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HOLTEK New Arm Cortex-M0+ based 32-bit Flash MCU Series HT32F52344/52354

【CTIMES/SmartAuto 報導】   2019年02月13日 星期三


Holtek announced the release of its new generation Arm Cortex-M0+ Microcontroller devices, the HT32F52344/52354 series. These new devices include excellent features such as their high efficiency, excellent price/performance ratio and lower power consumption. These devices are suitable for a wide range of applications such as TFT-LCDs, intelligent door locks, IoT terminal devices, wearable devices, intelligent home appliances and USB game peripherals and so on.


This new series include functions such as a high operating speed of 60 MHz and a single power supply with an operating voltage range of 1.65 V~3.6 V. With regard to memory the devices contain 64/128K bytes of Flash Program Memory and 8K bytes of SRAM Data Memory.

Additional functions include abundant peripheral resources, such as two UART interfaces, I2C interface, two SPI interfaces, USB and EBI interfaces and so on. The devices also contain a 6-channel PDMA and a 12-channel 1 Mbps SAR A/D Converter. They also provide a CRC16/32 data checking mechanism and a hardware divider. A high resolution PWM generator is also integrated with an input frequency of up to 96 MHz to provide excellent Duty resolution for enhanced and accurate control. The EBI interface transmits high speed data, making the devices suitable for TFT-LCD relevant applications.

The HT32F52344/52354 devices are supplied in 33/46-pin QFN and 48/64-pin LQFP package types and contain from 26 to 54 GPIO pins. In their low power consumption mode (DeepSleep1/2), the devices support an any-I/O-pin wake-up function. The integrated reference voltage is used for A/D Converter measurement calibration and its power saving mode design makes the devices convenient for use in low-power battery applications. With regard to development tools, the devices are fully supported by professional IDE suppliers including IAR and Keil.

Additionally, Holtek also provides demo boards and development platform kits. The Holtek development platform includes an ICE e-Link32 Pro, a full set of peripheral driver firmware libraries, application example source codes, application development handbooks as well as the GNU GCC and make compilation environment. With Holtek’s integrated ISP (In-System Programming) and IAP (In-Application Programming) technology, users will find software upgrade implementation an easy and quick process, thus enhancing the efficiency and flexibility of their products.

關鍵字: MCU  holtek 
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