相关对象共 49
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一款多功能的图像文件案删除回复工具-RecoverPlus Pro 2.7.8 (2010.10.29)
一款数据恢复软件工具:使您可以恢复意外删除的文件或删除的扇区-Handy Recovery 5.0 (2010.10.01)
一款数据恢复软件:可以恢复丢失,删除和格式化的数据,以及驱动器,CF卡,SM卡...-Active@ UNDELETE 7.3 (2009.07.15)
一款免费照片恢复软件:将图像恢复(从已删除储存卡,或已被格式化储存卡内)-MjM Free Photo Recovery Software 1.06 (2009.06.28)
-lockngo 2.8 (2009.02.17)
lockngo enables you to protect the information stored on USB keys, removable hard drives and SmartMedia cards etc. The program is not installed on your PC, but directly copied onto the removable media - once you run it, it allows you to set a password for the media and then encrypts and locks the content, so that it can only be accessed with the proper password
积极扩展USB2.0快闪多媒体传输及可携式高速收发多重应用版图 (2008.06.12)
USB 2.0快闪多媒体应用趋势 USB 2.0在消费电子领域的应用已经越来越普及,其也成为各类多媒体消费电子装置、PC平台、智能型手机和便携设备之间重要的行动储存媒体接口
专访:SMSC 营销总监Mark Fu和Eric Kawamoto (2008.06.12)
USB 2.0快闪多媒体应用趋势 USB 2.0在消费电子领域的应用已经越来越普及,其也成为各类多媒体消费电子装置、PC平台、智能型手机和便携设备之间重要的行动储存媒体接口
-SoftAmbulance Photo Undelete 2.04 (2008.02.27)
SoftAmbulance Photo Undelete enables you to recover accidentally deleted photos from your digital camera storage media including Compact Flash, Secure Digital, SmartMedia and other storage cards. It scans the content of the media and provides you with a real-time preview of the files that can be recovered
利用高效率静态平均抹除机制以提升闪存之使用寿命 (2007.11.03)
选择最适合应用的USB(2) (2007.07.24)
记忆卡资料回复器-MediaRECOVER 4.0 (2006.11.15)
外接硬盘盒多元化应用发展趋势 (2006.11.09)
-SoftAmbulance Photo Undelete 1.13 (2006.08.30)
SoftAmbulance Photo Undelete enables you to recover accidentally deleted photos from your digital camera storage media including Compact Flash, Secure Digital, SmartMedia and other storage cards. It scans the content of the media and provides you with a real-time preview of the files that can be recovered
遗失, 毁损或被删除档案的抢救工具程式-Search and Recover 4.1 (2006.08.13)
遗失, 毁损或被删除档案的抢救工具程式
-lockngo 2.7 (2006.05.06)
lockngo enables you to protect the information stored on USB keys, removable hard drives and SmartMedia cards etc. The program is not installed on your PC, but directly copied onto the removable media - once you run it, it allows you to set a password for the media and then encrypts and locks the content, so that it can only be accessed with the proper password
快闪记忆体应用的控制晶片技术 (2006.05.02)
遗失, 毁损或被删除档案的抢救工具程式-Search and Recover 3.0c (2006.02.03)
遗失, 毁损或被删除档案的抢救工具程式
-lockngo 2.6 (2006.02.01)
lockngo enables you to protect the information stored on USB keys, removable hard drives and SmartMedia cards etc. The program is not installed on your PC, but directly copied onto the removable media - once you run it, it allows you to set a password for the media and then encrypts and locks the content, so that it can only be accessed with the proper password
ISSI与工研院合作研发网络DVD播放器 (2006.01.05)
ISSI宣布与工研院合作开发案,研发网络DVD刻录/播放器应用;新的网络 DVD刻录/播放器增加了闪存读卡功能,并且直接通过 DVD系统而不必使用计算机,从闪存卡播放到存储图片、电影或音乐
遗失, 毁损或被删除档案的抢救工具程式-Search and Recover 3.0a (2005.11.02)
遗失, 毁损或被删除档案的抢救工具程式

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6 意法半导体推出灵活、因应未来的智慧电表通讯解决方案,协助能源转型
7 泓格PET-2255U:灵活接线与简易控制,工业自动化的全能利器
8 安勤全新高效节能伺服器HPS-SIEU4A/HPS-SIEUTA解码绿色运算

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