相關物件共 158
IBM與紅帽攜手合作加速混合雲採用 (2018.05.17)
TI擴大物聯網雲端生態圈 透過開源Energia支援簡化代碼開發 (2014.12.11)
淺談OMA DM (2011.01.27)
-kickconf (2010.08.02)
Kickconf is an Administrative command factory to help WebSphere Administrators in the massive industrialization of their tasks.Easy to use.Comes with a set of growing predefined commands.Structured, module-able and really fast
-LogSaw (2010.08.01)
A high-performance log file viewer based on the Eclipse platform, that can be used to view and filter various kinds of log files Handles log files of almost unlimited size Filter log events by criteria Define filter crit
-SampleSites (2010.05.15)
This is a set of sample sites built off of IBM WebSphere Portal and IBM Web Content Management that you can download and contribute to. The goal is to demonstrate neat integration features while helping others quickly build and deploy sites faster
IBM與西門子發佈整合解決方案 (2009.06.25)
IBM和產品生命週期管理(PLM)軟體和服務供應商Siemens PLM Software宣佈,雙方將共同推出全新解決方案,旨在改善企業在整個生命週期中對產品的管理, 包括從設計製造到產品生命終期的規劃及回收, 並簡化關鍵產品資料及製造規劃的共用流程
一套用以快速又簡易地建立J2EE商業應用系統的開發架構。-OpenXava 3.0.2 (2008.06.05)
-Hyperic HQ Enterprise Monitoring HQ 3.2.3 (2008.04.22)
Hyperic HQ - open source systems management, apache management, tomcat management, LAMP management, WebLogic management, virtualization management, VMware management, WebSphere management, Xen management, JBoss management, WA
-ATGLogColorizer ATGLogColorizer v1.2 (2008.04.15)
This utility color-codes log files or console output from JBoss, WebLogic, WebSphere, and DAS application servers. Output originating from ATG is also recoginzed and colored appropriately. This utility greatly aids in reading and interpreting log files
-Open-MQ omq_0.8.9 (2008.02.25)
Open source middleware for message queueing like IBM WebSphere MQ (former MQ Series) written in C++/Qt supporting many platforms like Win32, Unix and Mac OS with native C/C++/Qt and JMS support.
新款TANDBERG Content Server應用功能大幅提昇 (2008.01.24)
台灣威訊得科技,身為TANDBERG挪威原廠指定合作伙伴,日前推出新版TANDBERG Content Server,擴增高解析度影片錄製與多媒體展示產品陣容。使用者可建立、儲存、下載、撥打視訊電話與傳送多媒體簡報內容,讓使用者能透過各種裝置隨時存取這些內容
-Hyperic HQ Enterprise Monitoring HQ 3.2.0 rc1 (2008.01.23)
Hyperic HQ - open source systems management, apache management, tomcat management, LAMP management, WebLogic management, virtualization management, VMware management, WebSphere management, Xen management, JBoss management, WA
北電與IBM共同以SOA簡化商務通訊 (2007.12.04)
北電與IBM宣佈共同推出以軟體為基礎的通訊架構,以一點即通(click-to-connect)、在線狀態、定位和VoIP等最新穎的整合通訊和協同工具,完善結合企業應用與商務流程。此項新建置運用服務導向架構(service oriented architecture
-JQBridge 1.4 (2007.11.27)
Lightweight, fast and extensible message queue bridge that can connect different message providers such as Progress Sonic MQ or IBM WebSphere MQ (former MQ Series). Plugins for JMS and MQI are provided.
-Hyperic HQ Enterprise Monitoring HQ 3.1.4 (2007.11.17)
Hyperic HQ - open source systems management, apache management, tomcat management, LAMP management, WebLogic management, virtualization management, VMware management, WebSphere management, Xen management, JBoss management, WA
-Check Application Server 0.3 (2007.11.03)
check-appserver has a goal to provide few Nagios Plugins to monitor internal (JVM, Thread Pools etc ...) health of common J2EE Application Servers such as WebSphere, Jonas and Jboss.
-nutch-iice 0.1 (2007.10.27)
Nutch is an open source search engine.WebSphere Information Integrator Content Edition(IICE) is an IBM product that used to integrate enterprise content management systems.Nutch-IICE is a plugin for Nutch and an enterprise content search solution
IBM x86系統擴大支援Sun Solaris作業系統 (2007.08.20)
昇陽電腦(Sun Microsystems)與IBM宣佈進一步的合作消息,IBM將在其所銷售的x86系統-IBM的X系統伺服器與BladeCenter伺服器上,提供搭載Solaris作業系統以及Solaris訂閱服務(Subscriptions)的選擇
-Hyperic HQ Enterprise Monitoring HQ 3.1 (2007.08.07)
Hyperic HQ - open source systems management, apache management, tomcat management, LAMP management, WebLogic management, virtualization management, VMware management, WebSphere management, Xen management, JBoss management, WA

     [1]  2  3  4  5  6  7  8   [下一頁]

1 Basler全新小型高速線掃描相機適合主流應用
2 意法半導體三相馬達驅動器整合評估板加速強化性能
3 Pilz開放式模組化工業電腦適用於自動化及傳動技術
5 宜鼎E1.S固態硬碟因應邊緣伺服器應用 補足邊緣AI市場斷層
6 SCIVAX與Shin-Etsu Chemical聯合開發全球最小的3D感測光源裝置
7 Microchip支援NIDIA Holoscan感測器處理平台加速即時邊緣AI部署
8 瑞薩全新RA8 MCU系列將Arm Cortex-M85處理器高效引入成本敏感應用
9 Flex Power Modules為AI資料中心提供高功率密度 IBC 系列
10 Power Integrations推1700V氮化鎵切換開關IC


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