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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.08.27 04:44:24 PM
文章主題: 真是國內觸控與人機界面的專家!!
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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.09.14 11:24:08 AM
文章主題: Re: 真是國內觸控與人機界面的專家!!

觸控屏手機 - 如何仔細分辨電容式或電阻式


 隨著 iPhone手機的熱銷,在我們的身邊出現了越來越多的觸摸屏手機,而各大手機廠商為了應對蘋果 iPhone手機的衝擊,紛紛推出了自己品牌的觸摸屏手機。並且屏幕越來越大,功能也越來越多。而在觸摸屏中觸摸屏的材質又分為截然不同的兩種,分別是電容屏屏幕手機和電阻屏屏幕手機。







電容屏手機:iphone,宏達高清2,諾基亞 N8,三星I9000,索尼愛立信 X10

電阻屏手機:宏達電 Diamond2,諾基亞 N97,三星Toshiba  i8000,索尼愛立信 X2










電阻觸摸屏的屏體部分是一塊多層複合薄膜,由一層玻璃或有機玻璃作為基層,表面塗有一層透明的導電層(ITO導電膜),上面再蓋有一層外表面經過硬化處理,光滑防刮的塑料層。它的內表面也塗有一層 ITO導電,在兩層導電層之間有許多細小(小於千分之一英寸)的透明隔離點把它們隔開。當手指接觸屏幕時,兩層伊藤發生接觸,電阻發生變化,在X和Ÿ兩個方向上產生信號,控制器根據檢測到的電阻變化來計算接觸點的量X坐標,再依照這個坐標來進行相應的操作,因此這種技術必須是要使用硬物施力到屏幕上,才能獲得觸控效果。

(From WeiPhone)

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Wills Hwang
來自: 台北市
文章: 74

發 表 於: 2010.09.15 03:59:12 PM
文章主題: Re: 真是國內觸控與人機界面的專家!!
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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.09.16 11:45:49 AM
文章主題: Re: 真是國內觸控與人機界面的專家!!
和各種顯示器與家庭影音娛樂結合,真是不可限量 !!
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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.10.11 11:37:18 AM
文章主題: Re: 真是國內觸控與人機界面的專家!!

When glass touch screens feel like sandpaper

TeslaTouch, from Disney Research, uses electrical impulses to simulate texture and friction on glass screens.

TeslaTouch, from Disney Research, uses electrical impulses to simulate texture and friction on glass screens.

(CNN) -- Glass screens that can feel the touch of your fingers are all the rage these days. You'll find them in all kinds of gadgets, from smartphones to tablet computers.

But the way a team of Disney Researchers sees it, there's one huge problem with this technology: All glass screens feel exactly the same.

So, OK, that "problem" may not be keeping you up at night. But think about the difference between typing on a hardware keyboard, where you can feel whether your fingers are hitting the right keys, and a touch screen keyboard, where the letters "q" and "w" feel exactly the same -- as does the space between them.

That's the problem that Disney Research is hoping to solve with a new technology it's calling "TeslaTouch."

This new type of touch screen, which was demonstrated for the first time at a tech conference in New York this week, uses a small static force to control friction between a user's finger and the touch screen.

"It's kind of like a buzzing or a vibration. It has the same effect as a buzz," said Chris Harrison, one of the Disney researchers and a Ph.D. student at Carnegie Mellon University. "But if you carefully tune the frequency and the vibration of the panel you can actually create things that feel like sandpaper or rubber or a wall."

In the case of a touch screen keyboard -- like those on the Apple iPhone, for example -- users would be able to feel the location of the keys, and could learn to "touch type" without looking at their hands, he said.

When people clicked on a file to drag it into a folder, they would be able to feel the weight of the file and would know, through their sense of touch, that it had landed in the appropriate location, he said. Larger files, like HD movies, could also be made to seem heavier than small files, like text documents, Harrison said.

"A heavier document, like one that's going to take longer to transfer, is going to feel heavier," he said.

Unlike other attempts at touch-screen technology with "haptic feedback," or impulses that stimulate the sense of touch, TeslaTouch has no moving parts. It uses small electrical impulses -- kind of like those involved in static cling -- to create a pull and push between a person's fingertip and the gadget's screen.

Here are some of the nerdy details: The touch screen is made up of three layers. A glass plate, topped with a transparent electrode and an insulator, is what people touch. To simulate friction and texture, the electrode creates small electrical fields in the insulation layer. These fields oscillate between positive and negative charges, creating those sensations.

Others have tried to use vibrations to make touch-sensitive screens feel more realistic. The BlackBerry Storm's screen, for example, compresses and clicks when users push on it successfully.

But that doesn't allow for users to touch different parts of the screen and receive different touch sensations, Harrison said. That is possible with TeslaTouch.

The Disney Research technology, which has not been commercialized, has been incorporated into at least two prototypes. One mobile device was demonstrated this week at a conference held by the Association for Computing Machinery. Another touch screen table is working at the Disney Research offices in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, he said.

Check out the project's website for a video demo (bonus features include mysterious hands petting cats, pinching cloth and fondling glassware).

If you're feeling especially studious, the research team has posted an academic paper that explains more fully how the tech works.

He said this technology isn't the "magic bullet" that will bring multitouch, tactile touch screens into the mainstream. But it may move them one step closer.

(CNN News)

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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.10.15 11:12:08 AM
文章主題: Re: 真是國內觸控與人機界面的專家!!

Macy's 'magic mirror' lets shoppers don virtual clothes

Shoppers can digitally "try on" clothes at Macy's flagship store in New York.
Shoppers can digitally "try on" clothes at Macy's flagship store in New York.

(CNN) -- Macy's shoppers can now check their look in a "magic mirror" in a fitting room, thanks to touchscreen computing.

A large mirror, linked up to a touchscreen tablet computer, lets visitors to the iconic department store chain's flagship New York location scroll through their options, then digitally "try on" clothes in the mirror.

Then they can get quick feedback from friends by posting their image to Facebook or sending it in an e-mail or text.

A camera attachedto the mirror can send images, along with a computer-generated password, to the shopper's friends.

"As the role of retail changes and the lines between physical and digital continue to blur, agencies are tasked with providing innovative solutions,"said Christopher Enright, chief innovation officer with LBi, the digital marketing company that helped build the installation.

Macy's, the 150-year-old chain perhaps best known for its annual Thanksgiving Day Parade, debuted the mirror for the Fashion's Night Out event in September but began promoting it in earnest this week. Thousands of shoppers have used it.

"Reaching out to and engaging with the digital-savvy, young consumer is something all retailers are striving to do," said Joe Feczko, Macy's senior vice president for innovation.

The mirror will be in the store's 34th Street location through November, Macy's said.

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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.11.22 11:51:37 AM
文章主題: Re: 真是國內觸控與人機界面的專家!!
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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.11.29 11:35:10 AM
文章主題: Re: 真是國內觸控與人機界面的專家!!

Microsoft Enters the Tactile Touchscreen World with Unique UV Light Interface

Microsoft Enters the Tactile Touchscreen World with Unique UV Light InterfaceMicrosoft, seeing an opportunity in the very young and undefined "tactile touchscreen" space, has filed a patent for pixel-sized plastic cells that can give a sense of touch and feel to tomorrow's touchscreen devices.

These displays, while still a ways off from the consumer space, are nothing new, of course. Competing technologies from Nokia, Carnegie Mellon and Senseg have been touted by tech blogs like this one already.

Microsoft, for its part, hopes to differentiate its offering by way of UV light. When different wavelengths of light strike the plastic cells, they change shape (to become buttons on a keyboard, perhaps).

For now, Microsoft is not commenting on the patent or how it might be used in the future. The only tidbit that was available was a comment made by inventor Erez Kikin-Gil in the patent filing. According to his remarks, the technology would most likely be implemented in Microsoft's table-sized Surface technology, and not in phones or tablets. [New Scientist]


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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.11.30 10:55:47 AM
文章主題: Re: 真是國內觸控與人機界面的專家!!


What If Your Entire Desk Were a Touchscreen?

What If Your Entire Desk Were a Touchscreen?

Big touch surfaces are nothing new, but we like the approach taken here. A familiar form factor—the traditional sitting desk—mixed with the (now) ubiquitous tech of touchscreens. Is the BendDesk what your office will look like someday?

The prototype doesn't use the most sophisticated guts—relying on cameras and clunky projectors instead of an actual capacitive touch surface—but looks pretty snappy from the video demo. It may be chunky, but the results are slick. As well, the bottom part of the BendDesk can be used as—gasp!—an actual desk. Which is pretty great, really, as it would free up room for low-tech work, with plenty of screen real estate left over for pinching and pushing digital stuff. Right now the BendDesk is confined to the labs of Germany's RWTH Aachen University, but we hope this kind of clever design slinks its way out of academia. [Core77 via Engadget]


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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.12.01 11:56:26 AM
文章主題: Re: 真是國內觸控與人機界面的專家!!


When we think about the ultimate bus kiosk, we might envisage this concept simply called the Bus Station. In just one unit, you get weather, search, rail and line information and even a way to plan your trip. The touch based user interfaced is designed to be simple and minimal and the screen can be rotated to provide a different perspective. However, implementing units like this seems expensive, especially when something similar could be disseminated directly to smart phones. Is this too little, too late?

Designer: Soonkyu Jean & Jaeryong Lee


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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.12.06 10:30:40 AM
文章主題: Re: 真是國內觸控與人機界面的專家!!

太極拳氣強 觸控手機受干擾



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