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HOLTEK New BA45F5740/5740-2/5750/5760 Smoke Detector MCUs with Calendar Function

【CTIMES/SmartAuto 報導】   2020年08月04日 星期二


Holtek announced the release of several new Smoke Detector dedicated MCUs, the BA45F5740/5740-2/5750/5760. As these devices include a fully integrated smoke detector AFE, a dual channel IR LED constant current driving circuit as well as a calendar function, they should find excellent use in smoke detection products which need to record alarm and time information, such as stand-alone smoke detection alarms.


The fully integrated smoke detector AFE contains filtering and amplifying circuits for the IR sensors. It is therefore only necessary to add IR sensors to implement a smoke detection function without the need for other external components. The dual channel IR LED transmission constant current driving circuit provides a multi-level adjustable current function and supports a constant current driving capability of up to 360mA and 205mA for the two channels. The integrated calendar function provides date and time information.

The BA45F5740/5740-2 devices contain a 4K×16 Flash Program Memory, a 256×8 Data Memory and a 64×8 Data EEPROM. With regards to peripheral features, the devices also include a multi-channel 12-bit A/D converter, multi-function Timer Modules and an SPI / I2C / UART communication interface module. The devices are supplied in 16-pin NSOP and 20/24-pin SOP package types.

The BA45F5750 device contains an 8K×16 Flash Program Memory, a 1024×8 Data Memory and a 128×8 Data EEPROM. With regards to peripheral features, the device also includes a multi-channel 12-bit A/D converter, multi-function Timer Modules, a UART interface, an SPI / I2C communication interface module and a 16-bit voice D/A converter which can be used for voice alarm functions. The device is supplied in 16-pin NSOP, 20/24-pin SOP and 48-pin LQFP package types.

The BA45F5760 device contains a 16K×16 Flash Program Memory, a 2048×8 Data Memory and a 256×8 Data EEPROM. With regards to peripheral features, the device also includes a multi-channel 12-bit A/D converter, multi-function Timer Modules, two UART interfaces, an SPI / I2C communication interface module, a 16-bit voice D/A converter and a Temperature sensor for temperature compensation function. The device is supplied in 20/24-pin SOP and 48-pin LQFP package types.

This wide array of functions and features will allow users to select an appropriate device for a wide range of applications.

關鍵字: MCU  holtek 
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