鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 36
Silicon Labs宣布全球执行长继任计划 以推动无线技术 (2021.07.29)
Silicon Labs (芯科科技) 昨日宣布,经董事会批准,公司将?动全球执行长 (CEO) 继任计划,现任Tyson Tuttle将于2022年1月1日退休并同时推举公司总裁Matt Johnson继任新执行长。 Silicon Labs现任执行长Tyson Tuttle表示:「随着我们确立物联网 (IoT) 愿景、策略和蓝图以及实现创纪录的财务业绩,我认为现在是宣布公司领导阶层继任计划的最佳时机
Molex宣布成为自动驾驶汽车网路联盟成员 (2019.03.29)
NI 发表适用於 802.11 Application Framework 的 MAC 层的增强功能 (2017.12.19)
国家仪器(NI)发表了适用於旗下 LabVIEW Communications 802.11 Application Framework 的 MAC 层支援。这款专为 802.11 Application Framework 提供的全新多使用者 MAC 层增强功能,可让无线技术研究人员突破实体层的技术限制,以克服必要的复杂网路层级问题,进而实现 5G 愿景
Silicon Labs成立20周年 打造人、设备和数据的互联世界 (2016.08.19)
以成就更智能、更互联的世界为宗旨之半导体、软体和解决方案供应商Silicon Labs (芯科科技) 近日欢庆公司成立20周年。过去两个十年以来,该公司已从致力于协助开发业者降低系统设计之成本、规模和复杂性的半导体新创公司,转化为今日物联网 (IoT) 领域中低功耗连接解决方​​案提供
迈向车载资通讯新商机! (2011.05.10)
语音识别+联网 整车大厂前进Telematics (2011.03.18)
若从全球角度来看车载资通讯的发展,美国和日本相对处于成熟期,美国主要车厂都具备TSP(Telematics Service Provider)的能力,例如GM的OnStar、Ford的Sync,独立供货商则例如ATX和Hughes telematics
-Instrumental maps (2010.10.02)
This is the place where my maps are developed. Cubemaps 3D skybox Custom nav file
我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急 (2010.06.09)
我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急
-Network Administration Visualized NAV 3.4.2 (2008.08.02)
An advanced software suite to monitor large computer networks. It automatically discovers network topology, monitors network load and outages, and can send alerts on network events by e-mail and SMS, allowing for flexible configuration of alert profiles
-Network Administration Visualized NAV 3.4.1 (2008.07.16)
An advanced software suite to monitor large computer networks. It automatically discovers network topology, monitors network load and outages, and can send alerts on network events by e-mail and SMS, allowing for flexible configuration of alert profiles
报告:社群网络助攻  GPS手机市场前景看好 (2008.05.12)
根据市场调查研究机构ABI Research近日所发表的一份报告中预测,到2012年时全球GPS手机销售量将超过5.5亿支。 据国外媒体报导称,ABI Research的首席分析师Dominique Bonte指出,藉由在手机上装设社群和社交网络功能,手机营运商可进一步帮助推动GPS手机的销售量
-Network Administration Visualized NAV 3.3.3 (2008.03.15)
An advanced software suite to monitor large computer networks. It automatically discovers network topology, monitors network load and outages, and can send alerts on network events by e-mail and SMS, allowing for flexible configuration of alert profiles
Atheros Communications并购u-Nav Microelectronics (2007.12.20)
Atheros宣布签署正式协议书,并购专精全球定位系统(GPS)芯片组和行动定位产品服务软件的私人持股无厂半导体公司---u-Nav Microelectronics。并购u-Nav Microelectronics后,Atheros将可迅速扩展其日益成长的行动无线通信系列产品,其中亦涵盖无线局域网络(WLAN)、蓝牙技术和PHS产品等
-Network Administration Visualized NAV 3.3.2 (2007.12.11)
An advanced software suite to monitor large computer networks. It automatically discovers network topology, monitors network load and outages, and can send alerts on network events by e-mail and SMS, allowing for flexible configuration of alert profiles
-Network Administration Visualized NAV 3.3.0 RC1 (2007.09.19)
An advanced software suite to monitor large computer networks. It automatically discovers network topology, monitors network load and outages, and can send alerts on network events by e-mail and SMS, allowing for flexible configuration of alert profiles
u-Nav推出可快速整合主机的GPS应用软件 (2007.08.10)
曾经开发低功耗小型GPS全球定位系统芯片软硬件解决方案的u-Nav Microelectronics,日前宣布推出名为Install n Go的基准应用程序软件,可以让业界快速整合主机型GPS导航软件。 Install n Go应用软件是以u-Nav的Orion RX2 GPS接收器为基础
-UI Nav Test ui navtest v.3 (2007.07.12)
The UI Nav Test Tool is a web based application for testing the usability of labeling and organization for navigation systems. The test tool presents tasks to a research participant and collects data as they interact with a proposed navigation system
u-Nav推出主机控管型GPS软硬件解决方案 (2007.05.16)
研发出世界上体积最小、功耗最低的GPS全球定位系统集成电路及软件的u-Nav Microelectronics,宣布推出属于主机控管型的Hosted Orion RX2解决方案,强调整合容易,能应用在成本效益极佳的20-channel GPS接收器,而达到-160dBm高敏感度的接收能力
-Network Administration Visualized NAV 3.2.2 (2007.05.02)
An advanced software suite to monitor large computer networks. It automatically discovers network topology, monitors network load and outages, and can send alerts on network events by e-mail and SMS, allowing for flexible configuration of alert profiles
提供通用普遍且最隹化设计的内容管理系统,包含很多预设的版型与配置工具。-CMS2go! CB_Admin_Nav_Hack (2007.05.01)

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2 Pilz多功能工业电脑IndustrialPI适用於自动化及传动技术
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