相關物件共 22
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台灣國際醫療展--台灣希施展示Peptide高通量合成儀 (2020.10.08)
NVIDIA GPU加速技術進行細胞模擬 發現光合作用分子原理 (2020.04.20)
能源使用效率不僅是在設計車輛或電力網(Power Grid)時所關注的問題,也是針對每個活細胞從微觀層面進行運算時所重視的問題。 細胞無論是以光或葡萄糖作為能量來源,皆不分晝夜地工作,以產生足夠的能量在環境中存活
百變紙電池 瘦身新革命 (2012.12.10)
紙的用途千百種,除了寫字、畫畫、摺紙等, 在加入高科技後,不僅可當做紙電池, 就算是碎紙也能拿來發電,化腐朽為神奇!
[WOW Tech] 紙電池給你美麗人生 (2012.07.24)
今天來幫一款化妝品做做宣傳。這是一款很特別的眼貼,因為它結合了高科技的技術。且看它是如何描述使用功效: 「猶如注入一股溫和舒適的能量--革命性的至美展顏抗皺眼膜
自組裝肽奈米管陣列氣相沉積法-自組裝肽奈米管陣列氣相沉積法 (2012.01.19)
在亞馬遜雲端的並行運算平台:包括機器學習,為運算生物學領域的研究使用。-Insilicos Cloud Army (2011.06.18)
-prot3d beta (2008.08.15)
prot3d is aimed to get three-dimensional folding possibilities of a peptide given its aminoacid sequence.
-greylag 0.1.2 (2008.05.30)
Tandem mass spectral peptide identification and validation software, similar to X!Tandem, OMSSA, MyriMatch. Suitable for single hosts through large clusters. Written in Python for simplicity, with performance-critical sections in C++
-TEpredict TEpredict.1.0.a (2008.05.27)
Prediction of MHC class I- and MHC class II-restricted T-cell epitopes. Prediction of proteasomal/immunoproteasomal processing of antigens. Prediction of peptide-TAP binding.
-PepArML 1.0 (2008.03.18)
PepArML: An unsupervised, model-free, combining peptide identification arbiter for tandem mass spectra via machine learning.
-SASHIMI v2.9.4 GALE (2006.10.12)
Looking for a way to interpret the mass spectrometry (MS) data from your last proteomic experiment? Need to quantitate proteins in your ICAT/SILAC/iTRAQ sample? Want some help choosing the correct protein/peptide assignments?
-SASHIMI v2.9.2 GALE (2006.07.30)
Looking for a way to interpret the mass spectrometry (MS) data from your last proteomic experiment? Need to quantitate proteins in your ICAT sample? Want some help choosing the correct protein/peptide assignments? What are y
-SASHIMI ProbID v1.2 (2006.03.15)
Looking for a way to interpret the mass spectrometry (MS) data from your last proteomic experiment? Need to quantitate proteins in your ICAT sample? Want some help choosing the correct protein/peptide assignments? What are y
-SASHIMI ProbIDtree v1.0 (2005.12.24)
Looking for a way to interpret the mass spectrometry (MS) data from your last proteomic experiment? Need to quantitate proteins in your ICAT sample? Want some help choosing the correct protein/peptide assignments? What are y
-Molevolve 0.2.0 (2005.10.22)
Molevolve is a Java library for running a Genetic Algorithm to model the 3-dimensional structures of peptide chains from amino-acid sequences. Client code can specify its own peptide chain model, fitness functions and GA operations
-SASHIMI 2.6.1 (QPF) (2005.10.08)
Looking for a way to interpret the mass spectrometry (MS) data from your last proteomic experiment? Need to quantitate proteins in your ICAT sample? Want some help choosing the correct protein/peptide assignments? What are y
-Isotopic Pattern Calculator 0.7 (2005.08.24)
The ISOTOPIC PATTERN CALCULATOR is a small linux tool for mass spectrometry. It calculates the isotopic distribution for a given chemical formula or peptide sequence. GIPS is a GUI Version of the Isotopic Pattern Calculator
-SASHIMI ProbID_v1.0 (2005.06.30)
Looking for a way to interpret the mass spectrometry (MS) data from your last proteomic experiment? Need to quantitate proteins in your ICAT sample? Want some help choosing the correct protein/peptide assignments? What are y
-Isotopic Pattern Calculator 0.5 (2005.06.08)
The ISOTOPIC PATTERN CALCULATOR is a small linux tool for mass spectrometry. It calculates the isotopic distribution for a given chemical formula or peptide sequence. GIPS is a GUI Version of the Isotopic Pattern Calculator
-SASHIMI 2.0 (Pineapple Express) (2005.04.08)
Looking for a way to interpret the mass spectrometry (MS) data from your last proteomic experiment? Need to quantitate proteins in your ICAT sample? Want some help choosing the correct protein/peptide assignments? What are y

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1 意法半導體三相馬達驅動器整合評估板加速強化性能
2 Pilz開放式模組化工業電腦適用於自動化及傳動技術
4 宜鼎E1.S固態硬碟因應邊緣伺服器應用 補足邊緣AI市場斷層
5 Microchip支援NIDIA Holoscan感測器處理平台加速即時邊緣AI部署
6 Flex Power Modules為AI資料中心提供高功率密度 IBC 系列
7 瑞薩全新RA8 MCU系列將Arm Cortex-M85處理器高效引入成本敏感應用
8 Power Integrations推1700V氮化鎵切換開關IC
9 ROHM第4代1200V IGBT實現頂級低損耗和高短路耐受能力
10 英飛凌首款20 Gbps通用USB周邊控制器提供高速連接效力


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