相关对象共 29
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-P-GRADE Grid Portal account_creator-1.0 (2008.04.30)
P-GRADE Grid Portal is a web based environment for developing, executing and monitoring workflows and workflow based parameter studies on Globus-2 and EGEE (LCG or gLite) grid platforms.
-Maven GT4 Plugin 0.1-SNAPSHOT (2008.03.21)
A maven2 plugin to package grid-services into a GAR archive using the Globus Toolkit 4 (GT4 must be installed and set up for this Plugin to work).
-DataMiningGrid Supporting Files (2008.03.19)
WSRF-compliant tools and services for data mining in grid computing environments, based on: Globus Toolkit 4, Condor and Triana. Learn more at http://www.datamininggrid.org Copyright (c) 2007 DataMiningGrid Consortium.
-P-GRADE Grid Portal pgportal-2.6 (2008.01.13)
The P-GRADE Grid Portal is a web based environment for developing, executing and monitoring workflows and workflow based parameter studies on various grid platforms (Globus-2, EGEE).
-Grid Programming Environment (GPE) gpe4gtk-1.5.2 (2007.12.11)
The Grid Programming Environment (GPE) turns a collection of computer systems into a Grid and provides graphical user interfaces and interoperable GridBeans for application development. It supports Globus Toolkit and Unicore-based infrastructures
一个社群活动排程架构程式-CSF CSF Client 4.0.5 (2007.12.07)
一个社群活动排程架构程式-CSF CSF 4.0.4 (2007.09.27)
-Grid Programming Environment (GPE) gpe4gtk-1.5.1 (2007.09.22)
The Grid Programming Environment (GPE) turns a collection of computer systems into a Grid and provides graphical user interfaces and interoperable GridBeans for application development. It supports Globus Toolkit and Unicore-based infrastructures
-GeoMaint V 1.2.2 (2007.08.03)
Informationprovider (Sensor) for Geolocation and Maintenance data. The provider is able to publish geolocation data as well as maintenance messages and site descriptions to a Globus MDS4 grid information system.
-Grinda 0.4 (2007.06.19)
Grinda is a Tuple Space implementation for the Globus Toolkit.
-GeoMaint V 1.2 (2007.05.31)
Informationprovider (Sensor) for Geolocation and Maintenance data. The provider is able to publish geolocation data as well as maintenance messages and site descriptions to a Globus MDS4 grid information system.
-DataMiningGrid DataMiningGrid Services (2007.03.03)
WSRF-compliant tools and services for data mining in grid computing environments, based on: Globus Toolkit 4, Condor and Triana. Learn more at http://www.datamininggrid.org Copyright (c) 2007 DataMiningGrid Consortium.
-Grinda 0.3 (2007.02.09)
Grinda is a Tuple Space implementation for the Globus Toolkit.
商用网格运算的导入困难与挑战 (2007.01.26)
「网格运算(Grid Computing)」的发明,号称是第三次的资讯革命。然而,时至今日,网格运算却依然停留在学术殿堂,仅仅需要庞大计算资源的大型研究计画采用外,甚少企业愿意部署这「俗阁大碗」的技术
-Grid Programming Environment (GPE) gpe4gtk-1.2.0 (2006.10.14)
The Grid Programming Environment (GPE) turns a collection of computer systems into a Grid and provides graphical user interfaces and interoperable GridBeans for application development. It supports Globus Toolkit and Unicore-based infrastructures
-Grinda 0.2 (2006.09.29)
Grinda is a Tuple Space implementation for the Globus Toolkit.
一个社群活动排程架构程式-CSF CSF4.0.2 (2006.08.22)
-Grinda 0.1 (2006.07.22)
Grinda is a Tuple Space implementation for the Globus Toolkit.
-Grid Programming Environment (GPE) gpe4gtk-1.0.0 (2006.07.04)
The Grid Programming Environment (GPE) turns a collection of computer systems into a Grid and provides graphical user interfaces and interoperable GridBeans for application development. It supports Globus Toolkit and Unicore/GS-based infrastructures
-Grid Programming Environment (GPE) gpe4gtk-0.8.0 (2006.04.11)
The Grid Programming Environment (GPE) turns a collection of computer systems into a Grid and provides graphical user interfaces and interoperable GridBeans for application development. It supports Globus Toolkit and Unicore/GS-based infrastructures

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