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Windows版本的变速器的Qt。是一款著名及简单和免费的BitTorrent客户端工具-Transmission-Qt Win (2011.04.13)
vuze(原名Azureus)是使用 BitTorrent 协议的 P2P 文件共享客户端软件工具。-Azureus / Vuze (2011.04.05)
vuze(原名Azureus)是使用 BitTorrent 协议的 P2P 文件共享客户端软件工具。
一款跨平台可扩展的下载管理器工具-LeechCraft (2011.03.29)
这是一款 BitTorrent 网络客户端软件工具。-fktorrent (2011.03.17)
这是一款 BitTorrent 网络客户端软件工具。
是一款简单易用,但功能丰富的BitTorrent客户端工具,可让您下载和管理。-uTorrent 2.2.24402 (2011.02.04)
一款 BT 客户端使用 C + +/ libtorrent 和 Qt4 图形用户界面工具。-qBittorrent (2011.02.01)
一款 BT 客户端使用 C + +/ libtorrent 和 Qt4 图形用户界面工具。
一款多平台的图形用户界面mldonkey(开源,多平台,多协议P2P客户端)工具软件-Rmldonkey (2011.01.24)
一款因特网视讯播放器工具:允许您选择多种渠道,订阅视讯源,并查看集成状况。-Miro 3.5.1 (2010.12.08)
BitTorrent是一款点对点文件档案分发系统工具,旨在有效的分配大文件档案。-BitTorrent 7.2 (2010.11.17)
-zButterfly (2010.10.23)
zButterfly is a BitTorrent client with a powerful search engine. zButterfly is written in Java and based on Vuze (formerly Azureus) client.
一款非常好用的网络视讯播放器软件工具-Miro 3.5 (2010.10.23)
一款好用的网站.torrent档案下载与管理的软件-uTorrent 2.0.4 (2010.10.13)
是一款用 Java 编写的 BitTorrent 用户端软件工具。-Vuze (2010.10.07)
是一款用 Java 编写的 BitTorrent 用户端软件工具。
-RivetTracker (2010.09.22)
RivetTracker is a modified version of PHPBTTracker. Written in PHP, this BitTorrent tracker uses MySQL as the database backend. It provides an RSS feed, optional support for HTTP seeding, detailed connection statistics, easy installation, and much more
-aria2 - CLI Metalink/BitTorrent client (2010.08.30)
aria2 is a utility for downloading files. The supported protocols are HTTP(S),FTP,BitTorrent,Metalink. It can download a file from multiple sources/protocols and tries to utilize your maximum download bandwidth. aria2 is a multi-protocol & multi-source, cross platform download utility
-NexusPHP (2010.08.19)
BitTorrent private tracker scripts written in PHP. Email 'xiazuojie AT gmail.com' for paid support. BitTorrent私有种子服?器PHP程序,?件 'xiazuojie AT gmail.com' ?取付?支持。 BitTorrent private tracker scripts written in PHP. Email 'xiazuojie AT gmail.com' for paid support. BitTorrent私有种子服?器PHP程序,?件 'xiazuojie AT gmail.com' ?取付?支持
-Anomos (2010.08.10)
Anomos is an anonymous, encrypted multi-P2P file sharing protocol, originally based on BitTorrent. See our homepage for more details. Anonymous, Encrypted BitTorrent Secure Tracker and Client Liberty Enhancing Technology Ad-free
一款支持BitTorrent,HTTP及FTP通讯协议的档案下载与管理工具-BitComet 1.21 (2010.05.29)
-TopBT (2010.05.26)
TopBT (http://topbt.cse.ohio-state.edu ), originally called Top-BT, is a topology-aware BitTorrent client. Compared with current widely-used BitTorrent clients, such as Vuze (Azureus) and uTorrent, TopBT discovers network proximities to connected peers
-Quazaa (2010.05.24)
Quazaa is a cross platform multi-network peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing client based on Shareaza which will support Gnutella2, Ares, eDonkey2000 (eMule), HTTP, FTP, BitTorrent and a new protocol not yet created. Using the QT software development kit True multi-protocol file transfer

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