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-SendCommand (2011.08.23)
SendCommand is a Perl script that uses the Expect library to automate telnet and ssh sessions on remote hosts (Cisco, Netscreen, Bluecoat and more). Executes commands and outputs results to stdout or into files. It aims to be a very flexible tool
-Dolly's Scripted Telnet (2011.08.12)
java cmd line config builder for network devices eg cisco, netscreen, nokia firewalls etc. Those configs can be transferred by telnet/ssh. Includes various servers (http, ftp, tftp) for testing firewalls, layer5 switches. tft
检验工具基础上,记录和使用组项,建立Cisco ASA访问列表命令之软件。-Build FW1 Cisco Netscreen PolicyFromLogs (2011.04.19)
检验工具基础上,记录和使用组项,建立Cisco ASA访问列表命令之软件。
荣工公司采Juniper方案提供工程师远程联机服务 (2008.05.29)
网络方案厂商Juniper Networks(瞻博网络)宣布台湾建筑工程企业荣民工程公司已选用高效能SSL VPN远程访问解决方案,让所有施工处的工程师得以快速、可靠地存取工程状况报表
-LookingGlass 0.0.1 (2008.05.29)
Network Device Configuration Reporter for security device like Alcatel Lucent Brick firewall or Juniper Netscreen firewall
Juniper Networks推出新系列入侵检测防御设备 (2008.04.21)
高效能网络方案厂商Juniper Networks公司(瞻博网络)推出新系列的入侵检测防御(Intrusion Detection and Prevention, IDP)设备,具备实际环境的最大数据传输量、最佳效能与最高埠密度
-Dolly's Scripted Telnet v1.0 (2008.02.28)
java cmd line config builder for network devices eg cisco, netscreen, nokia firewalls etc. Those configs can be transferred by telnet/ssh. Includes various servers (http, ftp, tftp) for testing firewalls, layer5 switches. tft
-nipper - network infrastructure parser Nipper 0.10.10 (2007.12.09)
Nipper processes network device configuration files, performs a security audit and outputs a security report with recommendations and a configuration report. Nipper currently supports Cisco IOS, PIX, ASA, FWSM, NMP, CatOS and Juniper NetScreen devices
-nipper - network infrastructure parser nipper-0.10.6 (2007.10.05)
nipper processes network device configuration files, performs a security audit and outputs a security report with recommendations and a configuration report. nipper currently supports Cisco IOS, PIX, ASA, FWSM, NMP, CatOS and Juniper NetScreen devices
Juniper扩充高效能路由、安全及网管系列产品 (2007.07.23)
高效能网络方案厂商Juniper Networks公司(瞻博网络)持续扩充原有的网络基础架构系列产品,加入J2320及J2350两款J系列服务路由器、安全服务网关320M(SSG 320M)及SSG 350M安全平台,还推出两款新的网络管理装置-Juniper NetScreen-Security Manager(NSM)Central Manager及Juniper NSMXpress
-nipper - network infrastructure parser nipper-0.10.1 (2007.07.04)
nipper processes network device configuration files, performs a security audit and outputs a security report with recommendations and a configuration report. nipper currently supports Cisco IOS, PIX, ASA, FWSM, NMP, CatOS and Juniper NetScreen devices
-Dolly's Scripted Telnet DollyScriptedTelnetV2.9.4 (2007.06.07)
java cmd line config builder for network devices eg cisco, netscreen, nokia firewalls etc. Those configs can be transferred by telnet/ssh. Includes various servers (http, ftp, tftp) for testing firewalls, layer5 switches. tft
-nipper - network infrastructure parser nipper-0.9.3 (2007.04.24)
nipper processes network device configuration files, performs a security audit and outputs a security report with recommendations and a configuration report. nipper currently supports Cisco IOS, PIX, ASA, FWSM, NMP, CatOS and Juniper NetScreen devices
-nipper nipper-0.9.1 (2007.04.10)
Nipper processes network device configuration files and outputs a security report with recommendations and a configuration report. Nipper currently takes input from Cisco IOS, PIX, NMP and Juniper NetScreen configs. Output is to HTML, Latex, XML & Text
-Dolly's Scripted Telnet DollyScriptedTelnetV2.9.3 (2007.02.05)
java cmd line config builder for network devices eg cisco, netscreen, nokia firewalls etc. Those configs can be transferred by telnet/ssh. Includes various servers (http, ftp, tftp) for testing firewalls, layer5 switches. tft
护专采用Juniper方案确保信息安全 (2007.01.10)
Juniper Networks (瞻博网络)宣布台湾康宁医护暨管理专科学校已采用Juniper Networks的安全远程访问方案,确保校务行政E化系统的严密安全性,该方案包含SA 4000 SSL VPN平台,及入侵检测防御(IDP)功能
Juniper再获网络安全营收市占率第二名 (2006.12.13)
Juniper(瞻博网络)宣布,根据Infonetics Research最近发表的《2006年第三季全球网络安全设备与软件市占率及预测》报告,Juniper Networks在企业公布的营收方面,持续居业界第二大安全方案供货商
赛门铁克与Juniper结盟 推出联名产品 (2006.09.13)
赛门铁克12日宣布与Juniper Networks结盟,将更多的安全防护技术整合至Juniper的网络装备中。 赛门铁克执行长John Thompson表示,目前的市场需求是整合性的安全产品。而安全产品又以网络设备为核心
Fortinet创办人、总裁暨执行长谢青抵台 (2006.04.27)
整合式网络安全防护系统(UTM)商Fortinet的创办人谢青日前抵台,除了为新款的高阶网安产品作宣传外,同时也来台寻找新的合作伙伴,为未来的营运计划作布局。 1963年于中国出生的谢青
华人网络安全先驱-Fortinet总裁谢青访台记者会暨电信网络安全产品发表 (2006.04.19)
1994年,年仅31岁顶着史丹佛大学电机工程硕士光环的谢青,在举世著称的旧金山湾区Palo Alto创立了第一家公司,开启了网络安全成功的创业之路。 2004年,所创办的网络安全公司NetScreen,刷新了华人公司被大厂购并的新天价--35亿美元

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1 Microchip推出全新Switchtec PCIe 4.0 16通道交换器系列产品,?汽车和嵌入式计算应用提供多功能性
2 意法半导体推出 STM32WL33 低功耗长距离无线微控制器及专属生态系扩充方案
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4 Bourns推出全新高效能 超紧凑型气体放电管 (GDT) 浪涌保护解决方案
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6 Bourns 全新推出 500 安培系列数位分流传感器
7 Bourns 推出符合 AEC-Q200 标准 车规级高隔离驰返式变压器系列
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9 施耐德电机TeSys马达控制与保护产品系列不断创新 见证台湾工业自动化迈向智慧制造与永续发展
10 凌华科技携手锐能智慧科技 打造电动车社区充电最隹EMS能源管理系统

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