CTIMES / Automotive
制定无线传输规范的组织 - ITU

STMicroelectronics Introduces High-Performance GaN Family for Automotive Applications (2021.05.26)
STMicroelectronics has announced a new family of ST Intelligent and Integrated Gallium Nitride (GaN) solutions, STi2GaN. STi2GaN is an innovative and unique offering combining power and intelligence in compact, high-performance solutions required by the automotive industry as it shifts to electrified platforms
M31研发流程及主要车用IP均完成ISO 26262安全认证 (2019.12.12)
M31今天宣布,继高速介面IP「MIPI M PHY」、基础IP「GPIO」、和记忆体产生器「SRAM Compiler」之後,其所开发的「PCIe PHY」和「MIPI D PHY」也顺利取得德国认证机构SGS-TUV颁发ISO 26262 ASIL B Ready 认证
Sales of Automotive Electronic Systems Forecasted to Increase 7.0% in 2018 (2018.11.20)
Sales of automotive electronic systems are forecast to increase 7.0% in 2018 and 6.3% in 2019, the highest growth rate in both years among the six major end-use applications for semiconductors. IC Insights indicated that sales of automotive-related electronic systems are forecast to increase to $152 billion in 2018 from $142 billion in 2017, and are forecast to rise to $162 billion in 2019
全力冲刺自驾车研发 Intel测试车队年底启程 (2017.08.10)
自驾车的研发进程开始进入冲刺阶段。近日,Intel宣布已完成收购Mobileye相关作业,这意味着该公司将加速实现从汽车到云端(Car-to-cloud)的完整生态系;据悉,该公司计画打造超过百辆自动化程度达等级4(Level 4 SAE)的自驾车队,首批车队将在今年於美国、以色列及欧洲上路测试
电子再升级 汽车新生命 (2006.09.05)
剖析全球车用安全发展趋势 (2006.09.05)



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