共享經濟盛行 福特推共享汽車新計畫 (2015.06.24) 身為汽車大廠福特近日花了很多時間去研究其汽車共享的計畫,更在日前於倫敦進行GoDrive的試運行,不過顯然福特對於汽車共享的概念有更多的想法。除了GoDrive之外,昨(23)日福特汽車宣布了其最新的汽車共用計畫Peer-2-Peer,讓司機能將自己的汽車短時間內租給其他有需求的人,藉此降低購買汽車的成本 |
信任管理在一個端點對端點的訊息系統-信任管理在一個端點對端點的訊息系統 (2012.03.08) 信任管理在一個端點對端點的訊息系統 |
一款徹底消除敏感數據從您的PC計算機的工具。它超越了現在美國國防部的安全標準。-East-Tec Eraser 2011 (2011.04.20) 一款徹底消除敏感數據從您的PC計算機的工具。它超越了現在美國國防部的安全標準。 |
一款其目的是完全消除 PC 數據資料的工具軟體。-East-Tec Eraser 2010 (2010.10.28) 一款其目的是完全消除 PC 數據資料的工具軟體。 |
-East-Tec Eraser 2009 9.4 (2009.05.30) East-Tec Eraser 2008 is designed to completely eliminate sensitive data from your computer. It goes beyond U.S. Department of Defense security standards, wiping the files beyond recovery, scrambling name and dates and removing all traces of it from your disk |
其目的是徹底消除從您的電子計算機中的敏感數據資料的工具軟體。-East-Tec Eraser 2008 9.2 (2009.02.15) 其目的是徹底消除從您的電子計算機中的敏感數據資料的工具軟體。 |
-East-Tec Eraser 2007 8.5 (2007.05.19) East-Tec Eraser 2007 is designed to completely eliminate sensitive data from your computer. It goes beyond U.S. Department of Defense security standards, wiping the files beyond recovery, scrambling name and dates and removing all traces of it from your disk |
-East-Tec Eraser 2007 8.0 (2006.11.25) East-Tec Eraser 2007 is designed to completely eliminate sensitive data from your computer. It goes beyond U.S. Department of Defense security standards, wiping the files beyond recovery, scrambling name and dates and removing all traces of it from your disk |
-East-Tec Eraser 2006 7.1 (2006.07.04) East-Tec Eraser 2006 is designed to completely eliminate sensitive data from your computer. It goes beyond U.S. Department of Defense security standards, wiping the files beyond recovery, scrambling name and dates and removing all traces of it from your disk |
-East-Tec Eraser 2006 7.0 (2006.01.28) East-Tec Eraser 2006 is designed to completely eliminate sensitive data from your computer. It goes beyond U.S. Department of Defense security standards, wiping the files beyond recovery, scrambling name and dates and removing all traces of it from your disk |
一個遵循美國國防部標準的檔案抹除工具軟體-East-Tec Eraser 2005 7.0 (2006.01.06) 一個遵循美國國防部標準的檔案抹除工具軟體 |
一個遵循美國國防部標準的檔案抹除工具軟體-East-Tec Eraser 2005 6.1 (2005.06.17) 一個遵循美國國防部標準的檔案抹除工具軟體 |