鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 33
-GDesk (2010.05.25)
GDesk is a customizable and extendable desktop system for Symbian (UIQ 3, S60 3rd and 5th editions). Icons can be placed on the desktop representing applications, page links and plug-ins; these can then be launched by tapping them
三星许可收购  Nokia将持有Symbian所有股权 (2008.09.04)
根据国外媒体报导,Nokia发言人近日表示,Nokia已获得Samsung同意可收购其持有Symbian股份,因此Symbian所有股东都已同意将股权出售给Nokia,Symbian开放平台计划将正式实施。 6月Nokia宣布将结合Sony Ericsson、Motorola、NTT DoCoMo、AT&T、LG、Samsung、ST、TI以及Vodafone等
-UIQ3 open-source software and tools 0.3.1 (2008.08.15)
This is a list of UIQ 3.0 open-source software, tools and themes. We also host smaller UIQ3 projects and UIQ3 themes.
大家一起玩游sym’ (2008.07.01)
Nokia日前决定以4.1亿美元,收购剩余的52%的Symbian股份,并计划取消Symbian软件的专利费,向其他的手机制造商提供免费的Symbian操作系统。此外,还将联合Sony Ericsson、摩托罗拉和NTT DOCOMO整合Symbian OS、S60、UIQ 以及MOAP(S),共同创立一个开放的行动软件平台
迎战LiMO和Android  Nokia决定收购Symbian (2008.06.25)
根据国外媒体报导,全球手机大厂Nokia宣布将出资4.1亿美元收购Symbian 52%的股权,目前Nokia已持有47.9%的Symbian股权。 Nokia表示,计划如果顺利,收购案将在今年第4季完成
-UIQ3 open-source software and tools 0.1(49) [demo] (2008.05.05)
This is a list of UIQ 3.0 open-source software, tools and themes. We also host smaller UIQ3 projects and UIQ3 themes.
-UIQ3 open-source software and tools 1.1.6 (2008.03.05)
This is a list of UIQ 3.0 open-source software, tools and themes. We also host smaller UIQ3 projects and UIQ3 themes.
-Screenshot for Symbian OS v2.91 (2007.12.22)
Screenshot for Symbian OS is an application to take screenshot on your Symbian OS mobile phones (UIQ or S60). You can capture screenshot and save it to a file in JPEG, PNG, BMP or MBM format. The screenshot can be sent directly to a PC via Bluetooth
-Screenshot for Symbian OS v2.80 (2007.08.15)
Screenshot for Symbian OS is an application to take screenshot on your Symbian OS mobile phones (UIQ or S60). You can capture screenshot and save it to a file in JPEG, PNG, BMP or MBM format. The screenshot can be sent directly to a PC via Bluetooth
Ericsson与TI共同开发3G手机参考设计 (2007.07.31)
易利信与TI合作提供创新的3G解决方案 (2007.07.26)
全球电信设备供货商易利信与全球无线通信芯片解决方案厂商德州仪器宣布双方将展开策略性技术合作,共同针对采用开放式操作系统的最新3G装置开发客制化解决方案。 这个策略合作计划将结合易利信手机技术平台(Ericsson Mobile Platforms, EMP)精巧省电的3G调制解调器模块和TI高效能OMAP应用处理器,有效运用并整合双方的技术
TI与易利信合作创新的3G解决方案 (2007.07.25)
德州仪器(TI)与易利信(Ericsson)宣布,将展开策略性技术合作,共同针对采用开放式操作系统的最新3G装置开发客制化解决方案。 这个策略合作计划将结合易利信手机技术平台(Ericsson Mobile Platforms, EMP)精巧省电的3G调制解调器模块和TI高效能OMAP应用处理器,有效运用并整合双方的技术
-UIQ3 open-source software and tools 1.2 (2007.06.25)
This is a list of UIQ 3.0 open-source software, tools and themes. We also host smaller UIQ3 projects and UIQ3 themes.
-Puzzle games for Symbian UIQ sPlus v0.90 (2007.05.02)
Puzzle games for Symbian UIQ 2
-UIQ3 open-source software and tools 1.1 (2007.04.03)
This is a list of UIQ 3.0 open-source software, tools and themes. We also host smaller UIQ3 projects and UIQ3 themes.
-PyUIQ 0.1 (2007.03.23)
The Python programming language for UIQ 2.1 and UIQ 3 mobile phones.
-Screenshot for Symbian OS v2.70 (2007.03.21)
Screenshot for Symbian OS is an application to capture screenshot on your Symbian mobile phones (UIQ or S60). You can capture screenshot and save it to a file in JPEG, PNG, BMP or MBM formats.
创新行动数字影音储存技术 (2007.03.07)
全球储存硬盘大厂希捷科技(Seagate Technology)近日在台发表数字影音体验(Digital Audio Video Experience;DAVE)技术,能让便携设备制造商开发出轻薄短小、又能提高容量的储存硬盘装置
Seagate与Symbian合作智能型手机 (2007.03.06)
希捷科技宣布加入Symbian Platinum Program计划。Seagate身为Symbian白金级伙伴厂商,将持续为发展中的Symbian智能型手机市场,带来新开发的DAVE技术平台,能与执行S60 第三版与UIQ 3操作接口的手机完全互通兼容
-UIQ3 open-source software and tools 0.5 (2007.01.19)
This is a list of UIQ 3.0 open-source software, tools and themes. We also host smaller UIQ3 projects and UIQ3 themes.

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1 Basler全新小型高速线扫描相机适合主流应用
2 意法半导体整合化高压功率级评估板 让马达驱动器更小且性能更强
3 Pilz多功能工业电脑IndustrialPI适用於自动化及传动技术
5 宜鼎E1.S固态硬碟因应边缘伺服器应用 补足边缘AI市场断层
6 SCIVAX与Shin-Etsu Chemical联合开发全球最小的3D感测光源装置
7 Microchip支援NIDIA Holoscan感测器处理平台加速即时边缘AI部署
8 瑞萨全新RA8 MCU系列将Arm Cortex-M85处理器高效引入成本敏感应用
9 Flex Power Modules为AI资料中心提供高功率密度与效率的IBC系列
10 Power Integrations推1700V氮化??切换开关IC


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