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LatticeECP3 Versa Development Kit Manager Devices
原廠/品牌: Lattice 上架日期: 04/13
供應商: Lattice 產品類別: FPGA

     The LatticeECP3 Versa Development Kit is the industry's lowest cost design platform for building leading edge systems in a variety of markets such as industrial networking, industrial automation, computing, medical equipment, defense, and consumer electronics. It brings high-end innovations -- configurable SERDES, cascadable DSP slices, and high-speed DDR3 memory within the reach of mainstream designers in an easy to use environment. The Versa Kit empowers designers to build both PCI Express and Gigabit Ethernet based systems. The Kit offers free design tools, readymade demos, reference designs, a versatile evaluation board, and a serial programming cable. The evaluation board features an LFE3-35EA-8FN484C FPGA device, 64 Mbit SPI Flash, 1Gbit DDR3 memory, expansion headers, several LEDs, and user switches. It contains a PCI Express x1 (Half-length form-factor), two RJ45, and 4 SMA interfaces.

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