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Climate warming prophet DRAM industry to improve major capital expenditures Fun Factory

【CTIMES / SMARTAUTO ABC_1 报导】    2003年09月13日 星期六


IC Insights market research agency announced that the latest report indicates that the DRAM market fueling economic recovery over this wave of semiconductors, DRAM makers will once again stand on capital expenditures peak, leading other types of semiconductor products capital expenditures in 2003. And another market research agency iSuppli analyst Len Jelinek's also said that in response to market demand for memory vendors, maintain market share, has indeed started to regain capital investment.

According to the website Semireporter reported at this stage due to the semiconductor market return temperature is still too slow, various semiconductor manufacturers more than the recovery has yet to respond, in contrast, DRAM plant can be said to be the fastest to respond to the semiconductor industry, DRAM makers Samsung (Samsung) Electronics, Elpida (Elpida) have switched shows that capital spending will be overweight. In addition, Micron (Micron), Infineon (Infineon) 2003 annual capital budget has increased by 26% and 18 each to 20% over the previous year.

IC Insights report shows that 2003 DRAM / SRAM product capital spending will surpass other classes of semiconductor products, a 31% increase over the previous year to $ 6.3 billion, this is the DRAM / SRAM products since 1995, first from MPU / MCU / MPR product wrest the throne of capital expenditures during the MPU / MCU / MPR products capital expenditures by 10% anti-attenuation compared to 2002, to $ 6.2 billion.

But the well-known market research agency Gartner Dataquest analyst Andrew Norwood chief has warned pointed out that the DRAM market is not improving surge in demand, but from a shortage of supply, the industry if too greedy, a large increase, due to excess production and the price of DRAM the plight of the probe will once again be staged. This point is in the DRAM industry to regain the capital investment, the subject can not be ignored.

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