科技 典故 |
瀏覽器最早的名稱為WorldWideWeb,1990年它還只是僅供瀏覽網頁之用。1993年美國國家高速電腦中心針對Unix系統研發出Mosaic,利用GUI(Graphical User Interface)介面程式,可以將網頁上的圖跟文展現在螢幕上。1994年由網景公司推出的Netscape Communicator,在市場中有著相當高的佔有率,但目前瀏覽器的使用以IE為主流。
Taiwan Mobile 5G Super Alliance Takes Shape (2019.08.01) TAIPEI, Taiwan - Taiwan Mobile announced the formation of a “5G Super Alliance” together with hundreds of partners including HTC, Quanta, Accton, Alpha Networks, and Gemtek Ltd. More importantly, in the future the alliance will advance into the international market, and in addition to entering the market with components and equipment, the alliance expects to create a trillion-yuan industry through the development of 5G applications |