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一款管理您的电话簿,约会时间表,与待办事项及时间管理的工具软件。-Time and Chaos (2011.02.23)
-Twinkle Flashcards 1.0.0 (2006.12.07)
Flashcard program for Palm Pilot handhelds. Java PC desktop program to edit flash cards and import SuperMemo databases included. Many font types supported including Japanese. Image support also present. Visit home page for sample cards
-Twinkle Flashcards 0.9.8 (2006.08.07)
Flashcard program for Palm Pilot handhelds. Includes most features found in commercial software. A Java PC desktop program to edit flash cards and import SuperMemo databases is included. Japanese font support present. Visit home page for sample cards
-kXML 2.3.0 (2006.06.26)
kXML is a lean Common XML API with namespace and WAP support that is intended to fit into the JAVA KVM for limited devices like the Palm Pilot.
-Twinkle Flashcards 0.9.5 (2006.03.07)
Flashcard program for Palm Pilot handhelds. Includes most features found in commercial software. A Java PC desktop program to edit flash cards and import SuperMemo databases is included. Japanese font support present. Visit home page for sample cards
-Twinkle Flashcards 0.9.2 (2005.12.19)
Flashcard program for Palm Pilot handhelds. Includes most features found in commercial software. A Java PC desktop program to edit flash cards and import SuperMemo databases is included. Japanese font support present. Visit home page for sample cards
-kXML 2.2.2 (2005.11.23)
kXML is a lean Common XML API with namespace and WAP support that is intended to fit into the JAVA KVM for limited devices like the Palm Pilot.
-Twinkle Flashcards 0.6.0 (2005.10.08)
Flashcard program for Palm Pilot handhelds. Twinkle includes most features found in commercial software. A Java program for the PC is included to edit the flashcards and import SuperMemo databases. Japanese font support is present
-Time & Chaos (2005.04.21)
Manage your telephone book, appointment schedule, and to do list with this time management program. T&C offers email, fax and web connectivity, Word and WordPerfect support, and is fully networkable with shared database capabilities
-smconv_pl v0.0.3alpha (2005.04.18)
Converter "SuperMemo Palm Pilot v1.1" PDB XML.
-Java Pilot-DB 050319 (2005.03.20)
Java Pilot-DB is a java libary for reading/manipulating Pilot-DB PDB database files. Pilot-DB (also on SF) is a freeware/opensource database for the Palm Pilot (PalmOS). JPilotDB consists of a java library, a GUI for editing the PIlot-DB files
-kXML 2.2.1 (2005.03.10)
kXML is a lean Common XML API with namespace and WAP support that is intended to fit into the JAVA KVM for limited devices like the Palm Pilot.
智能型手机最终将取代PDA? (2004.02.05)
据全球性调查研究机构Yankee Group的分析师John Jackson指出,在未来几年内,全球PDA市场将逐步萎缩,PalmOne公司首席执行官Todd Bradley也表示,智能型手机(smart phone)的发展指日可待,可能成为PDA的替代产品
从PC到Wi-Fi无线区域网路 (2002.01.05)
Palm开机欢迎Logo之制作与展示工具-Open Logo Hack for Palm Pilot 1.1 (2001.05.21)
信息家电产品趋势与功能诉求 (2001.03.05)
聚硕正式代理IBM RS/6000服务器 (2000.12.28)
聚硕科技宣布获得代理IBM UNIX服务器--IBM pSeries(RS/6000),聚硕表示,该公司至此IT产业的三大主轴──系统主机,网络设备及数据库等产品线,聚硕科技皆已备齐。在系统主机方面
颠覆出版界的Palm杀手级应用--Vindigo (2000.11.20)
前不久,当像Taipei Walker那样的杂志出现后,都市已经感觉更便利更好玩,因为周遭生活的资讯丰富了。当像City Guide网站出现时,Taipei Walker类的杂志出版马上又被抛在后头,因为查询资讯更方便了
Palm授权门槛高微软WinCE有机会趁势而起 (2000.10.20)
台湾微软今日举办嵌入式作业平台全球技术研讨会,力图拓展WinCE在PDA与资讯家电市场的占有率。由于国内包括宏碁、大众等电脑制造大厂在争取Palm OS授权上​​皆无功而退,转向其他作业系统另辟战场势在必行
Palm OS争取授权受挫台湾业者另谋出路 (2000.10.19)
PDA的市场不断成长,在其作业系统上,目前以Palm OS、WinCE与Linux为主。由于Palm的PDA市占率高达七成,应用软体众多,在台湾这个专精制造的国家中,各大厂商无不以Palm OS的授权为第一考量,但包括宏碁、大众等皆在极力争取后,纷纷表示Palm方面的态度实在强硬,谈不下来

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