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LatticeXP2 Brevia2 Development Kit
原廠/品牌: Lattice 上架日期: 04/13
供應商: Lattice 產品類別: FPGA


     Product Brochures

     The LatticeXP2 Brevia2 Development Kit is an easy-to-use, low-cost platform for evaluating and designing with LatticeXP2 FPGAs. The kit offers free design tools, reference designs, and a small form-factor evaluation board. The evaluation board features a LFXP2-5E-6TN144C FPGA device, on-board USB for programming and power, 2 Mbit SPI Flash, 1 Mbit SRAM memory, expansion headers, several LEDs, and user switches.

     Using the preloaded Brevia2 system-on-chip (Brevia SoC) design provided with the development kit, you can now test within minutes SPI, UART and SRAM interfaces in addition to the 8-bit LatticeMico8 microcontroller. You can then build your own designs using the free downloadable source code for 28 reference designs, available in both VHDL and Verilog HDL formats. The easy-to-use Brevia2 Development Kit empowers designers to quickly build systems using readymade-blocks and implement them in less than an hour. The board can be controlled by a menu driven interface via terminal programs running on a host PC.

     The Brevia2 Development Kit comes with a USB mini cable to supply power as well as JTAG programming.

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LFXP2-5E-B2-EVN LatticeXP2 Brevia2 Development Kit       洽詢 2 週 1 洽詢

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