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Lattice MachXO Mini Development Kit
原廠/品牌: Lattice 上架日期: 04/13
供應商: Lattice 產品類別: FPGA

     The MachXO Mini Development Kit is an easy to use, low-cost platform to accelerate the evaluation of MachXO PLDs. The kit features the MachXO LCMXO2280 device, 2 Mbit SPI Flash and 1 Mbit SRAM memory, a temperature sensor, an expansion header for I2C and SPI interfaces, and several LEDs and user switches.

     Using the preloaded mini system-on-chip (Mini SoC) design provided with the development kit, you can now test within minutes I2C, SPI, UART and SRAM interfaces in addition to the 8-bit LatticeMico8 microcontroller. You can then build your own designs using the free downloadable reference design source code, implementing these features in less than an hour. The board also features USB channels for JTAG programming and debugging from a host PC. A pin header provides access to a variety of PIO banks of the MachXO PLD and the on-board I2C bus. The board can be controlled with menu driven interface via terminal programs running on a host PC.

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