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研究网络工程的团队 - IETF

IETF是Internet Engineering Task Force (国际网络工程研究团队)是一个开放性的国际组织,其作用在于汇集网络设计师、网络操作员、网络厂商,以及研究人员共同研发改进网络的工程架构与建立起一个平稳的网络环境。
MachXO2 Pico Development Kit (2012.04.13)
The MachXO2 Pico Development Kit is a battery-powered, low-cost evaluation platform to accelerate the evaluation of MachXO2 PLDs. The kit features the MachXO2-1200ZE device, a 7-segment LCD display, I2C temperature sensor and an expansion header for I2C, JTAG, and GPIO interfacing
Lattice HDR-60 Video Camera Development Kit Manager Devices (2012.04.13)
The Lattice HDR-60 Video Camera Development Kit is a fully production ready High Dynamic Range (HDR) camera, designed to fit into commercially available camera housings. The hardware is designed to support full 1080p resolution at 60 frames per second in streaming mode through the FPGA, without the need for any external frame buffer
LatticeECP3 Versa Development Kit Manager Devices (2012.04.13)
The LatticeECP3 Versa Development Kit is the industry's lowest cost design platform for building leading edge systems in a variety of markets such as industrial networking, industrial automation, computing, medical equipment, defense, and consumer electronics
Platform Manager Devices (2012.04.13)
The Platform Manager™ product family represents the third-generation of mixed-signal devices available from Lattice. Programmable Platform Manager devices simplify board management design significantly by integrating programmable analog and logic to support many common functions, such as power management, digital housekeeping and glue logic
Processor PM Development Kit (2012.04.13)
Get started integrating multiple power management ICs fast with the ProcessorPM Development Kit. The kit is a versatile, ready to use hardware platform for evaluating and designing with ProcessorPM power management devices. The kit is based on a 2
Lattice ispMACH 4000ZE Evaluation Board (2012.04.13)
This board is designed to help you quickly evaluate the ispMACH 4000ZE, prototype your designs, check performance and verify power consumption.
Lattice ispMACH 4000ZE Pico Development Kit (2012.04.13)
The ispMACH 4000ZE Pico Development Kit is a battery-powered, low-cost platform to accelerate the evaluation of ispMACH 4000ZE CPLDs. The kit features the ispMACH 4256ZE-MN144 device, Power Manager II ispPAC-POWR6AT6 device, a high-side current sense circuit, a 7-segment LCD display, and an expansion header landing for I2C, JTAG, and GPIO interfacing
Lattice MachXO Mini Development Kit (2012.04.13)
The MachXO Mini Development Kit is an easy to use, low-cost platform to accelerate the evaluation of MachXO PLDs. The kit features the MachXO LCMXO2280 device, 2 Mbit SPI Flash and 1 Mbit SRAM memory, a temperature sensor, an expansion header for I2C and SPI interfaces, and several LEDs and user switches
Lattice MachXO Control Development Kit (2012.04.13)
The MachXOControl Development Kit is a platform for rapidly prototyping system control designs using MachXO PLDs. The kit features the MachXO LCMXO2280 device, Power Manager II ispPAC-POWR1014A, 2 Mbit SPI Flash and 1 Mbit SRAM memory, a temperature sensor, an expansion header for I2C and SPI interfaces, and several LEDs and user switches
Lattice ECP3 PCI Express (2012.04.13)
The Lattice PCI Express Development Kit is a complete hardware/software development environment to help accelerate the evaluation of PCI Express technology, get to a known good starting point for a design, and then easily transition to design exploration
Lattice ECP3 Video Protocol Board (2012.04.13)
The LatticeECP3™ FPGA family includes many features for video applications. For example, DisplayPort, SMPTE standards (SD-SDI, HD-SDI and 3G-SDI) and DVB-ASI can be implemented with 16 channels of embedded SERDES/ PCS. 7:1 LVDS video interfaces like ChannelLink and CameraLink can be supported by the generic DDRX2 mode on the I/O pins
Microsemi推出航天用耐辐射型封装FPGA组件 (2012.02.21)
美高森美公司(Microsemi)宣布,该公司的耐辐射型(radiation tolerant) RT ProASIC3 FPGA产品系列现可以陶瓷四方扁平封装(CQFP)形式供货。CQFP封装符合经过时间考验与飞行验证的电路板和组装技术要求
Icera基频大补丸 助Nvidia补行动SoC版图 (2011.05.11)
XILINX针对广播电视业推新IP与特定设计平台方案 (2011.04.29)
美商赛灵思(Xilinx)于日前宣布,已在2011年美国广播电视设备大展(NAB)中展示其广播实时视讯引擎特定设计平台,并发表全新SMPTE2022 IP核心。该核心将可协助业者加速开发可处理高画质影片,并具备能以10 Gbps速度透过IP网络协议来传输影片
从车用信息娱乐到驾驶辅助 FPGA罩得住 (2011.04.20)
由于消费者对于汽车的安全、舒适便利和娱乐等应用有着高度需求,车用电子产品正不断地迅速成长。消费者也期待驾驶体验能够与平常数字生活的技术相互搭配。,因此越来越多的整车车厂制造商,希望以更精实的资源、预算和计划,提供具备高安全性的Connected Car
FPGA攻城略地 驾驶辅助和倒车雷达展实力 (2011.04.08)
影音娱乐壮大 FPGA已成汽车电子常客 (2011.03.29)
ispMACH 4000ZE Evaluation Board (2011.03.22)
This board is designed to help you quickly evaluate the ispMACH 4000ZE, prototype your designs, check performance and verify power consumption.
ispMACH 4000ZE Pico Development Kit (2011.03.22)
The MachXO Mini Development Kit is an easy to use, low-cost platform to accelerate the evThe ispMACH 4000ZE Pico Development Kit is a battery-powered, low-cost platform to accelerate the evaluation of ispMACH 4000ZE CPLDs. The kit features the ispMACH 4256ZE-MN144 device, Power Manager II ispPAC-POWR6AT6 device, a high-side current sense circuit, a 7-segment LCD display, and an expansion header landing for I2C, JTAG, and GPIO interfacing
ECP3 Video Protocol Board (2011.03.22)
The LatticeECP3™ FPGA family includes many features for video applications. For example, DisplayPort, SMPTE standards (SD-SDI, HD-SDI and 3G-SDI) and DVB-ASI can be implemented with 16 channels of embedded SERDES/ PCS. 7:1 LVDS video interfaces like ChannelLink and CameraLink can be supported by the generic DDRX2 mode on the I/O pins



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