.01.29)
TCExam is a CBA (Computer-Based Assessment) system (e-exam, CBT - Computer Based Testing) for universities, schools and companies, that enables educators and trainers to author, schedule, deliver, and report on surveys, quizzes, tests and exams
是一款基於CDisplay的漫畫讀者。它使用流行的7 - Zip插件...-CDisplayEx (2010.09.13)
是一款基於CDisplay的漫畫讀者。它使用流行的7 - Zip插件...
一款讀者和組織者為eComic文件,允許你管理你的收藏和閱讀您的漫畫在不同的瀏覽方式-ComicRack 0.9.129 (2010.09.12)
-TCExam - Computer-Based Assessment TCExam 5.4.000 (2008.07.07)
TCExam is a CBA (Computer-Based Assessment) system (e-exam, CBT - Computer Based Testing) for universities, schools and companies, that enables educators and trainers to author, schedule, deliver, and report on surveys, quizzes, tests and exams
-TCExam - Computer-Based Assessment TCExam 5.3.005 (2008.05.07)
TCExam is a CBA (Computer-Based Assessment) system (e-exam, CBT - Computer Based Testing) for universities, schools and companies, that enables educators and trainers to author, schedule, deliver, and report on surveys, quizzes, tests and exams
-TCExam - Computer-Based Assessment TCExam 5.2.003 (2008.02.24)
TCExam is a CBA (Computer-Based Assessment) system (e-exam, CBT - Computer Based Testing) for universities, schools and companies, that enables educators and trainers to author, schedule, deliver, and report on surveys, quizzes, tests and exams
-TCExam TCExam 5.2.000 (2008.01.16)
TCExam is a Web-based Assessment Software system (e-exam, CBT - Computer Based Assessment) for universities, schools and companies, that enables educators and trainers to author, schedule, deliver, and report on surveys, quizzes, tests and exams
-TCExam TCExam 5.0.004 (2007.11.04)
TCExam is a Web-based Assessment Software system (e-exam, CBT - Computer Based Assessment) for universities, schools and companies, that enables educators and trainers to author, schedule, deliver, and report on surveys, quizzes, tests and exams
-Java-Comix Java-Comix-3.0 (2007.09.06)
Java-Comix is a comic books viewer like CDisplay/CDisplayEx written in Java. It can read comic books stored in directories, 7z, zip, cbz, rar, cbr, tar, cbt and PDF files! It is using several components to read files (free, public-domain, GPL licensed)
-TCExam TCExam 4.2.003 (2007.08.15)
TCExam is a Web-based Assessment Software system (e-exam, CBT - Computer Based Testing) for universities, schools and companies, that enables educators and trainers to author, schedule, deliver, and report on surveys, quizzes, tests and exams
-TCExam TCExam 4.0.009 (2007.03.07)
TCExam is a Web-based Assessment Software system (e-exam, CBT - Computer Based Testing) for universities, schools and companies, that enables educators and trainers to author, schedule, deliver, and report on surveys, quizzes, tests and exams
R&S提供音頻量測功能 擴充藍牙量測應用 (2007.02.09)
藍牙無線傳輸應用日益普遍,為確保藍牙產品運作平順,量測儀器不僅需要量測藍牙模組相關射頻特性(包含2.0+EDR),並擁有分析音頻訊號之能力。羅德史瓦茲(Rohde & Schwarz,R&S)的CBT藍牙射頻測試儀與量測型CBT32,配備藍牙V2.0+EDR與新推出的音頻功能,提供了全方位藍牙量測功能
-TCExam TCExam 4.0.000 (2006.10.02)
TCExam is a Web-based Assessment Software system (e-exam, CBT - Computer Based Testing) for universities, schools and companies, that enables educators and trainers to author, schedule, deliver, and report on surveys, quizzes, tests and exams
R&S藍芽測試儀獲CSR應用設計及射頻團隊採用 (2006.07.26)
CSR於日前選擇羅德史瓦茲(Rohde & Schwarz,R&S)藍芽測試儀CBT,包括針對藍芽V2.0+EDR的新選項,這套解決方案的推出,可於EDR藍芽儀器及模組上執行發射機及接收機的種種測試。R&S CBT也支援頻譜量測
-CDisplayEx CDisplayEx v1.0 (2006.07.11)
CDisplayEx is a Comic reader based on CDisplay. It use the popular 7-zip plugins to read many archives types like cbr cbz cbt rar zip tar 7z lzh arj cab tar.gz tar.bz2. It supports jpeg png gif and bmp images. There is also a
-TCExam TCExam 3.0.014 (2006.06.03)
TCExam is a Web-based assessment software (e-exam, Computer Based Testing - CBT) well suited for both Internet and intranet environments. TCExam replaces the old pencil-and-paper testing systems and simplifies the entire exam cycle
-TCExam TCExam 3.0.001 (2006.04.03)
TCExam is a Web-based assessment software (e-exam, Computer Based Testing - CBT) well suited for both Internet and intranet environments. TCExam replaces the old pencil-and-paper testing systems and simplifies the entire exam cycle
R&S率先在RF測試儀表內實現回應測試功能 (2006.02.13)
羅德史瓦茲(Rohde&Schwarz,R&S)提供強化Bluetooth V2.0+EDR(強化資料傳輸率)選項,利用該選項,R&S藍芽測試儀CBT系列毋需其他儀器輔助,即可展現高效能的發射和接收量測。該EDR選項同時也支援回應測試(loopback)模式,回應測試模式證實了在實際情況下,一個藍芽鏈結內測試接收靈敏度,R&S是第一家在RF測試儀表內,成功地實現回應測試功能的公司

     [1]  2   [下一頁]

1 Microchip推出全新Switchtec PCIe 4.0 16通道交換器系列產品,為汽車和嵌入式計算應用提供多功能性
2 意法半導體推出 STM32WL33 低功耗長距離無線微控制器及專屬生態系擴充方案
3 貿澤電子即日起供貨能為工業應用提供精準感測的 Analog Devices MAX32675C微控制器
4 Bourns 全新推出 500 安培系列數位分流傳感器
5 桓達FSE集塵節能粒子濃度偵測器可即時監測粉塵狀態
6 凌華科技攜手銳能智慧科技 打造電動車社區充電最佳EMS能源管理系統
7 施耐德電機TeSys馬達控制與保護產品系列不斷創新 見證台灣工業自動化邁向智慧製造與永續發展
8 意法半導體推出的安全防護比較器具備穩定啟動時間設計 提升系統可靠性並降低電力消耗
9 意法半導體推出 IO-Link 致動器電路板 提供工業監控與家電應用的一站式參考設計
10 意法半導體推出靈活、因應未來的智慧電表通訊解決方案,協助能源轉型


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