鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 31
Hit AI人工智慧产业台湾首届高峰会即将登场 (2017.12.14)
Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠 (2010.05.05)
Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠
有femtocell真好 LTE网络妙管家非它莫属 (2010.03.18)
随着3G技术不断演进以及FMC(Fixed and Mobile Convergence)网络的发展趋势,毫微微峰巢式基地台(femtocell)正广泛为行动通讯电信业者和网络设备营运商所采用,加上WiMAX以及HSPA+/LTE等3.9G标准的推波助澜,femtocell已经是布建WiMAX或HSPA+/LTE网络不可或缺的中继关键
预知CES 2010!全球最大消费电子展即将登场 (2009.12.30)
全球规模最大的消费电子大展(Consumer Electronics Show;CES),即将在1月7~10日于美国拉斯韦加斯隆重登场。可以这么说,每年的CES展会,就会大致勾勒出这一年全球电子产业在产品、技术和应用的发展样貌
明泰科技采用CelenoWi-Fi波束成型芯片 (2009.09.14)
Celeno及明泰科技( Alpha Networks)宣布,明泰科技已选择Celeno CL1300芯片组,将应用于其下一代具备波束成形功能之Wi-Fi接取点,以达到优化的高画质(HD)视讯串流。明泰科技亦将整合此组件与其无线网络及数字家庭装置产品,为客户提供全新的高画质体验
高速多媒体传输接口技术应用蔚为风潮 (2009.01.05)
多媒体影音视讯传输储存应用日益普及,系统互连(System Interconnect)及网络虚拟整合(virtualization)传输架构,也越来越依赖高速数字串流I/O接口设计和IC芯片解决方案。本刊接受Globalpress邀请安排参加亚洲媒体采访团
-Resourcerver - *nix Resource Server rservr-alpha.6-example (2008.08.08)
System of GNU programs and libraries to manage complex IPC between larger application components. Security-minded design in all aspects. Create incrementally-executable applications that are modifiable at run time and are distributable across networks
-Guanxi SNA pre_alpha (2008.07.08)
Guanxi is a robust analysis and simulation application for Social Network Analysts. Guanxi allows researchers in the field to create, import, and export an endless array of networks, analyze their structure, and run custom dynamics over them
-FakeDetector 0.1 pre-alpha (2008.06.30)
A simple console program to battle fake naming and name flooding in p2p networks. In current state works only with StrongDC client.
WiMAX让台湾动起来! (2008.05.27)
6月2至6日于台北举办的WiMAX论坛营运商高峰会(WiMAX Forum Operator Summit),正是代表台湾在全球WiMAX产业链的重要性。台湾WiMAX产业在量产CPE设备和小型基地台、参与上游规格标准制订和底层讯号处理、研发通讯协议核心软件、营造良好测试验证环境等层面具备竞争优势
资策会小型WiMAX基地台成功连通ASN Gateway (2008.04.25)
资策会网络多媒体研究所WiMAX技术中心主任洪文坚表示,资策会所研发之小型WiMAX基地台,已经成功连通美商Wichorus的ASN Gateway商用设备,资策会将带头推动WiMAX小型基地台的开发作业,并积极促成台湾厂商参与的意愿
-Resourcerver - *nix Resource Server rservr-core-alpha.1 (2008.04.14)
System of GNU programs and libraries to manage complex IPC between larger application components. Security-minded design in all aspects. Create incrementally-executable applications that are modifiable at run time and are distributable across networks
奥多比发表适用于Linux的测试版Adobe AIR (2008.04.08)
全球软件厂商奥多比宣布推出适用于Linux操作系统的Adobe AIR测试版本(Alpha),即日起可于Adobe Labs下载取得(www.adobe.com/go/airlinux)。透过这项崭新软件,Linux社群开发人员将可运用多项普及的网页技术,例如HTML、Ajax、Adobe Flash及Adobe Flex,设计出可部署执行于跨操作系统桌面环境的丰富型因特网应用程序(rich Internet application;RIA)
行动WiMAX技术发展现况 (2007.11.20)
今年10月WiMAX无线宽带接取技术被纳入3G标准后,对WiMAX频谱资源和业务推展具有非常重大的意义。本文针对IEEE802.16标准发展历程、Mobile WiMAX、WiMAX Relay、产品发展现况、认证测试现况、以及资策会WiMAX技术发展现况作简要介绍,希望能让读者能对行动WiMAX技术发展现况有一概括性的了解
-SlackerChat Alpha 0.1 (2007.09.08)
SlackerChat is a chat program built for (but not limited too) local area networks. SlackerChat is a decentralized chat program that has no main server, meaning you can even chat with friends on a network without an internet connection
-Nexus Tools First alpha (2007.09.03)
Nexus is a P2P mesh networking platform for running scripts that operate across multiple distributed host computers. The mesh allows the network nodes to exist on physically isolated networks provided that they can access at least one common node
-Remote Anywhere Remote Anywhere Version 0.90-Alpha (2007.07.31)
Retrieve files from a remote computer using a PDA/Pocket PC running Windows Mobile. Can access remote computers regardless the geographical position. Can work under WiFi, GPRS or any other wireless networks.
2008年台湾厂商WiMAX产品将进入市场化阶段 (2007.05.23)
-aircash aircash-pre-alpha-0.1 (2007.03.26)
An application to provide a worldwide mobile secure/confidential payment system over the internet and other kind of insecure/unreliable networks
-SysIcon 2.0 Alpha 1 (2007.02.17)
SysIcon is a tool to change most of the Windows Shell Icons (e.g. unknown files, exe files, folders, drives, networks, recycle bin) easily. It is possible to save all changed icons to a library and load the icons from it again, even on any other machine

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2 Pilz多功能工业电脑IndustrialPI适用於自动化及传动技术
4 宜鼎E1.S固态硬碟因应边缘伺服器应用 补足边缘AI市场断层
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7 瑞萨全新RA8 MCU系列将Arm Cortex-M85处理器高效引入成本敏感应用
8 Power Integrations推1700V氮化??切换开关IC
9 ROHM第4代1200V IGBT实现顶级低损耗和高短路耐受能力
10 英飞凌首款20 Gbps通用USB周边控制器提供高速连接效力


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